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File:Castlevania SQ chapter 6.png

This is it - the final showdown between Belmont and Dracula. Make sure you have the Flame Whip from the Cove and the Magic Cross and Laurels from Laruba Mansion.

Path to Fetra

It's a long road to Fetra from Laruba Mansion. If you want, you can head west from the mansion to get back to the Aljiba Cemetery and then walk all the way back to Debora Cliffs, or you can just walk back to Bodley Mansion by going right. Going left is (relatively) safer but significantly more time consuming.

Yuga Path

If you are going back to Aljiba Cemetery, go left and burn through your Laurels in order to cross the marsh as quickly as possible.

If you are going to Bodley, head right and burn through your Laurels in order to cross the marsh as quickly as possible. After that, work your way past the same enemies that you encountered before and carefully use the blocks to cross the lake. You'll end up back in the Cove.

The Cove

If, for some reason, you didn't get the Flame Whip the first time through, be sure to get it now. Head out the right side and you'll be back in the Wicked Ditch.

Wicked Ditch

Climb out of the underground lake and you'll find yourself standing in front of Bodley Mansion. (If you went left after leaving Laruba Mansion, you would have had to use the Red Crystal to warp, and you would be right here.) On the next screen, you'll have to get past Mummies, Harpies, and Medusa Heads. They aren't that difficult, but the Harpies and Medusa Heads can easily surround you if you try and run through without fighting. The Mummies are easy to fight, but can do a lot of damage if you get hit. Once you get through, you'll be in the Town of Fetra.

Town of Fetra

File:Castlevania SQ town-fetra (small).png

Fetra has one important thing - the Chapel. Fill up and head on through. You can also buy Laurels, but you don't need any more, unless you plan on backtracking.


Quote Note True?
After Castlevania I warned you not to return. No he didn't. No
Get Back!! ... No
You've upset the people. Now get out of town!! Apparently you have. No
The Cross in Laruba's Mansion must be found. You need the Cross to get past an upcoming barrier. Yes

Path to Ghulash

There are no more Chapels once you leave Fetra, so you'll have to fight extra carefully. On the other hand, there are no more items to find, so you don't have to hang around searching for things.

Fetra Woods

Similar to Jova Woods in layout, but the enemies are much harder. If it's almost night time, you might want to wait around Fetra overnight so you can cross the Woods during the day. Just watch out for Fishmen popping out at the least convenient times during the first section.

In the next section, there isn't any water, but there are a lot of Lizardmen. These guys move fast and shoot often, so move in when you have an opening and duck when they fire. Use a Laurel to cross the marsh and get out of these woods.

Dora Woods

Right at the beginning, you can either go right or down. The path to the right is a very long road to absolutely nothing but a lot of enemies, so head down and right to get into the town of Ghulash.

Town of Ghulash

File:Castlevania SQ town-ghulash (small).png

You get absolutely nothing here, and the only occupant is a crazy old lady, so just head straight through into the Vlad Graveyard.


Quote Note True?
Let's live here together. Let's not. No

Path to Dracula's Castle

This section doesn't contain anything you haven't faced before, so it should be fairly easy.

Vlad Graveyard

Mummies, Hawks, and Ghosts. Oh my. The Hawks can be annoying, since they move erratically, but the Ghosts are slow and the Mummies can't get past the tombstones.

Last Bridge

You can't jump up, but you can break the top two blocks on the left if you have the Magic Cross. If not, go back to Laruba Mansion. The bridge itself is deserted, so you have a clear path to Dracula from here on out.

Dracula's Castle

File:Castlevania SQ mansion-dracula.png

Like the Bridge, there isn't a single [non-]living creature in here besides you, so just go on through. Break the blocks at the far end and go down the stairs. Once you drop down the gap on the right you can never go back up. If you are missing anything or simply want to explore more, you have to turn around now. Otherwise, continue downward. At the bottom you'll reach the door to Dracula's chamber and the end of the game. When you go in, Simon will put Dracula's five parts on the alter and after a few seconds The Count will appear.


For more, see the Bosses page.

The Count is either ridiculously easy or impossibly hard, depending on how you choose to attack. For the fast and easy way, as soon as you can move, start throwing Sacred Flames at his feet. He'll be immobilized by the fire, and you'll kill him before he can get a single attack in. If you want to make things difficult for yourself, just wait until he starts to move. He'll start rapidly moving around the room throwing fireballs at you. Stay in the center and use the Whip, Diamond|Diamond, or Gold Dagger on him.

After you defeat him, you'll get one of three endings, depending on how long it took you to complete the game.