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Falco needs to be unlocked.

Falco is generally considered better than Fox. Although his recovery is one the worst the game, Falco has a chaingrab on almost the entire cast that deals a quick 45%, and can lead to a dair spike (downwards aerial attack). Since Super Smash Bros. Melee, Falco has been "Luigified", and has many key differences from Fox.

Standard attacks

Wii Remote + Nunchuk Wii Remote (sideways) Wii Classic Controller GameCube Controller Standard Attack Info
Smash Right nunchuk+A button Right dpad+1 button+2 button (Smash Right lstick+A button) or Right rstick (Smash Right control+A button) or Right cstick Arm Attack He unleashes a powerful arm attack.
Smash Up nunchuk+A button Up dpad+1 button+2 button (Smash Up lstick+A button) or Up rstick (Smash Up control+A button) or Up cstick Upward kick Attack He does an upward kick attack.
Smash Down nunchuk+A button Down dpad+1 button+2 button (Smash Down lstick+A button) or Down rstick (Smash Down control+A button) or Down cstick Dual Kick He kicks enemies near him.

Special Attacks

Wii Remote + Nunchuk Wii Remote (sideways) Wii Classic Controller GameCube Controller Special Attack Info
B button 1 button B button B button Blaster Falco's blaster can shoot repeatedly, and its shots cause enemies to flinch. However, it is much slower than Fox's so it can't be abused.
Right nunchuk+B button Right dpad+1 button Right lstick+B button Right control+B button Falco Phantasm Dashes forward, damaging anyone he runs by. Good for a surprise attack through multiple enemies at once as it will deal all of them good damage. Can be used to recover big horizontal distances. Be careful to not dash over the edge with it, however, as it leaves Falco unable to recover on the way down. It can also be cancelled by pressing the special move button in the middle of the dash.
Up nunchuk+B button Up dpad+1 button Up lstick+B button Up control+B button Fire Bird A fiery dash attack. It doesn't cover as much ground as Fox's version, but can still be used to recover. Unfortunately, it is rather easy to intercept, especially with the charging time.
Down nunchuk+B button Down dpad+1 button Down lstick+B button Down control+B button Reflector Deflects any projectile. Falco kicks his reflector forward, knocking anyone that gets hit off balance. Good attack to use in a clump of enemies.


Wii Remote + Nunchuk Wii Remote (sideways) Wii Classic Controller GameCube Controller Taunt
1 button A button Up dpad Up dpad He drop-kicks his reflector over his shoulder, bounces it off his heel, catches it again, and says, "Piece of cake."
1 button+2 button (Left dpad or Right dpad)+A button Left dpad or Right dpad Left dpad or Right dpad He holds out one wing, raises it, and says, "Don't try me."
2 button Down dpad+A button Down dpad Down dpad He spins around and says, "Hands off my prey."
  • Press it for only a split second when on Lylat Cruise or Corneria to hear a radio conversation between the other members of Team Star Fox (and sometimes, Team Star Wolf).

Final Smash


Landmaster: The controls for riding Falco's landmaster are the same as Fox. The difference is that it is less powerful than Fox's landmaster, but you can stay more time in the air so try to figure out how to use this characteristic. Fly your enemy off the top of the screen while he is on top of the landmaster and you will be able to score a quick KO.