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In general Tabs appear as blinking blue dots somewhere in the game which can be collected by just touching them with A Button, although Spekkio also gives away varying amounts of tabs depending on his form. Tabs increase that particular stat for a character. Keep in mind that speed is never increased by level so you'll need to use speed tabs to max out your characters speed, and also be aware that everyone's power stat except for Lucca's and Marle's maxes out eventually, although it isn't as important for them because of their weapon types. Lucca's and Magus's magic stats will also max out without external assistance.

Magic Tabs

  • There are a total of 17 findable Magic Tabs.

Note: Magic Tabs are charmable items from Aliens. See the Charmable Tabs section for more info.

12,000 B.C.

  1. Go to Enhasa in 12,000 B.C. before disaster strikes it. Enter the water-wind-fire combination by opening the books there, and fight the Nus to win a magic tab.
  2. Go to Kajar in 12,000 B.C. before disaster strikes it. In the top right corner of the building you'll see a Tab above the bookshelf. Enter the room to your left. (A Speed Tab can be found on the adjacent wall where you first spotted the Tab winkle.) After first going to Zeal Palace and talking to the Nu there to learn his secret scratch point, you'll be able to scratch the Nu in the room where they make magic tabs to receive a magic tab.
  3. Near the top of the Mountain of Woe, just before you climb the giant chain to face Giga Gaia, grab the magic tab in the bottom right corner.
  4. In the underground version of the Ocean Palace, ride the elevator down then up. After riding it up, check the left middle portion of the platform (in the wall) to find a magic tab.
  5. In 12,000 B.C., in the last village, go into the center hut and wait for the Nu to leave to pick up a magic tab. (Tip: The game uses a random number generator to determine if the Nu will leave or not, and how long will it take to do so. If it does not leave after 15 seconds or so, reenter the hut.)
  6. In 12,000 B.C., when you're trapped on the blackbird, after getting all your equipment, items, and money head into the ventilation shafts and go to the northeast corner to pick up a magic tab.

600 A.D.

  1. Make sure to grab the Naga-ette bromide in the Cathedral in The Queen is Gone, and trade it to the old man in Dorino village 600 A.D., the house with a glowing blue dot inside the dresser. Try to open the dresser then talk to him to make the trade for a magic tab.
  2. In the Denadaro Mountains in 600 A.D., there's a Kiwala standing on a cliff alone near the end. Talk to it four times and it will give you a magic tab.
  3. In Magus's Lair, after you beat Flea there will be a magic tab in the spot where he/she was standing.
  4. In Magus's Lair, in the room where Ozzie turns a crank to remove the floors so you fall into his pits, search the bottom right corner of the pit to find another magic tab.
  5. In Ozzie's Fort, look for a secret exit in the bottom right portion of the room with the chest to find a magic tab, and Magus's best equipment.

1000 A.D.

  1. In 1000 A.D Medina Village, go to the Elder's house and head upstairs. At the bottom left corner of the room will be a magic tab.
  2. After clearing out the Northern Ruins and putting Cyrus's soul at peace, head to the present into Hero's Grave and look near Cyrus's grave for a magic tab.

2300 A.D.

  1. Go to the Trann Dome in 2300 A.D., easiest entrance is through the Bangor Dome time gate first. Open the sealed door in the back with your pendant and you'll find a magic tab blinking on the ground.
  2. In the Keeper Dome in 2300 A.D., after you pick up the "Wings of Time" head through the sealed doors and you'll find a magic tab in the room where Balthasar left all of his messages.
  3. In the Geno Dome, after going up the elevator and having Robo run and jump to reach the switch you can't flip normally, there's a magic tab in the corner.
  4. Also in the Geno Dome, in the secret passage behind the conveyor belt you cross through to flip the direction of the conveyor, there's a magic tab hiding where you can't see it.

Power Tabs

  • There are a total of 16 findable Power Tabs.

Note: Power Tabs are charmable items from Tubsters. See the Charmable Tabs section for more info.

12,000 B.C.

  1. In 12,000 B.C. at the Mountain of Woe, check the bottom right portion of the first screen past Terra Cave to find a power tab.

600 A.D.

  1. In the Southeast corner of Guardia Forest, there are two blinking blue dots. The bottom right one leads to a monster fight while the other one (northern one within the grass) is a power tab.
  2. Go to the Cathedral and hit the switch to lower the spikes around a door to the northwest, where the soldiers were trapped. Check the left pot for the tab.
  3. It's not even possible to miss this one, even if you buy the Jerky in Porre, but when you talk to the Chef to pick up the Jerky for the troops on Zenan bridge, he'll also give you a power tab.
  4. In the Porre Market, 600 A.D., check the left side for a power tab.
  5. In the Sun Keep you'll find a power tab near where the light shines.
  6. After you beat Retinite in the Sunken Desert, explore the left half of the first room for a power tab.
  7. In the Giant's Claw, fall down the pit to the right and step on the left switch to open the skull to find a power tab.
  8. In the area just past the last power tab, head down the ladder and to the right for another power tab.
  9. Also in the Giant's Claw, after you fall through into the jail cell, head left back to the skull to open it and find a power tab you couldn't reach before.

1000 A.D.

  1. Go to Guardia forest and search the Southeast area.

2300 A.D.

  1. Go to Lab 32; cross the ruins on foot to pick up the Race Log if you haven't already, and race Johnny and get a speed of over 1500 to win the tab.
  2. After you've reached the end of time, go to the time portal which leads to the Proto Dome. Search directly below the time gate to find a power tab.
  3. Go to the Arris Dome, head down the ladder, down the right passageway, and use the control panel with L Button+R Button+A Button to activate a platform which leads to another sealed door. Open it with your pendant, and you'll find a power tab on the ground inside.
  4. In 2300 A.D. on Death Peak, after you activate the 3 Poyozo Dolls head right from the tree the first one creates to grab a power tab.
  5. In the Geno Dome, after going up the elevator go through the first door and you'll find a power tab in the corner.

Speed Tabs

  • There are a total of 11 findable Speed Tabs.

Note: Speed Tabs are charmable items from Panels. See the Charmable Tabs section for more info.

12,000 B.C.

  1. Go to Kajar in 12,000 B.C. before disaster strikes it. In the upper right hand corner of the first screen you'll see a blinking tab. Go into the doorway to the upper right, and check the bottom right corner of that room to pick up the speed tab.
  2. Go to Enhasa in 12,000 B.C. before disaster strikes it. Enter the water-wind-fire combination by opening the books there, and fight the Nus to win a speed tab as well.

600 A.D.

  1. In the Denadaro mountains in 600 A.D., head to the save point near the very end of the mountains and search the bottom left portion of that area, down all the ladders for a speed tab.
  2. Once your pendant is charged, go to 600 A.D. and enter Guardia Forest. Go to the upper right hand portion of the forest to find a speed tab in a sealed chest.

1000 A.D.

  1. In 1000 A.D. Medina Village, go to the Elder's house and look downstairs. On a counter to your right will be a speed tab.
  2. In 1000 A.D., check behind Toma's grave on the southeast continent for one.

2300 A.D.

  1. In the Geno Dome, there's a speed tab sitting beneath where a Poyozo doll sits in the northwest corner of the room with the conveyor.

Black Omen

  1. There is a chest with a speed tab three areas past where you can save with the Nus.
  2. In the room after where the last tab was found, there's a tab in a chest.
  3. After taking a transport from the last room, there's a speed tab in the right chest at the end of the next room.
  4. There is one in the chest in the room where you have to fight four panels to reveal a save point.

Charmable Tabs


Note that the only normal enemies that have tabs are in the Black Omen.

  • Alien: Each Alien has a Magic Tab; there are 4 Aliens.
  • Panel: Each Panel has a Speed Tab; there are 13 Panels.
  • Tubster: Each Tubster has a Power Tab. There's a room in the Black Omen that can be used to gather unlimited Power Tabs; simply leave the room and return to find another Tubster.


  • Azala: 1 Magic Tab. Found in 65,000,000 B.C.
  • Black Tyrano: 1 Power Tab. Found in 65,000,000 B.C.
  • Giga Gaia's Head: 1 Speed Tab. Found in 12,000 B.C.
  • Golem: 1 Magic Tab. Found in 12,000 B.C.
  • Golem Twins: 2 Magic Tabs (one from each). Found in 12,000 B.C.
  • Mud Imp: 1 Speed Tab. Found in 12,000 B.C.
  • Retinite's Core: 1 Speed Tab. Found in 600 A.D.

Spekkio Tabs

For more information on Spekkio, please see Chrono Trigger/Spekkio.

  • There are a total of 15 Magic Tabs, 11 Power Tabs and 11 Speed Tabs available to receive from Spekkio.

When you beat a form of Spekkio, you'll be rewarded with at least one Tab:

  • Frog (Levels 1-9): 1 Magic Tab
  • Kilwala (Levels 10-19): 1 Magic Tab, 5 Ethers
  • Goblin (Levels 20-29): 1 Magic Tab, 5 Mid Ethers
  • Omnicrone (Levels 30-39): 1 Magic Tab, 5 Full Ethers
  • Masamune (Levels 40-98): 1 Magic Tab, 1 Power Tab, 1 Speed Tab, 10 Elixirs
  • Nu (Level **/99): 10 Magic Tabs, 10 Power Tabs, 10 Speed Tabs, 10 MegaElixirs