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Note that the following walkthrough is for the Japanese version, and is meant for American players who don't know Japanese.

For info on version exclusive Pokémon, click here, for item translations, click here, for move translations, click here, for the FAQ, click here, and for the Boss Guide, click here.


Just keep answering the questions, however the last one will ask if you're male or female, so just answer the 2-answer questions with whatever gender you may want to be(Male being top, female being bottom). Once you get the Pokémon you want, choose your partner. However, if you got Pikachu, Meowth, Skitty, or Munchlax, you can't choose your partner. Then when the bottom screen just has that foggy-looking thing, keep circling around the screen with your stylus. Now you are ready!

Chapter One

You will wake up on a beach, and the Pokémon you chose as your partner (for shortening purposes, this guide will call your partner "Pikachu") will come up and ask your name. Type in the name you want (You can only choose a 5-letter name). Then a Koffing and Zubat will bump into Pikachu and steal his rock. Pikachu will ask for your help in getting it back.

Keep traversing through the dungeon, beating up the monsters, however, don't try to pick up the items, since you have no Toolbox yet. After four floors, you will meet the Bosses.

  • Koffing
  • HP: 30
  • Type: Poison
  • Zubat
  • HP: 30
  • Type: Poison, Flying

Hold B and press A to get them to come to you; go after them, and they'll get a free hit on you. Start pounding into the Zubat first will your attacking move (Which should do about 10 damage a shot). Then go after Koffing. Eventually, they'll lose.

They'll give Pikachu's rock back, and Pikachu will ask you if you want to make an Exploration team. Since you have no choice anyway, just say yes.

Chapter Two

Pikachu will show you the guild, and now, since he has a team member (You), he can join the guild. They'll let the two of you in. You'll start talking to Wigglytuff, the guild leader. You'll get the toolbox, and choose a name for your team (Note that after you choose your name, when Chapter 3 starts, you can change your team name.) Then after awhile Chatot will lead you to the B2 Floor of the guild, and you'll receive a mission. You'll be led to there.

Now would be the time to stock up on items, since now you have a Toolbox. The enemies are not too hard, even for Fire types. Just keep going, you should be fine. Also remember to defeat all the enemies for extra EXP, since the next dungeon can be brutal otherwise.

Once you get to Floor 6, you will find Spoink's Pearl, the item you were looking for. When you get back to the guild, Spoink will reward you with 2000 Poke, but apparently, the guild only allows you to keep 10% of it, meaning you only keep 200 of it. Oh, well, you still have 200 Poke! Be sure to store it with Duskull in Chapter 3!

Chapter Three

In this chapter you finally get to see the town, called Treasure Town. The Duskull runs the bank, the Kecleons run the shops, Electivire runs the Link Shop, Marowak runs the Training Grounds, Chansey runs the Egg Shop, and Xatu runs the Treasure Chest Opening Shop. Take that note and go too the Kecleon Shop. You don't actually have to buy anything, just talk to the Kecleon, and leave. Then an Azurill and Marill will come and buy some stuff. Go right to the other end of town and a Drowzee will talk to the two you met a second ago. After they all leave, you'll have a flash-forward (Like a flashback, except forward in time) hearing the word "Help!". Then you'll have another one, with the Drowzee being mean to Azurill, and then you have to go talk to either Bidoof or Chatot (Probably Bidoof), and you'll be able to go to Mt. Spike!

  • Mt. Spike
  • Difficulty: 5
  • Boss: Drowzee
  • Floors: 9+Summit

Here the enemies get somewhat challenging, the Machops aren't the biggest threat, although they do pack a punch, but if you trained in the last dungeon, you should be fine. Also, you may pick up quite a ton of EXP here, especially from the Nidorinos (Which are the hardest).

Anyway, just keep traversing the depths of this dungeon, and eventually you'll reach the top.

  • Drowzee
  • HP: 100
  • Type: Psychic

The main thing about this fight is to either stock up on your defense and offense, or if your a Fire type i.e. Cyndaquil just keep using Smokescreen to put him in Whiffer status (This always helps on all of the bosses, keep that in mind) and attack him with your strongest attacks. After awhile he'll be finished.

Drowzee will be carried off by the Magnet Police, and Azurill will be saved.

Chapter Four

In this chapter, all you have to do is do optional missions until Chapter 5 comes. However, be careful about the Catch the Criminal missions, as they are quite hard if you're too low a level.

Chapter Five

This chapter is the one where you can recruit other Pokémon. Instead of Friend Areas, in this game you just have to talk to Chimecho and take them out yourself. However, first you have to actually recruit a Pokémon. Go to a dungeon and keep beating up Pokémon until one joins you. Machops in Mt. Spike are perfect examples. Also, you can go to Chansey later and get an egg (Although that's way later, plus the Pokémon you get will suck by then). Anyway, Machops would be recommendable. Just like the last Chapter, just do missions to end it.

Chapter Six

Now a new dungeon is available, Waterfall Cave. There is no boss, though. If you have a Fire Type, be careful in here, as there's a ton of Water Types in here.

This dungeon is definitely a break from that last one. Just be a little careful if you're a Fire Type, especially on the floors with Whiscash and Barboach.

After that, you'll come to a dead end. You and your partner will examine the room, and you'll have another mind flash, this time involving Wigglytuff. Wigglytuff hits the crystal in the room, and a flood comes and washes it away. Then your partner will do the same thing. You'll be washed away, and into... the Hotsprings? Whatever, mission accomplished!

Chapter Seven

Remember the Zubat and Koffing from earlier? Well, now they've joined the Guild, this time with a Skuntank. Just do a few optional missions, and you'll gain access to Apple Forest!

This dungeon isn't too hard, either. If you had a problem Type-wise with the last dungeon, this should be a piece of cake. Just keep going, and you should reach the end in no time!

You'll get the item that was requested, an Apple, but Team Poison Rose (Koffing's team) will come, and Skuntank will blast you with gas, incapacitating you, and take the item and claim the credit.

Now you can't eat tonight, but Sunflora and his buddies snuck you some food, so now with that done, it's time for Chapter Eight!

Chapter Eight

Now the Guild has to go on a high-rank mission through many dungeons. This will not, however, give you any points. You'll have to start at Shoreline Rockground, but it would help you if you packed first.

Now that you are ready, it's time for action!

  • Shoreline Rockground
  • Difficulty: 4
  • Boss: None
  • Floors: 9
  • Notes: Bidoof joins up with you; have choice of going through the Small Path on your first visit. Here are the statistics of that dungeon.
  • Small Path
  • Difficulty: 3
  • Boss: None
  • Floors: 5

Walkthrough for Shoreline Rockground: Just keep going. If you had a problem with Waterfall Cave, though, you should have taken the Small Path first to train. Also, keep Bidoof alive; this is basically an escort mission. Take shots for him, just do whatever it take to keep him alive. This will also always go for temporary partners later in the game.

Walkthrough for Small Path: This is basically your training ground for this dungeon. Just keep going until you feel you are ready.

Now you have to enter Mt. Horn.

  • Mt. Horn
  • Difficulty: 4
  • Boss: None
  • Floors: 14
  • Notes: Bidoof joins up with you.

There is also a dungeon like Small Path, Rock Path.

  • Rock Path
  • Difficulty: 3
  • Boss: None
  • Floors: 5

Walkthrough for Mt. Horn: This dungeon is basically catnip for Fire and Water Types. There are so many Grass and Rock Type Pokemon in here, so if you want to, build up your EXP in here, but only if you're one of those two types, otherwise don't. Just get through.

Walkthrough for Rock Path: Must it be said? This is also a training ground-type dungeon, so make use of it.

Chapter Nine

This Chapter is only exploring two dungeons, and meeting two Legendary Pokémon. Also, Bidoof dispatches from the group, so you don't have to baby him anymore. Before entering the next dungeon, though, Pikachu will notice a shiny red gem on the ground. It's got to be worth alot of money. Now you'll head into Thick Fog Forest!

  • Thick Fog Forest
  • Difficulty: 4
  • Boss: None
  • Floors: 11
  • Notes: Can explore Forest Path on first visit.

You better train a bit before going to the next dungeon. Just keep traversing the dungeon, which isn't too hard. It's too easy, actually. Eventually, you'll hit the end.

Pikachu will find a big statue in the ground ahead of you. You'll examine it, and Pikachu will tell you it's a Groudon, the legendary Pokémon of the land. You'll remember the shiny red gem you found earlier, and you and Pikachu will put the gem in a hollow in the statue. That's a lot of money down the drain. Oh, well, it will open up a new dungeon for you to explore! Who needs money when you have a new dungeon to explore anyway!

  • Hot Water Cave
  • Difficulty: 5
  • Boss: Uxie(Hologram Groudon on first visit)
  • Floors: 8+ 7+ Interior
  • Notes: Fight Hologram Groudon on first visit; Uxie appears as a boss after the credits.

This dungeon is pretty challenging, considering there's really no theme to this dungeon species-wise, it's almost like random. Just keep going through, using the save point midway, and eventually you'll reach a Groudon.

  • Hologram Groudon
  • HP: 400+
  • Ground
  • Average Damage: 10+

This boss fight can get pretty intense, so you have 4 options:

  • Lower it's Attack
  • Increase your Defense
  • Send it into Whiffer status with Smokescreen
  • Paralyze it with Thunder Wave or Static ability

After you chose your course of action, utilize it. Sometimes, it tends to try to attack and jump away, so attack it with Geo Pebbles or something when it does that. Also, try to use Water or Grass attacks on it. After a few dozen hits, it will go down.

The Groudon will disappear, and you'll enter a cave with Uxie inside. Don't worry, you don't have to battle it. Yet. It will tell you about the Cogs of Time and a bandit called Grovyle, and basically he's trying to use the Cogs of Time for a special mission he has so far succeeded in, and you have to stop him. After more talking, you'll go back to Treasure Town, and begin Chapter Ten!

Chapter Ten

In this chapter you have to help Marill and Azurill retrieve a jewel that they lost. First you have to talk to them near the Kecleon Shop, then you can enter the next dungeon, the Electric Plateau!

  • Electric Plateau
  • Difficulty: 7.5
  • Boss: Luxray + 8 Luxio
  • Floors: 10 + 8 + Summit
  • Enigma Legendary Pokémon: Zapdos

The boss of this dungeon is the reason why it gets a 7.5 difficulty. If it were just a Luxray, then it would get a 5 difficulty. Anyway, on Floors 4-10 there are Shinx', and just a little tip: Get One. They evolve into the 86th strongest Pokémon, Luxray, at Lv. 30. They evolve into Luxio first, at Lv. 15, which if you get one, it will be above Lv. 15, anyway. Plus they level up fast, too. After you get one, then continue along with the dungeon. Use the save point in the middle, since you are going to need it. Then after 8 more floors, it's boss time.

  • Luxray
  • HP: 300+
  • Electric
  • Average Damage: 20+
  • Luxio (8)
  • HP: 70+
  • Electric
  • Average Damage: 10+

These bosses are pretty intense, considering there'e a ton of them. Get used to this, though; You're going to see alot of these. First, find one that you can hit with a Long Range attack, and utilize it to get in a little extra damage. The good thing about these bosses is that they don't have any attacks that can cut corners, so due to the rock that's in front of you, Luxray really can't hit you. Now, start attacking Luxray, and don't focus on too much else besides saving Pikachu if it's health runs low. When you took out the Luxray, then focus on taking out the Luxios. Be careful of when they use Charge, though, since that means they're about to really lay down the hurt, so heal yourself to around 100+ HP if that happens. Eventually, they'll fall.

Luxray will try to get back up and finish you off, but a mysterious Dusknoir will take it out before it can. You'll thank the Dusknoir, get the jewel, and leave (with the Dusknoir). And so begins Chapter Eleven!

Chapter Eleven

In this chapter, you have to protect one of the Cogs of Time, protected by Mesprit. After a little bit of optional missions, you'll gain access to the next dungeon, Northern Desert!

  • Northern Desert
  • Difficulty: 6
  • Boss: None
  • Floors: 15
  • Notes: Have option to access Quicksand Cave after completion of dungeon

Not a real challenging dungeon, it's a bit of a break from Electric Plateau. Just keep traversing, being fully aware that there is no save point in the middle this time. This dungeon has a ton of Grass and Ground Types, so if you're a Fire or Water Type, use this to gain some experience. After a ways, you'll hit Quicksand Cave.

  • Quicksand Cave
  • Difficulty: 6.5
  • Boss: Mesprit
  • Floors: 10 + 10 + Underground Lake

This dungeon isn't too hard, either, just use the save point in the middle in case you might lose to the boss. After an accumulated 20 floors, you'll reach the boss.

  • Mesprit
  • HP: 300+
  • Psychic
  • Average Damage: 20+

This boss is definitely a break from the last one. Just use your best attacks, being careful of it's Confusion attack. After a few hits, you'll bring it down.

That Grovyle you heard about in Chapter 9 has come to take the Cog of Time, and you'll be unable to stop it. Thankfully, it still needs two more. This marks the beginning of Chapter Twelve!

Chapter Twelve

Now you have to try to stop Grovyle from taking the Cog of Time from the Great Crystal Passage. You'll be able to head straight there, you don't have to talk to anybody, just go. But you have to pass through Crystal Cave first.

  • Crystal Cave
  • Difficulty: 5.5
  • Boss: None
  • Floors: 11
  • Notes: Can go to Great Crystal Passage afterwards.

This isn't too hard a dungeon, the most challenging Pokémon here is Golem, which isn't too hard himself. Just get through the 11 floors, and you'll hit the intersection.

After a scene and a mind-flash, you'll gain control. You have to change the color of each crystal to Blue, and then the next dungeon will open, the Great Crystal Passage!

This dungeon isn't way hard either, the most you'll have trouble with is the boss, which in and of himself isn't too hard. Just get through the 13 floors, being careful of the Ice Types, and you'll hit the Crystal Lake.

After a bit of dialogue, you'll fight the boss, Grovyle.

  • Grovyle
  • HP: 500+
  • Grass
  • Average Damage: 20+

This boss is a bit hard, but if you know what to do, you'll have no problem. Just attack him like you would a normal boss, and if you're a Fire Type, use Smokescreen and then attack with Ember and stuff.

Grovyle will try to take you out, but Dusknoir, again, will intervene, and take Grovyle out. This marks the beginning of Chapter 13!

Chapter Thirteen

After doing some optional missions, head to town.

When you go to town, the citizens will gather around a portal that Dusknoir had opened. Then you'll notice Grovyle tied up next to it. Dusknoir will say a few words, then throw Grovyle in the portal. Then after a little praise given by everybody, Dusknoir will turn on you, grab you and Pikachu, and head into the portal.

After you come to, you'll notice that you and Pikachu are tied to poles. Then another light will shine to the left of the screen, and you'll notice Grovyle is tied up, too. You'll find out from him that he was really on your side (Technically), and you messed up his plans to save the world. You'll notice that nothing around you is either in color or moving, and Grovyle will tell you that this is the future, and if you don't do something, the world will be doomed to a timeless world. Dusknoir and his Sableye buddies will come into the room, and Dusknoir will give the Sableye the order to slash at you. After sharpening their claws, they'll do so. Unfortunately for them, they don't realize that they're dually cutting at the ropes, so Grovyle, Pikachu, and you will break free and run off.

After a bit of running, you'll get into the first of the dungeons that you can't return to, Spatial Cave.

  • Spatial Cave
  • Difficulty: 5
  • Boss: None
  • Floors: 8
  • Notes: Cannot recruit Pokémon; cannot return since located in future.

This dungeon isn't too hard, the only possible threat can be either Onix or Skarmory. Just keep going until you get to the end. Should you fail, you can always use the Kangaskhan Statue outside to save or stock up. Just keep going and reach the end.

After that, you'll head into Grovyle again, you'll talk, and he'll head off in front of you. After walking a bit more, you'll head into the next dungeon, Darkness Hill.

  • Darkness Hill
  • Difficulty: 5.5
  • Boss: None
  • Floors: 15
  • Notes: Cannot recruit Pokémon; cannot return since located in future.

This dungeon is filled with Ghost Types and Gliscors, but other than that there should be no problem. Just reach the end.

After that dungeon, you'll hit the next one, Imprison Rockground.

  • Imprison Rockground
  • Difficulty: 7
  • Boss: Spiritomb
  • Floors: 8 + 6 + Interior

This dungeon has a boss, but it shouldn't prove too much a problem. Just go through it, remembering to use the Save Point in the middle.

A scene will occur involving Grovyle. Grovyle will be looking around an empty room, and somebody will start talking to him. Next thing he knows, he is captured by an unknown force.

There is a wide assortment of Pokémon here, but it shouldn't be a problem. After an accumulated 14 floors, you'll hit the boss.

You'll see Grovyle on the floor, being held down by energy waves, and then you'll find that a Spiritomb is the one to blame.

  • Spiritomb
  • HP: 400+
  • Dark/ Ghost
  • Average Damage: 20+

This boss has no weaknesses due to it's two types, but it also is immune to three types: Normal, Fighting, and Psychic. Also, it has Pressure, meaning for every PP you would have wasted on a move, it'll waste two PP when used on it, even if it misses. But putting that aside, this boss is a piece of cake. Just keep attacking it with your best attacks.

Spiritomb willgo away, and Grovyle will be freed. After you leave, Grovyle will seemed to have learned it's lesson and now wants to travel with your team. Unlike Bidoof, Grovyle will actually prove useful(It's Lv. 46 and has Leaf Blade), so if you want to, use him for protection. Onward to Chapter 14!

Chapter Fourteen

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Chapter Fifteen

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Chapter Sixteen

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Chapter Seventeen

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Chapter Eighteen

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Chapter Nineteen

All you must do in this chapter is go through the dungeon you start out in, Mirage Field. This Chapter is probably going to be a major downer, though. Just keep going and find out.

  • Mirage Field
  • Difficulty: 9
  • Boss: Dusknoir + 6 Sableye
  • Floors: 15F + Interior 8F + Final
  • Notes: Grovyle accompanies you.

This dungeon may aggravate you. Traverse the floors, letting Grovyle take care of what he can. After 15 floors, you'll see a save point room.

This is the aggravating part. Just hope you get lucky as you go around, and if you have Smokescreen, use it. After 8 floors, you'll meet at a final confrontation with Dusknoir.

As your team examines the ruins, Dusknoir will attempt to drag you into a Dimensional Portal, but he'll have to take you out, first.

  • Dusknoir
  • HP: 500+
  • Ghost
  • Average Damage: 20+
  • Sableye
  • HP: 100
  • Dark/ Ghost
  • Average Damage: 10+

Long Range attacks like Flamethrower will work wonders in this battle. Because of their types, Sableye have no weakness so just use anything but Normal, Fighting, and Psychic moves. If you have a Character Range attack like Lava Plume, use that when they close in. Just keep attacking them all and they'll be finished.

The Sableyes will go into the Dimensional Portal, and leave Dusknoir behind. As Pikachu continues examining the ruins, you will start talking with Grovyle. But as you're doing that, Dusknoir gets back up and tries to attack you, but Grovyle takes it for you. Then Grovyle will get up and try pushing Dusknoir into the Dimensional Portal with himself. He'll give a last goodbye, and he'll hurl himself in with Dusknoir. After a little more, the Final Chapter will begin.

Chapter Final

This Chapter is just like before; all you have to do is beat the dungeon. The Dimensional Tower is in front of you, so you better be ready.

This dungeon is not as hard as the last dungeon, but still should be treated the same. Just keep going, and just look for the stairs and nothing else.

After an accumulated 23 floors, it's time for the final showdown. The Pokémon that has caused your team so much pain to save it. Dialga.

  • Dark Dialga
  • HP: 700+
  • Steel/ Dragon
  • Average Damage: 20+

Dark Dialga is hardly near threatening, but it's Roar of Time can really deal on the hurt, doing 80+ damage apiece, though after it does it, it is stunned for a few turns, so use that time to deal some good damage. If anybody has Dig, use that. It can deal 100+ damage to Dark Dialga. Just keep going, and you won the main quest!

Post-Game Winning Stuff: The Hunt for Darkrai!

You'll have to talk to Ursaring in Treasure Town, and you'll gain access to Mystic Forest!

  • Mystic Forest
  • Difficulty: 10
  • Boss: The Guild (That's a lot)
  • Floors: 13+Interior
  • Notes: Pokémon are randomly placed on the floors

This dungeon can be a pain. You just have to be lucky and get a right list of Pokémon in this dungeon. After 13 Floors, you'll meet the Guild.

  • Wigglytuff
  • HP: 400+
  • Normal
  • Average Damage: 20+
  • Chatot
  • HP: 300+
  • Normal/ Flying
  • Average Damage: 20+
  • Others
  • HP: 100+ apiece
  • Varies
  • Average Damage: 10+

This fight can be intense, especially due to the fact that you can only bring you and Pikachu. First, look downward and unleash a Long Range attack, if you don't have one of those use a throwing item, to land a little damage. Then if you have a Character Range attack like Lava Plume, start punishing them with that. Eventually, they'll falter.

The Guild will run off, leaving you to continue your business. You'll follow Teddiursa and Ursaring to a spring.It'll start to light up in the middle, and Teddiursa will step in, and evolve into an Ursaring. Then Pikachu will go in, and it'll say that it can't. Oh well, just come back later, since now, the Guild has something waiting for you!

When you get back to the Guild, they'll surround you and cheer for you. You have become an advanced Exploration team, and it's time you moved out. But, they'll give you a few items, an extra space in your toolbox, and 10,000 Poke as a going away gift!

You'll find residence in Grovyle's old hideout, and that'll be your new team base! However, you can still go into the Guild to pick up missions and stuff!

You now have access to more dungeons, including the really long Zero Island series of dungeons!

Next thing you have to do is talk to a Mr. Mime outside of the Kecleon Shops about a missing Scizor, and you'll gain access to Blizzard Island! However, if you want to, you can recruit some Legendary Pokémon! See Legendary Pokémon for more info.

  • Blizzard Island
  • Difficulty: 9
  • Boss: None
  • Floors: 20
  • Notes: Pokémon are randomly placed on the floors.

This dungeon is a real pain, even if you're a Fire-Type. If you have Dialga on your team, use it has the Leader. If you don't have Dialga, refer to the Legendary Pokémon guide up above. After 20 floors, you'll hit the bottom of the dungeon.

You'll now have a straight shot at the next dungeon now, Crevice Cave. But you can go back to town first, if you want to.

  • Crevice Cave
  • Difficulty: 8.5
  • Boss: Froslass
  • Floors: 10 + 14 + Bottom
  • Enigma Legendary Pokémon: Darkrai

This dungeon isn't as hard as the last one, but, as usual, should still be treated the same. Just keep going, and use the save point, if you have to.

After a little more, you'll reach the boss.

  • Froslass
  • HP: 400+
  • Ice/ Ghost
  • Average Damage: 10+

This is by far one of the easiest bosses ever. Due to it's type matchup, it has a ton of weaknesses. They are as follows:

  • Fire
  • Rock
  • Ghost
  • Dark
  • Steel

So if you did take a Dialga, like you were told to, you shouldn't have a problem. Just keep pounding on her with Metal Claw, AncientPower, etc., until she finally faints. If you don't have Dialga, just pound it with attacks like Ember, Rock Throw, etc.

You'll notice that Scizor is trapped in a block of ice, you'll save it, and you did it!

Now that you did all of that, you can now enter Event Dungeons! Go to the event dungeons to learn more.

Do a few optional Missions, and then talk to Sunflora near Croagunk's store in the Wigglytuff Guild to get a mission to retrieve a Manaphy egg.

  • Enclosed Sea
  • Difficulty: 7
  • Boss: None
  • Floors: 20
  • Notes: Pokémon are randomly placed on floors
  • Enigma Legendary Pokémon: Lugia

This dungeon is a major break from the last. Just keep going, and you'll reach the end. If you listened to the tip about Shinx and got a Luxray out of it in Chapter 10, use it as leader. It'll take out anything in here, even if it's Lv.35. Eventually, you'll reach the bottom.

There will be 3 treasure chests, and you'll get to pick up all of them. Then if you go up a little bit, you'll see a weird Egg-looking thing. Pick it up, and leave the dungeon.

The next day you'll notice the egg hatching, and out will pop a Manaphy! It doesn't join your team yet, but you have a Manaphy! You'll take it to Sunflora in the Wigglytuff Guild, and it'll start crying. You'll have to get a Blue Gummi. You'll probably find them around Water-themed levels. If you forget what the word for Blue Gummi is, then talk to your partner with R and look at the Yellow highlighted part. Chatot gives you advice on where to find Blue Gummis, though, if you have trouble. They can usually be found around Shoreline Rockground, though this can take a while, you do want to get further in the story, right? So go!

  • Shoreline Rockground (Revisited)
  • Difficulty: .005
  • Boss: None
  • Floors: 9

This dungeon should be way easy now, just keep going. Look around everywhere, there's no telling where they'll be, though they can be spotted around B7F, though, if that makes the search easier for you, although that is an unconfirmed statistic, so just keep your eyes peeled. Cover every last room, but you don't have to use the hallways if you don't want to. Be sure to pack some Apples, because otherwise you'll faint for sure.

After you give Manaphy the Gummi, it'll move in with you (But still not on your team) and ask for another Blue Gummi, but since you know where to go, it shouldn't be a problem!

  • Shoreline Rockground (Revisited)
  • Difficulty: .005
  • Boss: None
  • Floors: 9

This dungeon should be way easy now, just keep going. Look around everywhere, there's no telling where they'll be, though they can be spotted around B7F, though, if that makes the search easier for you, although that is an unconfirmed statistic, so just keep your eyes peeled. Cover every last room, but you don't have to use the hallways if you don't want to. Be sure to pack some Apples, because otherwise you'll faint for sure.

After giving the Blue Gummi to the Manaphy, you'll go to bed. When you wake up, Manaphy will want to visit the beach south of town. Go there, and a scene will occur. You'll fall asleep, and when you wake up you'll notice Manaphy's not in bed. You'll head out to look for Manaphy when Chatot will catch up to you. He'll tell you Manaphy's gone to the beach again, so go there. There, you'll find Manaphy has fallen ill. After a bit, you'll gain access to Miracle Sea!

  • Miracle Sea
  • Difficulty: 8
  • Boss: Gyarados
  • Floors: 18 + 4 + Bottom
  • Notes: Bring an Electric Type for the boss; will make things alot easier.

This dungeon can be a bit of a pain. The Sharpedos here will make getting through this dungeon really hard, even for Grass Types, so keep a lookout for those. There's a Save Point in the middle, so use that if you feel you should. After an accumulated 22 floors, you'll reach the boss.

  • Gyarados
  • HP: 500+
  • Water/Flying
  • Average Damage: 20+

This boss is too easy, especially if you brought an Electric Type like Pikachu or Luxray, but if you didn't, you shouldn't have too much a problem anyway. Just keep pounding it with either Elecric or strong attacks, and you should bring it down.

The Phiones here will give you the water you were looking for, so with that in hand, you'll leave.

You'll give Manaphy the water, it'll wake up all better, and everybody'll be happy. However, now a Walrein has come to take it back out to sea where it belongs. Everybody will cry, but not stop Manaphy from leaving. You're probably miffed that Manaphy didn't join your team, huh? It will, don't worry.

Also, if you want to, if you return to Miracle Sea you can recruit Phione automatically!

Now, just keep doing optional missions, and after about 2 go downstairs in the Wigglytuff Guild to the floor where your room used to be, and a scene will occur involving Medicham, Gardevoir, and Lopunny of Team Charms will want an escort to Watchman's Cave. Since nobody will do it(And since you're so special), you'll go with them.

  • Watchman's Cave
  • Difficulty: 4
  • Bosses: Regice in Regice's Chamber, Regirock in Regirock's Chamber, Registeel in Registeel's Chamber, and 4 Hitmonlee, 4 Bronzong and Regigigas in Regigigas' Chamber
  • Floors: 3 + Regice's Chamber + 3 + Regirock's Chamber + 4 + Registeel's Chamber + 5 + Regigigas' Chamber (19 in total)
  • Notes: Bring Fighting Type for all the bosses; Dialga would be good for Final Boss.
  • Enigma Legendary Pokémon: Mewtwo

This dungeon isn't hard as much as it is long. It might take you 30 minutes to get through it! What you have to do is find the correct Unown Stones and put them on slates in Midpoint areas. However, you start out in a Midpoint area, but you need the Unown Stones! If you read the Slate, you'll notice that it says ICE somewhere around the writing. Go find the Unowns that match that. This is the long part. You have to find Unowns I, C, and E, defeat them, hope they drop a bluish rock, and pick it up. In total, you'll need the following stones:

  • C: 2
  • E: 3
  • I: 1
  • K: 1
  • L: 1
  • O: 1
  • R: 1
  • S: 1
  • T: 1

Knowing that, if you see any you think you don't need, think about it! You may need doubles, or even triples. Anyway, after collecting the three letters, return to the Slate Room and put them in. If you didn't collect them all, go back through. After you put the stones in, the Slate will glow, vibrate, etc., and then break. Under it was some stairs. Go under when you think you're ready, and fight the first boss, Regice.

  • Regice
  • HP: 600+
  • Ice
  • Average Damage: 10+

This isn't hard at all, just go back down a space to get with your team, and wait, and start pounding it with attacks. It really isn't that hard. If you brought the Fighting Type with you, use that. After you're done, the lead character will be endowed with Regice' power and break a wall. Now your team will go through.

Now you need to collect R, O, C, and K. Go through the 3-Floors Maze, and when you get those, use them on the Slate, and stairs will appear. Go down and fight Regirock.

  • Regirock
  • HP: 600+
  • Rock
  • Average Damage: 10+

This isn't hard either, especially with a Fighting Type. If you're starting to notice a trend here, you're not mistaken; all the bosses here are weak against Fighting. Just do what you did with Regice, and go through.

Now you need to find the letters S, T, two E's, and L in the maze. Once you get those, fight the next boss, Registeel.

  • Registeel
  • HP: 600+
  • Steel
  • Average Damage: 10+

Same drill as the other two. Just back up and pound on him when he gets close. Eventually, he'll falter.

Now you'll enter a maze, but thankfully, you don't need to actually find anything. Just get through the 5 floors, and meet the boss. Thankfully, you fight them all with Team Charms.

  • Regigigas
  • HP: 1000+
  • Normal
  • Average Damage: 30+
  • Notes: Moves 1/2 speed for first few turns.
  • Hitmonlee (4)
  • HP: 100+ each
  • Fighting
  • Average Damage: 20+
  • Bronzong (4)
  • HP: 100+ each
  • Steel/ Psychic
  • Average Damage: 20+

This fight is a little hard, but if you brought a Dialga, the problem will be gone. If you get Dialga to use Roar of Time on the first turn, then just about all of them will faint, leaving only Regigigas to try to beat you. Regigigas moves once for every 2 times you move for the first few turns because of it's Slow Start, so use that time to pack in some damage. If you brought the Fighting Type, get it to attack Regigigas. Eventually, it'll faint.

The team will cheer, until Regigigas gets back up and starts running after you. You all will run away, but as you do, you'll notice a new dungeon, Hidden Ruins. The only signifigance of the dungeon, though, is for hold items for the Regis.