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Both Samus' are good at both close and long range. But apart from that they are completely opposite! Power Suit Samus is a lot stronger at a distance, where as Zero Suit Samus is a lot stronger close up! They appeal to completely different players styles!

They're not designed to be completely defensive, so they have small jumps that limit their ability to recover from huge attacks. This is more of Power Suit Samus' problem more than Zero Suit Samus'.

Long range attacks are Power suit Samus' speciality, and they can be used in conjunction to create devastating combos even at a distance. This makes for great ways to initiate the battle, especially considering that they are very good at setting up smash attacks immediately afterwards. In multiplayer battles or when you are facing an opponent that's better than you, try to use long range attacks to avoid taking damage. The charge shot is a nice knockout move, but don't rule out the super missile.

Don't let her long range advantages keep you out of melee combat, she also has attacks designed for close range so she's more of a rounded character. Use Screw Attack if you get attacked from above, and set traps with Bomb. Samus' upward smash is very good for dealing damage, and her side smash isn't too bad at knock-outs. Instead of using her downward smash, use the standard downward attack for more damage and knockback. Rarely use her Grapple Beam unless you have a clear shot and need to get away from your opponent.

Basic attacks

Wii Remote + Nunchuk Wii Remote (sideways) Wii Classic Controller GameCube Controller Standard Attack Info
Smash Right nunchuk+A button Right dpad+1 button+2 button (Smash Right lstick+A button) or Right rstick (Smash Right control+A button) or Right cstick Gun punch Attack She unleash some sort of powerful gun punch attack
Smash Up nunchuk+A button Up dpad+1 button+2 button (Smash Up lstick+A button) or Up rstick (Smash Up control+A button) or Up cstick Upward Attack She does an upward attack
Smash Down nunchuk+A button Down dpad+1 button+2 button (Smash Down lstick+A button) or Down rstick (Smash Down control+A button) or Down cstick Spin attack She does a spinning leg attack.

Special Attacks

Wii Remote + Nunchuk Wii Remote (sideways) Wii Classic Controller GameCube Controller Special Attack Info
B button 1 button B button B button Charge Shot Becomes more powerful the longer the button is pressed. It can be reflected, however.
Right nunchuk+B button Right dpad+1 button Right lstick+B button Right control+B button Missile Fires a missile that homes in on the opponent.
Smash Right nunchuk+B button Right dpad+1 button simultaneously Smash Right lstick+B button Smash Right control+B button Super Missile Has no homing capabilities, but has increased damage.
Up nunchuk+B button Up dpad+1 button Up lstick+B button Up control+B button Screw Attack A rotating almost "electric" jump attack that can be used as a recovery move.
Down nunchuk+B button Down dpad+1 button Down lstick+B button Down control+B button Bomb Samus turns into her Morph Ball mode and drops bombs. She can use this move to perform bomb jumps.

Grab & Throws

Wii Remote + Nunchuk Wii Remote (sideways) Wii Classic Controller GameCube Controller Throw Info
Left dpad or Right dpad Minus button Zl button or Zr button Z button Grapple Beam This can be used as a Tether Recovery.


Wii Remote + Nunchuk Wii Remote (sideways) Wii Classic Controller GameCube Controller Taunt
1 button A button Up dpad Up dpad She raises her hand as if saluting, then thrusts it down to her side.
1 button+2 button (Left dpad or Right dpad)+A button Left dpad or Right dpad Left dpad or Right dpad She turns to the camera and holds up her arm cannon, which extends some things that spin.
2 button Down dpad+A button Down dpad Down dpad She points her arm cannon behind her, then ducks and points it in front of her.
1 button, 2 button, 1 button A button, Down dpad+A button, A button Up dpad, Down dpad, Up dpad Up dpad, Down dpad, Up dpad Sheds the Power Suit and transforms into Zero Suit Samus.

Final Smash

Zero Laser

Zero Laser: Samus fully charges her laser and unleashes a powerful beam with maximum power. This beam, although it can do a lot of damage, is sloow and can be jumped over. After this, her suit will fall off and you will transform into Zero Suit Samus. To become Samus again, use Zero Suit Samus' Final Smash.