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Toon Link
Toon Link needs to be unlocked. You have to beat him after finishing classic mode 6 times.

Toon Link has pretty decent attacks. His jump Down control+A button falls faster than normal Link and has a greater damage ratio. Also, his Up Smash is one quick, clean slash which hits on both sides of his body and causes good upward knockback. Toon Links shield can block projectiles while standing still, which can come in handy since his only really long ranged weapon is his Bow and Arrow. If you miss while trying to grab someone, you lose time trying to recover your hookshot. Toon Link is one of the select characters that can save himself with his grab by latching onto edges with his hookshot, though his spin attack makes a much better recovery move. Toon Link has both good projectile and physical attacks. His arrows have shorter range and travel slower than Links and cause less damage (12% fully charged to Link's 15%). His bombs are good, but if you throw them too close to an opponent you can be caught in the explosion. Toon Link can be classified as an above average fighter when it comes to Offense, but his speed and shield give him an excellent Defense.

Basic Attacks

Wii Remote + Nunchuk Wii Remote (sideways) Wii Classic Controller GameCube Controller Standard Attack Info
Smash Right nunchuk+A button Right dpad+1 button+2 button (Smash Right lstick+A button) or Right rstick (Smash Right control+A button) or Right cstick blade Attack He unleash some sort of powerful blade attack
Smash Up nunchuk+A button Up dpad+1 button+2 button (Smash Up lstick+A button) or Up rstick (Smash Up control+A button) or Up cstick Upward Blade Attack He does an upward spinning blade attack
Smash Down nunchuk+A button Down dpad+1 button+2 button (Smash Down lstick+A button) or Down rstick (Smash Down control+A button) or Down cstick spin blade He does a spin blade attack.

Special Attacks

Wii Remote + Nunchuk Wii Remote (sideways) Wii Classic Controller GameCube Controller Special Attack Info
B button 1 button B button B button Hero's Bow Hold the button to charge your Bow. The longer the charge is, the further and stronger the arrow flies. Try to use this in free for alls so that the opponent will have a hard time reflecting or dodging the attack.
Right nunchuk+B button Right dpad+1 button Right lstick+B button Right control+B button Boomerang Toon Link throws his Boomerang. His does not have wind properties like Link's, so it does not pull back enemies. It is stronger though. Hold up or down on the control stick or D-pad to curve the boomerang in that direction.
Up nunchuk+B button Up dpad+1 button Up lstick+B button Up control+B button Spin Attack Toon Link spins with his sword out. Enemies caught in the spin will be hit numerous times, like a blender. This attack is chargeable. This move also acts as Toon Link's recovery move.
Down nunchuk+B button Down dpad+1 button Down lstick+B button Down control+B button Bomb Toon Link pulls out a bomb. Tap A (or 2) to throw it. You can add the directional pad to throw it in a specific direction. Jump to add distance to the throw, be careful, however, as the bomb can be caught and thrown back at you.

Grab & Throws

Wii Remote + Nunchuk Wii Remote (sideways) Wii Classic Controller GameCube Controller Throw Info
Left dpad or Right dpad Minus button Zl button or Zr button Z button Hookshot Toon Link gets out his hookshot and fires it, grabbing anyone in range. It is smaller then Link's clawshot. However, if the hookshot misses, it has a 2 second recovery time, leaving you vulnerable for an attack. The hookshot can also be used to tether recovery. Grabs do 7-9% Damage.


Wii Remote + Nunchuk Wii Remote (sideways) Wii Classic Controller GameCube Controller Taunt
1 button A button Up dpad Up dpad He pulls out the Wind Waker and conducts with it. At the end, it makes a sound effect from the game.
1 button+2 button (Left dpad or Right dpad)+A button Left dpad or Right dpad Left dpad or Right dpad He puts away his sword and shield and looks around in confusion.
2 button Down dpad+A button Down dpad Down dpad He swings his sword madly around, then stops to take a breath. It has the most effect when used at the end of a effective combo attack.

Final Smash

Triforce Slash

Triforce Slash: Toon Link's Final Smash is the Triforce Slash, just like Link's (except it looks more cartoonish). However, the beam of light to start the attack is smaller, due to Toon Link's smaller size. This attack with do 40-50% Damage for the first few hits, then a whopping 13% or so for the final attack, along with a lot of knockback. Most characters won't be able to recover from this attack, but some like MetaKnight and Kirby, as well as heavy characters like Bowser might be able to stand the hit.