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Here's how to beat the final boss in Phantom Hourglass. First, use the hookshot on the eye in the water to draw it out. Hit it a few times and it will jump out of the water to some pillars above. Run up the stairs and shoot the tentacles with open eyes with your bow and arrows. If you run out of arrows, some chu-chu like creatures will be around that drop them. Repeat this process until the boss is flying around the starting arena really fast. Use the ability of your fairy to control time (Yes, she can do that. She's a spirit, after all.) and draw a figure 8 on the screen (turn it up and down so it works better!) then just slice away at the eye. After a cutscene involving Tetra and the ship-man...Out pops the Ghost ship, but's got eyes that need shot off. Take out all the eyes and the boss will destroy not only your ship, but the ghost ship as well. Time for the toughest fight ever! You will have to freeze time with the eye on the back of your ship-owning friend and slice at it like mad. Sure, it sounds easy enough...but you need to dodge a whirlwind attack, stun your pal, freeze time with the eye open (again, the figure 8 strategy works really well) and that window of time for the eye is EXTREMELY short. Repeat that strategy(with one extra thing, you CAN stop the whirlwind attack with a well-timed slice, but I would NOT recommend it, as you could lose more life than it's worth. I lost all my fairies by attempting this's safer to wait for the attack to stop than anything else.) After the final slice, watch the cutscene and enjoy seeing the boat you crafted!