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Let's continue your journey into the vast region of Fiore and find the remaining Pokémon in your Browser!

Lyra Forest[edit | edit source]

If you've been following this guide up to this point then you should be at the exit of Krokka Tunnel that leads you into Lyra Forest.

Exiting Krokka Tunnel and entering Lyra Forest
Other entrance
If you are coming from the Ringtown entrance head up and when you are at the fork with the mudkip go left the follow the below instructions from the bridge

Go left and jump down the ledges and continue going straight until you hit a fork with a mudkip then take the path to the left and go over the bridge. Continue straight then go up into the next area.

You are going to have to find a Pokémon with the Cut. Go up and take the left near the Swampert and continue going straight to find a Scyther.

PokémonField MovePoké AssistLoops
Scyther ScytherCut Cut Cut Flying3

Go back to the area right before Scyther then go down. At the tree go left then up until you hit a fork.

Fork right before Celebi's shrine

At the fork, go left into the area with Celebi's shrine. Continue forward in the next area. In this area beware of the falling Spinarak and the Weepinbell, they will take you back the beginning. Go all the way down until you find Swellow. You will need Swellow for it's 2x Gust later on.

PokémonField MovePoké AssistLoops
Swellow SwellowGust Gust Flying6

Turn around and go up and stay to the left. Follow the left bush line until the next T-fork. Take the down path and keep going down until you can go right. After taking a few steps you will see bush with a brighter shade of green.

Bush to cut for the next new Pokémon

Use Scyther to cut the bush and go inside to find Typhlosion!

PokémonField MovePoké AssistLoops
Typhlosion TyphlosionBurn Burn Burn Fire8

Typhlosion has as a large fire ring attack so start your loop far away from it. After you start looping listen for it's roar and that's when you should pause looping but make sure you are far away from it still. If you are close to it then lift your Styler and start over.

Once Typhlosion is captured, don't release it and then head out and follow the path left. At the fork, take the left path all the way to the next area. Continue on the path and jump down the ledge and around the corner is Victreebel! Make sure you sneak up from behind or it will shoot you back to the beginning of the area.

PokémonField MovePoké AssistLoops
Victreebel VictreebelNonePoison7

Victreebel is an easy capture, just watch out for it's toxic spit up. You can release it as well. Once it's captured, follow the path up into the next area. Continue following the path up past the Beedrill and go into the next area. Continue going straight past the flower garden and into the next area. In the next area, take the bottom path at the fork and go into the next area. In this area, take the top path into the next area. Then take the bottom path into the next area. In the next area near the tree is another new Pokémon, Shedinja!

PokémonField MovePoké AssistLoops
Shedinja ShedinjaNoneGhost6

Shedinja phases in and out once in a while and he also shoots out a gas. Besides that it's a fairly simple capture. You can release the Shedinja. Once done, go down into the next area which is the area with Celebi's shrine. Go right and into the next area. Take the bottom path and grab the Ivysaur.

PokémonField MovePoké AssistLoops
Ivysaur IvysaurCross Grass6

Continue going down then go right and down into the next area. Head back to Ringtown from here and take the Dragonite Bus to Fall City.

Waterworks[edit | edit source]

Once in Fall City, go right and up the stairs then go left past Prof. Hastings' lab then go down and take the ladder into the Waterworks.

The ladder to take to get into the Waterworks

Go right and take the next ladder down to the next area. Take the bottom path down all the way into the next area. Continue going down and cross the bridge to the right then take the path up into the next area. Keep follow the paths into the next areas until you get to two pipe openings.

The pipe openings in where you should take the first one

Go into the first one and go up into the next area. Go right and down the ladder. Go down the next ladder and go right past the Koffing then go up both ladders into the next area. Use Ivysaur on the post to cross over then continue straight until you can't anymore and a new Pokémon will jump out of the water, it's Squirtle!

PokémonField MovePoké AssistLoops
Squirtle SquirtleSoak Water3

Another really easy catch for you and you can release it right away. Turn around then go up the next path and use Typhlosion on the scrap metal near the Meditite. Go up and take both ladders to be jumped on by Feraligatr!

PokémonField MovePoké AssistLoops
Feraligatr FeraligatrCrush Crush Crush Water14

You should use Minun/Pulse immediately and capture Feraligatr to save you the agony of him chomping on your Styler constantly. Once it's captured, you can keep it for its Field Move then you should make your way out of the Waterworks and head back to the Ranger Base to recharge your Styler if needed.

Dusk Factory[edit | edit source]

When you are ready, go right of the Ranger Base and go do the stairs then go right until you are in the next area. Continue forward and go up into the opening in the wall and go inside Dusk Factory. Take the left most door and go up to find the next new Pokémon, Haunter!

PokémonField MovePoké AssistLoops
Haunter HaunterNoneGhost6

Nothing special is needed to capture, just loop it and capture it. Once its captured, release it as it's not needed. Head back the way you came into the entrance lobby and go through the right most door. This is the sliding floor room and the next Pokemon is invisible in the middle of the room. If you look closely on the map you will see the Pokémon icon and also when you get close to it, it will show startled lines above its head. It happens to be the next new Pokémon, Porygon!

PokémonField MovePoké AssistLoops
Porygon PorygonNoneNormal3

Look closely on the screen and you can see its outline. Just loop and capture it then release it as it's not needed. Head out of Dusk Factory and then exit Fall City to the south until you get to the Tourist Center at the pier.

Lighthouse[edit | edit source]

Just to the south of the Tourist Center before the docks is a ladder to go into the lighthouse's basement.

The ladder to get into the Lighthouse's basement

Follow the path and go down the ladders. Head right and as you approach the water a Blastoise jumps out on you.

PokémonField MovePoké AssistLoops
Blastoise BlastoiseSoak Soak Soak Water17

Blastoise likes to shoot out water alot so be wary of that but you can loop around it in between until you can capture it. This isn't a new Pokémon but you might need it later on. Head out of the basement and go to the docks and hop onto Lapras to go to Summerland.

Olive Jungle[edit | edit source]

Once in Summerland, go up into Olive Jungle. Go up and climb the vines the continue forward. At the fork go left into the next area. Go forward and cross the bridge and at the fork continue going forward. Take the top path and a little ways down the path is your next new Pokémon, Meganium!

PokémonField MovePoké AssistLoops
Meganium MeganiumCrush Crush Crush Grass25

Meganium shoots out solar beams occasionally but it takes a while for it to charge up giving you enough time to retract your Styler if needed. Once captured, you can release it. Go back to the bridge and this time take the path up into the next area. Continue going up and go into the area with Lotad. Go up and climb the vines then follow the path up into the next area. Go up and climb the vines to the top then continue forward into the next area. Go to the top right corner to find two flowers. Use Swellow on one of them and it's revealed to be your next new Pokémon, Gloom!

PokémonField MovePoké AssistLoops
Gloom GloomNoneGrass8

Be careful of Glooms poisonous gas but besides that it's a fairly simple loop and capture. Once captured, you can release it and you should make your way out of Olive Jungle and go to Wintown for the next area you need to go to which is Panula Cave.

Panula Cave[edit | edit source]

Exit Wintown to the south and follow North Road into Panula Cave. When in Panula Cave, follow the path left and ignore the Steelix cave then follow the path down and take the cave entrance after the Golem. Continue following tge path and avoid the Crobat's attacks then go through the cave entrance at the end. Go left and you will find your next new Pokémon, Absol!

PokémonField MovePoké AssistLoops
Absol AbsolCut Cut Cut Dark5

Absol can create clones of itself and it also has a slash attack. If you are having difficulty then use Plusle/Minun to capture it. Once captured, go right then down and jump off the ledge. Go into the cave entrance to the right to get to the next area. Go right and youll find another new Pokémon, Exploud!

PokémonField MovePoké AssistLoops
Exploud ExploudNoneNormal14

Exploud shouts out circles of sound waves and that's it. Once captured, you can release it then make your way out of Panula Cave throught way you came and get back to Wintown.

Metagross/Snorlax[edit | edit source]

Getting to Metagross is fairly easy as he's in Go-Rock Squad's Base which is now just a one way path. He's at the end of the path. While in Sekra Range at the beginning stick to the right to avoid all the obstacles and at the end is a guy who mentions that a Snorlax is sleeping inside the cave to your right. Snorlax will wake up eventually.

The cave for Snorlax which is it's final spot

If you don't remember where Go-Rock Squad's Base it, it's in the far top left corner of Sekra Range.

PokémonField MovePoké AssistLoops
Metagross MetagrossCrush Crush Crush Psychic30

Metagross is exactly like Meganium but requires more loops. Once the capture is done, head back to the Snorlax cave and it's now awake and ready for it's capture.

PokémonField MovePoké AssistLoops
Snorlax SnorlaxNoneNormal21

Snorlax likes to lug around and fall asleep on the ground which shakes the floor and it can break your Styler if nearby so be careful of that. Once captured, you will have officially registered every Pokémon in Fiore in your Browser!

completing the Browser with all of Fiore's Pokémon

Head outside of the cave and you will get a message from Spenser stating the Ranger Union notified him that someone from the Ringtown Ranger Base team completed the Browser. He is amazed that the Ranger Union said it was you! He asks you to come back to the base so he can check out your Browser.

Upon arriving to the base you are greeted by every Ranger, Leader, and Prof. Hastings. Spenser he is honored to know the first Ranger to ever complete the Browser and he hands you the Certificate of Completion.

Receiving the Certificate of Completion from Spenser

After this, everyone congratulates and each person has their own remarks to say to you.

At this point the game is officially beaten but there are still 4 Ranger Net Missions to complete to truly 100% the game.