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Yuna's special dressphere. When activated, Rikku and Paine temporary flee. This dressphere allows Yuna to transform into a one man, "three-member party" for devastating attacks. The complete path of a Garment Grid must be traveled in one battle in order to have the option to summon this sphere, so it is best used with a small grid such as Unerring Path. Yuna's Floral Fallal (the center section that contains Yuna) focuses on magical attacks, the Right Pistil focuses on defense, and her Left Pistil attacks for damage and to cause status effects. Note that in order to complete this sphere to 100% two key items must be obtained.

  • Obtained - Picked up on the Djose Highroad during Chapter 2 during the mission to collect Leblanc Syndicate uniforms.

Aurora Rain and Twilight Rain[edit | edit source]

Two key item need to be collected in order to learn Break HP Limit and Break Damage Limit.

  • Aurora Rain is found in a chest inside the cave at the bottom of the gorge at the Calm Lands during Chapter 5.
  • Twilight Rain is found in a chest below the waterfalls at Besaid Island during Chapter 5.

Attributes[edit | edit source]

Attribute Increase Attribute Increase
Strength Magic
Defense Magic Def.
Agility Accuracy
Evasion Luck

Commands[edit | edit source]

Floral Fallal
  • Attack
  • Fallalery
  • Great Whirl
  • Libra
Right Pistil
  • Right Stigma
  • Right Pistilplay
Left Pistil
  • Left Stigma
  • Left Pistilplay

Abilities[edit | edit source]

Floral Fallal
Name AP MP Description Requirements
Attack 0 0 Attack one enemy None
Libra 4 0 View detailed information about one enemy None
Heat Whirl 0 0 Unleash a chain of fire attacks on all enemies None
Ice Whirl 0 0 Unleash a chain of ice attacks on all enemies None
Electric Whirl 0 0 Unleash a chain of lightning attacks on all enemies None
Aqua Whirl 0 0 Unleash a chain of water attacks on all enemies None
Barrier 20 36 Guards fully against magical attacks None
Shield 20 36 Guards fully against physical attacks Barrier
Flare Whirl 24 64 Unleash a chain of non-elemental attacks on all enemies None
Great Whirl 30 0 Inflict heavy damage on all enemies Flare Whirl
All-Life 8 70 Revive the party from KO None
Ribbon 0 0 Guards against all status ailments None
Double HP 20 0 Doubles max HP None
Triple HP 30 0 Triples max HP Double HP
Break HP Limit 20 0 Allows max HP to exceed 9,999 Aurora Rain
Break Damage Limit 20 0 Allows max damage to exceed 9,999 Twilight Rain
Right Pistil
Name AP MP Description Requirements
White Pollen 0 0 Restore the party's HP None
White Honey 10 0 Gradually restores the party's HP None
Hard Leaves 0 0 Reduce the magical damage inflicted on the party None
Tough Nuts 0 0 Reduce the physical damage inflicted on the party None
Mirror Petals 0 0 Deflect spells cast on the party back onto the enemy None
Floral Rush 20 0 Casts Haste on the party White Honey
Floral Bomb 0 0 Damage all enemies and lower their Strength None
Fallal Bomb 10 0 Damage all enemies and lower their Defense None
Floral Magisol 10 0 Damage all enemies and lower their Magic Fallal Bomb
Fallal Magisol 10 0 Damage all enemies and lower their Magic Defense Floral Magisol
Right Stigma 20 0 Damage one enemy Fallal Magisol
Ribbon 0 0 Guards against all status ailments None
Double HP 20 0 Doubles max HP None
Triple HP 30 0 Triples max HP Double HP
Break HP Limit 20 0 Allows max HP to exceed 9,999 Aurora Rain
Break Damage Limit 20 0 Allows max damage to exceed 9,999 Twilight Rain
Left Pistil
Name AP MP Description Requirements
Dream Pollen 0 0 Inflict damage and Sleep on all enemies None
Mad Seeds 0 0 Inflict damage and Berserk on all enemies None
Sticky Honey 0 0 Inflict damage and Slow on all enemies None
Halfdeath Petals 0 0 Halve the HP of all enemies None
Poison Leaves 10 0 Inflict damage and Poison on all enemies None
Death Petals 10 0 Instantly defeat on enemy (sometimes fails) Poison Leaves
Silent White 0 0 Inflict damage, Silence, and Darkness on all enemies None
Congealed Honey 20 0 Inflict damage and Stop on all enemies None
Panic Floralysis 10 0 Inflict damage and Confusion on all enemies Congealed Honey
Ash Floralysis 10 0 Inflict damage and Petrification on all enemies Panic Floralysis
Left Stigma 20 0 Damage one enemy None
Ribbon 0 0 Guards against all status ailments None
Double HP 20 0 Doubles max HP None
Triple HP 30 0 Triples max HP Double HP
Break HP Limit 20 0 Allows max HP to exceed 9,999 Aurora Rain
Break Damage Limit 20 0 Allows max damage to exceed 9,999 Twilight Rain