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m (Reverted edits by (talk) to last revision by T.testLP)
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|{{SSBB Move||a}}
|{{SSBB Move||a}}
|Greenhouse||G&W presses and insectiside pump.
|Greenhouse||Damage: '''3%,1%,1%,1%...'''
G&W presses and insectiside pump.  Unlike most infinite combos, G&W can start the infinite combo without any other punch or kick before the combo starts.  Doesn't launch opponent at all.
|{{SSBB Move|r|a}}
|{{SSBB Move|r|a}}
|Lion||G&W thrusts a chair out.
|Lion||Damage: '''10%'''
G&W thrusts a chair out, launching opponents forwards.  Sends opponents at a 90<sup>o</sup> angle at low damage, but sends opponents out at a 45<sup>o</sup> angle at roughly 100%.  This and Manhole are G&W's fastest tilt attacks.
|{{SSBB Move|u|a}}
|{{SSBB Move|u|a}}
|Flagman||G&W waves a flag above him.
|Flagman||Damage: '''8%'''
G&W waves a flag above him.  Has two hitboxes, each doing 8%.  One is up and a little in front of him, the other is up and a little behind him.  Hits both sides with short range.
|{{SSBB Move|d|a}}
|{{SSBB Move|d|a}}
|Manhole||G&W swings a manhole in front of him.
|Manhole||Damage: '''6%''' if hit on ground, '''9%''' if they land on it.
G&W swings a manhole in front of him.  Sends opponents forward at a 90<sup>o</sup> angle in it hits an opponent on the ground, but sends opponents forward at a 45<sup>o</sup> angle if they land on it.
|{{SSBB Move||a|dash}}
|{{SSBB Move||a|dash}}
|Helmet||G&W slides a bit while wearing a helmet.
|Helmet||Damage: '''11%'''
G&W slides a bit while wearing a helmet.  Best used when right next to an opponent, for the slide is very small.  Sends opponents at about a 60<sup>o</sup> angle behind you.

Revision as of 20:32, 10 December 2011

Mr Game & Watch
Mr. Game & Watch needs to be unlocked.

The man from the land of 2D gaming makes his Second Appearance in the Smash Bros. Series.

One of the most under-rated characters in the game, and one of the most underestimated. Mr.Game&Watch appears slow to the eye, but his maneuverability in the air and his relatively quick and damaging air moves make for great combos.

Mr. Game and Watch's up-B move does damage, is very fast, and is one of the few recovery moves that doesn't make you vulnerable. He can cancel the attack into any smash attack or even quickly fall to the ground. This opens up many options. Also, if your opponent is hanging on the edge of a map with no wall, just a ledge, like Final Destination or Battlefield, you can use his up-B to attack the edge-hogger and they might just bounce off the ledge and be sent into the abyss.

Another good tactic is his downward throw combo. You can use many attacks after his downward throw, including Judge. His other throws can also lead into aerial attacks.

If you're fighting a 1-on-1 with a projectile user whose projectiles can be absorbed by Oil Panic, then at the start of the match back away slightly and your opponent's first instinct is to open fire. Absorb as many attacks as you can before they realize that their tactic won't work against you, then blast them with Oil Panic.

Mr. Game and Watch is 2D, which makes him one of the lightest characters in the game. During a battle where there is little time to KO people (e.g. in a free for all), generally Mr. Game and Watch will be picked on because he flies so far. Be careful of his weight weakness, and keep to the air where you can take on enemies one at a time. In the air, his down-A key attack can double hit, serving as a meteor smash. If your opponent is right next to you, use down-A which will trap the opponent and send them downward.

Mr. Game and Watch is very light, but has some powerful attacks. He has very good offense if used correctly, and decent defense with Oil Panic. His projectile does minimal damage, and his Final Smash is decent. His throws aren't great, but can initiate combos, and he moves at an average pace. However, his backwards air is a great approach option.

Mr. Game&Watch has two chain grabs. His first, use the down throw, then his neutral A (Air pump), then quickly grab the opponent and repeat. The second chain grab is a chase grab. Simply down-throw, then chase after your opponent and grab him again. Mr.Game&Watch can also slide-pivot-grab, however, he does not slide very far and this is hard to master.

Here is a video that exemplifies some of the skills explained above: Game and watch in the 9th sense! a brawl highlight video.

Standard Attacks

Wii Remote + Nunchuk Wii Remote (sideways) Wii Classic Controller GameCube Controller Standard Attack Info
A button 2 button A button A button Greenhouse Damage: 3%,1%,1%,1%...

G&W presses and insectiside pump. Unlike most infinite combos, G&W can start the infinite combo without any other punch or kick before the combo starts. Doesn't launch opponent at all.

Right nunchuk+A button Right dpad+2 button Right lstick+A button Right control+A button Lion Damage: 10%

G&W thrusts a chair out, launching opponents forwards. Sends opponents at a 90o angle at low damage, but sends opponents out at a 45o angle at roughly 100%. This and Manhole are G&W's fastest tilt attacks.

Up nunchuk+A button Up dpad+2 button Up lstick+A button Up control+A button Flagman Damage: 8%

G&W waves a flag above him. Has two hitboxes, each doing 8%. One is up and a little in front of him, the other is up and a little behind him. Hits both sides with short range.

Down nunchuk+A button Down dpad+2 button Down lstick+A button Down control+A button Manhole Damage: 6% if hit on ground, 9% if they land on it.

G&W swings a manhole in front of him. Sends opponents forward at a 90o angle in it hits an opponent on the ground, but sends opponents forward at a 45o angle if they land on it.

A buttonwhile dashing 2 buttonwhile dashing A buttonwhile dashing A buttonwhile dashing Helmet Damage: 11%

G&W slides a bit while wearing a helmet. Best used when right next to an opponent, for the slide is very small. Sends opponents at about a 60o angle behind you.

Smash Attacks

Wii Remote + Nunchuk Wii Remote (sideways) Wii Classic Controller GameCube Controller Smash Attack Info
Smash Right nunchuk+A button Right dpad+1 button+2 button (Smash Right lstick+A button) or Right rstick (Smash Right control+A button) or Right cstick Firae Attack He pulls out a match, holds it over his head, then brings it down. This is one of Game-and-Watch's best KO moves because of its deceptively quick start-up and huge launch speed.
Smash Up nunchuk+A button Up dpad+1 button+2 button (Smash Up lstick+A button) or Up rstick (Smash Up control+A button) or Up cstick Octopus: Helmet He does an upward head attack with a diving helmet on. This is powerful, but much too slow, and has a very precise hit radius. Jump and use aerials instead.
Smash Down nunchuk+A button Down dpad+1 button+2 button (Smash Down lstick+A button) or Down rstick (Smash Down control+A button) or Down cstick Vermin: Hammers He does a double hammer attack on the ground. It is reasonably fast, but pales in comparison to most of Game-and-Watch's A-moves.

Pummels and Throws

Wii Remote + Nunchuk Wii Remote (sideways) Wii Classic Controller GameCube Controller Pummel/Throw Info
A buttonafter grab 2 buttonafter grab A buttonafter grab A buttonafter grab Alarm G&W bashes the opponent with a bell.
Right nunchukafter grab Right dpadafter grab Right lstickafter grab Right controlafter grab Ball: Front Juggles the opponent and throws them forwards.
Left nunchukafter grab Left dpadafter grab Left lstickafter grab Left controlafter grab Ball: Back Juggles the opponent and throws them backwards.
Up nunchukafter grab Up dpadafter grab Up lstickafter grab Up controlafter grab Ball: Up Juggles the opponent and throws them upwards.
Down nunchukafter grab Down dpadafter grab Down lstickafter grab Down controlafter grab Ball: Down Juggles the opponent into the ground.

Air Attacks

Wii Remote + Nunchuk Wii Remote (sideways) Wii Classic Controller GameCube Controller Air Attack Info
A button 2 button A button A button Tropical Fish He holds a bowl of goldfish over his head and damaging fish jump out. It has a very small range, but is decent for enemies above you.
Right nunchuk+A button Right dpad+2 button Right lstick+A button Right control+A button Mario Bros. He holds out a box that hits people as he falls down. It has very high knockback and is good on foes ahead of you or diagonally below you on the ground.
Left nunchuk+A button Left dpad+2 button Left lstick+A button Left control+A button Turtle Bridge He holds a turtle behind him, which waggles its damaging head. Its range and speed are very good, and it usually traps people and hits them multiple times.
u|a|air Spitball Sparky G&W shoots aome air. It has a non-damaging hitbox way above the move.
Down nunchuk+A button Down dpad+2 button Down lstick+A button Down control+A button Donkey Kong Jr. He stops, pulls out a key, and jams it down into the ground. This is one of Game-and-Watch's best moves because of its very high speed and meteor smash capability. It has a small start-up lag, but it is very hard for foes on the ground below you to dodge.

Special Attacks

Wii Remote + Nunchuk Wii Remote (sideways) Wii Classic Controller GameCube Controller Special Attack Info
B button 1 button B button B button Chef Same in Melee; blows up blast boxes and burns foes up close because of frying pan
Right nunchuk+B button Right dpad+1 button Right lstick+B button Right control+B button Judge Produces a random number between 1 and 9, causing an increasing relative amount of damage to an adjacent. Some numbers have special effects (e.g. 9 scores a critical hit, similar to Ness's bat attack).
Up nunchuk+B button Up dpad+1 button Up lstick+B button Up control+B button Fire Game and Watch bounces up in the air on a trampoline damaging opponents. At the peak, he releases a parachute and descends slowly (which can also damage an opponent). You can remove the parachute by attacking or air dodging. Effective against lightweight, occupied (already fighting another player and thus not ready to counter) or heavily damaged opponents on a platform above. Also useful for escaping from an enemy-dense area quickly. Be careful however, because if the trampoline is used in close proximity to an opponent, the opponent receives a small bounce as well.
Down nunchuk+B button Down dpad+1 button Down lstick+B button Down control+B button Oil Panic By holding out a bucket, Oil Panic can absorb up to 3 projectiles that will increase the power of the attack when released. The power of the Oil Panic attack depends on what was collected in the bucket. Therefor, one of the most powerful attacks that can be unleashed with Oil Panic is three of Lucario's fully charged special attacks, whilst he is at 121% damage. His best skill with the bucket is that after he is hit, he can do a neutral air to cancel his hitstun and immediately down-b. This stops his momentum completely. No matter what is percent is or what he was hit with. If he buckets he will not die. If the bucket is full this will not work.

Judge attacks

  1. Attack strength 1 or 2%. An attack that won’t even cause your opponent to flinch, and causes G&W to receive a little damage.
  2. Attack strength 4%. A weak attack without any special characteristics.
  3. Attack strength 6%. An attack with the same characteristics of a fan, meaning it pierces defenses.
  4. Attack strength 8%. A slashing attack that functions like a Beam sword. It launches opponents diagonally.
  5. Attack strength 4%x3. Three electrical charges zap the opponent and temporarily stuns them.
  6. Attack strength 12%. A flame attack.
  7. Attack strength 14%. A food item will also appear in honour of the lucky #7.
  8. Attack strength 9%. An attack that freezes foes. Take advantage of the opening to attack again.
  9. Attack strength 32%. A massive attack!! The opponent will be launched as if hit with the Home-run Bat!


Wii Remote + Nunchuk Wii Remote (sideways) Wii Classic Controller GameCube Controller Taunt
1 button A button Up dpad Up dpad He holds a bell high and rings it.
1 button+2 button (Left dpad or Right dpad)+A button Left dpad or Right dpad Left dpad or Right dpad He holds a bell out and rings it.
2 button Down dpad+A button Down dpad Down dpad He makes a short hop.

Final Smash


Octopus: one of the longest final smashes in the game, Mr. Game & Watch temporarily transforms into a giant octopus and attacks with his expanding and retracting tentacles, which are controlled by pressing buttons. Also, Mr. Game & Watch can double jump while in this form, however, if he falls off the stage, the final smash ends.



Bowser is one big foe to face against much due to powerful standard attacks and special attacks.

When he tries to blow fire at you use your special down b to absorb it and once full throw oil back at him.


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Lucas has PK Frost, which is relatively slow and easy to catch, but if your only strategy is to just catch it with oil panic, it will usually result in a ton of damage to you.


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Similar to Lucas, but has a different PK attack. Using oil panic to "counter" Ness' PK Fire is a good strategy if the bucket is empty, and depending on the timing will completely fill it.


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Snake's missiles are useless with oil panic. Watch out for mines and other explosives, such as mortars, firing into ground. etc.


Ganondorf is one of the slowest characters in the game. Although his attacks are powerful, Game&Watch can easily out-maneuver him, setting up for combo attacks. Ganondorf falls quickly so you may only have a second or two for air combos. The down throw and and a quick down double hammer will send him sliding across the map, and off the edge.
