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Fort Dix

Fort Dix is your main hometowm, where you control both spies and view the status of the war.

  • The efficiency shows the rate at which the Germans advance. It starts at 80%, and can be reduced by attacking some bases (but the germans will recover). If Barnstorff gets captured, it will rise to 100%.
  • Spies are used to locate secret bases on the map, and can give clues on the location of secret bases if none are located.
  • You can load or unload Lunarium to your rocket pack and the rocket ship.

Take off

When you are ready to launch to a destination, seelct Takeoff from Fort Dix. You will be shown a world map displaying your current location, and any special destinations (e.g. a Zeppelin, bomb factory, etc.) You can only travel to marked locations - attempting to travel elsewhere (or putting an incorrect quantity in the fuel tank) will cause you to fall into the ocean.

The amount of fuel required is determined by using the code wheel.

When you try taking off at Fort Dodge, you will go through a take off sequence. During this, press the fire button in syncronization with your steps to speed up, and when you hear a beeping sound (indicating you are moving fast enough) push the stick forward to take off. Note that this minigame is more difficult if you are carrying too much Lunarium - to be safe, you shouldn't carry more than 90 on the first take off. If you fail three times, you will spend two months practicing the launch before continuing on the journey.

When abroad, you can carry as much Lunarium as you want by collecting it from various factories. If you do not have enough Lunarium, you can send an S.O.S. This will take three months for you to return to the USA.

If proximity alert is blinking, you must fuel the rocket quickly. This will happen if you make a mistake on the dialog tree when trying to save Jane and Otto Barnstorff.


When there's an accouncement that Jane and Otto Barnstorff were kidnapped, there will be a Zeppelin located over the Atlantic. There are three stages to this section.

  • At first, you will need to shoot torpedos that are launched at you. Destroy enough of them, and you will be able to approach the Zeppelin.
  • When you get close, you need to snipe the gunner located at the back of the gondola. There is only a small target area which you can hit. Hitting the Zeppelin itself causes it to explode, and have the two prisoners parachute down to the ground.
  • Once you board the Zeppelin, you need to convince Jane Barnstorff to let you take control of the Zeppelin. If you choose the wrong path in the dialogue tree, you will be driven out, and will need to quickly fuel your rocket before you hit the ground.