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The Human Alliance consists of Humans, Elves, and Dwarves. They are considered to be the most versatile army in Warcraft III, with good ground and air units, powerful spellcasters, and good siege capabilities.


Built and revived from the Altar of Kings.

  • Archmage: A spellcasting hero. Can attack land and air units.
    • Blizzard: Calls down a small blizzard to damage all units in an area of effect.
    • Summon Water Elemental: Summons a water elemental to fight for you. Can attack land and air units.
    • Brilliance Aura: (Passive) An aura that increases mana regeneration for the Archmage and all nearby friendly units.
    • Mass Teleport: (Ultimate) Teleports the Archmage and nearby troops to the location of a friendly ground unit.
  • Mountain King: A Dwarven melee fighter. Can attack land units.
    • Storm Bolt: Hurls a hammer at a target enemy unit, dealing great damage and stunning it.
    • Thunder Clap: Slams the ground, damaging enemy units around the Mountain King.
    • Bash: (Passive) Gives a small chance to inflict extra damage and stun an enemy unit when making normal melee attacks.
    • Avatar: (Ultimate) Turns the Mountain King into a giant, increasing his attack, armor, and hit points, and making him immune to all spells.
  • Paladin: A defensive hero. Can attack land units.
    • Holy Light: Heals a target friendly unit or damages an enemy undead unit.
    • Divine Shield: Temporarily makes the Paladin invulnerable.
    • Devotion Aura: (Passive) Gives an armor bonus to all nearby friendly units within range.
    • Resurrection: (Ultimate) Revives up to 6 friendly units. When there are more than 6 corpses, it will resurrect the 6 strongest.
  • Bloodmage: Intelligence-based hero. Attacks land/air units (Ranged)
    • Firestrike: Deals explosive fire damage in target area, then deals additional burn damage in affected area. Higher levels increase damage
    • Banish: Target unit/Hero becomes ethereal (reduced speed, cannot be physically attacked, takes additional damage from spells) for period of time (reduced for Heroes). Higher levels increase length of effect.
      • Becomes good combination with offensive spells such as Firestrike/Blizzard and Stormbolt
    • Mana Drain: Drains mana of target enemy unit. Higher levels increase amount of mana drained per second.
      • Able to gain mana over MP maximum, excess mana will eventually be lost.
    • Phoenix: (Ultimate) Summons flying Phoenix to attack. Phoenix deals magic damage and periodically drops feathers dealing burning damage. Continously loses HP, reverts to egg form at 0 HP, ressurects after period of time (though destroying the egg effectively "kills" the Phoenix)
      • Can be healed by Paladin's Holy Light
      • Reducing health to 0 in Phoenix form only reverts to egg, the egg must be destroyed to truly kill the Phoenix


  • Peasant: Constructs buildings and harvests resources. Can repair damaged buildings and mechanical units, and change into Miltia at the Town Hall.
  • Militia: Created from Peasants when the Call to Arms bell is rung at the Town Hall. Cannot gather resources or build, but has a better melee attack.
  • Footman: A melee fighter that can attack other land units.
    • Defend: Raises shield to protect from piercing damage, but decreases the Footman's speed.
  • Rifleman: A Dwarven gunner that can attack land and air units.
    • Long Rifles: Permanently increases the range of the Rifleman.
  • Knight: A fast and powerful and powerful land unit that can attack other land units.
    • Animal War Training: Permanently increases hit points.
  • Priest: An Elven spellcaster that masters in healing and buffing. Can attack land and air units. Starts with heal and can learn the other spells through upgrades.
    • Heal: (Autocast capable) Restores a small amount of health to one friendly unit.
    • Dispel Magic: Eliminates all spells on units within an area of effect. Also damages summoned units.
    • Inner Fire: (Autocast capable) Improves the attack and defense of a target friendly unit.
  • Sorceress: A powerful spellcaster. Can attack land and air units with a basic ranged attack. Starts with slow and can learn the other spells through upgrades.
    • Slow: (Autocast capable) Reduces the attack and movement speed of a target enemy unit/
    • Invisibility: Turns a target friendly unit invisible for a short period of time. Invisibility ends if the unit attacks or casts a spell.
    • Polymorph: Turns an enemy unit into a sheep. The unit retains its hit points, but loses all attacks and spells. Can only walk around and "Baa" helplessly.
  • Gyrocopter: A mechanical flying machine. Can initially only attack air units, but can gain an upgrade to attack land units as well.
    • Gyrocopter Bombs: Gives the Gyrocopter the ability to attack land units.
    • True Sight: (Passive) An innate ability that allows the 'copter to see invisible units.
  • Mortar Team: A slow land siege unit. Can attack land units, buildings, and trees. Cannot attack enemies that are too close. Is also the only organic siege unit, meaning it can be buffed, healed, etc.
    • Flare: Temporarily reveals a portion of the map of your choosing. Can only be used once.
  • Steam Tank: A slow machine with a heavily armored hull and a powerful attack against buildings. Cannot attack other units.
  • Gryphon Rider: An air unit that can attack both land and air units.
    • Animal War Training: Permanently increases hit points.
    • Storm Hammers: Gives the hammers the Gryphon Riders throw the ability to strike through initial ground targets and damage units behind them.
  • Water Elemental: Summoned by the Archmage. Becomes stronger as the "Summon Water Elemental" spell is upgraded.


  • Town Hall: The center of the Human settlement. Peasants are created here, and where they drop off gold and lumber.
    • Call to Arms: Converts all of your Peasants into the more powerful Militia for a temporary amount of time.
  • Keep: Upgraded form of Town Hall. Enables further upgrades and is harder to destroy.
  • Castle: Upgraded from of Keep, and the final base upgrade. Enables highest upgrades and units, as well as being even harder to destroy.
  • Farm: The food creating building of the humans. Doesn't provide as much food as other races' food-buildings do, but is smaller, cheaper, and quicker to make.
  • Barracks: Where you train Footmen, Riflemen, and Knights. Also where you research the Defend, Long Rifles, and Animal War Training upgrades.
  • Blacksmith: Houses attack and defense upgrades for most melee and ranged units. (Not spellcasters, however.) Required to build Riflemen at the Barracks.
  • Lumber Mill: An alternative drop site for lumber. Houses upgrades for lumber harvesting and building defense.
  • Scout Tower: No attack, but provide extra vision range.
  • Guard Tower: Upgraded from of Scout Tower. Capable of attacking land and air units.
  • Cannon Tower: An alternative to the Guard Tower. Can only attack ground units and has a slower attack, but is more powerful.
  • Workshop: Where Gyrocopters, Mortar Teams, and Steam Tanks are built. Houses upgrades for said units.
  • Arcane Sanctum: Priests and Sorceresses are trained and upgraded here. Also houses an upgrade that allows your towers to see invisible units.
  • Gryphon Aviary: Where Gryphon Riders and their upgrade, Strom Hammers, are trained.
  • Altar of Kings: Creates and revives Heroes.


The Orcish Horde possesses Warcraft III's most powerful ground units.


  • Blademaster: An agile hero. Attacks land units (Melee).
    • Wind Walk: Turns the Blademaster invisible for a short period of time. Also boosts running speed.
    • Mirror Image: Creates up to 3 illusory images of the Blademaster, depending on the level. When cast, this will also remove any spell effects currently on the Blademaster, good or bad.
    • Critical Strike: (Passive) Gives a chance to deal extra damage with each melee attack.
    • Bladestorm: (Ultimate) A whirlwind attack that damages all nearby land enemy units, during which time the Blademaster is immune to all spells.
  • Farseer: Intelligence-based hero. Attacks land and air units (Ranged)
    • Farsight: Reveals portion of the map for a period of time, also reveals invisible units. Higher levels increase the size revealed
    • Chain Lighting:Strikes unit with lighting damage, which then targets other nearby enemy units in succession for less damage. Higher levels increases amount of initial damage and number of units the lighting can "chain-hit".
    • Summon Wolves: Summons wolves to help attack enemies. Higher levels provide HP/Damage increase to summons, and later grant Critical Strike and Meld abilities.
    • Earthquake: (Ultimate) Summons an earthquake to occur in target area, greatly reducing speed of all units in that area, and dealing high damage to buildings. Channeling ability
  • Tauren Chieftain: Strength-based hero. Attacks land units (Melee)
    • Shockwave: Sends damaging wave down a linear path. Higher levels increase damage dealt by wave.
    • Warstomp: Stomps the ground, dealing damage in area around the Tauren Chieftain and stunning affect units for a brief period of time. Higher levels increase damage and length of stun.
    • Endurance Aura: (Passive Aura) Provides bonus increase to movement speed and attack speed. Higher levels increase AOE and provided bonus.
      • Can be used to make Peons harvest gold/lumber faster
    • Reincarnation: (Ultimate)(Passive) Revives the Tauren Chieftain with full health after he is killed, requires high cooldown between uses.


  • Peon : Basic worker unit. Attacks land units (Melee). Can harvest resources and construct buildings. Can be upgraded with Pillage ability
    • Can be placed within Burrows for defense when under attack
  • Grunt: Primary attack unit. Attacks land units (Melee). Can be upgraded with Pillage ability and HP/damage bonus.
  • Troll Headhunter/Berserker's: Attacks land/air units (Ranged). Can be upgraded with Troll Regneration (increased HP regen) and Berserker upgrade (grants ability to attack faster at cost of reduced defense)
  • Raider: Attacks land units (Melee). Can be upgraded with Pillage ability and Ensnare ability
    • Deals siege damage, making it ideal for building attacks, but does poorly in engaging other units.
  • Shaman: Attacks land/air units (Ranged). Spellcaster unit, can learn spells Lighting Shield and Bloodlust. Can be upgraded twice to improve health/mana pool/mana regeneration
    • Purge: Dispels all negative/positive buffs/effects on target unit, also greatly reduces speed for a period
    • Lighting Shield: Creates rotating shield of lighting balls around target unit, causing damage to nearby units.
      • Makes no distinction between enemy or friend; can be used offensively against enemy clusters.
    • Bloodlust: (Autocast) Increases attack speed of target friendly unit for a period of time. Also causes unit to increase in size, though this effect is only cosmetic.
  • Witch Doctor: Spellcaster unit. Attacks land/air units (Ranged). Can learn spells Stasis Ward and Healing Ward. Can be upgraded twice to improve health/mana pool/mana regeneration.
    • Observer Ward: Sets a stationary invisible ward that reveals surrounding area
    • Stasis Ward: Sets a trap ward that stuns enemy units when set off
    • Healing Ward: Sets a healing ward that dramatically increases health regeneration of nearby friendly units
  • Catapult: Siege unit. Attacks land units (Ranged, cannot attack units close to it). Used primarily for attacking buildings. Can be upgraded with Burning Oil ability
  • Wyvern: Flying unit. Attacks land/air units (Ranged). Can learn Poison spears.
  • Tauren: Heavy melee unit. Attacks land units (Melee). Able to learn Pulverize.
    • Pulverize: Gives the chance for an attack to deal AOE damage.
  • Kodo Beast: Support unit. Attacksland/air units (Ranged).
    • Devour: Consumes enemy non-Hero unit; slowly digests until unit is killed. If the Kodo Beast is killed before this occurs, trapped unit is freed.
    • War Drums: (Passive) Increases overall damage of nearby friendly units.



Neutral Mercenaries