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Mini-Game Selection Screen

In Pokémon Stadium 2, you have the option of participating in several mini-games and Pokémon quizzes. On the White City map, this section is located above the Stadium.

Mini-Games[edit | edit source]

There are 12 mini-games for you to chose from, each involving different varieties of Pokémon and methods of game play. Ties will be broken by a question-and-answer round. If you have a Transfer Pak attached with a Game Boy Pokémon game inside, you may be able to put some of the Pokémon from your game in one of the mini-games; however, not just any Pokémon can play. For example, the "Furret Frolic" mini-game only allows Furrets and Girafarigs to play. A Mr. Mime (yours), in this case, would not be able to participate in tht game. However, it can participate in the "Barrier Ball" mini-game, which calls for Mr. Mime. Unfortunately, many Pokémon are unable to participate in any mini-games.

Gutsy Golbat[edit | edit source]

  • Tap A button repeatedly to move up and use Neutral control to navigate.
  • This game is for Golbats.

In this game, the objective is to have the most hearts by the end of the game. Hearts are scattered throughout the level. Players can bump into other players to knock a heart of theirs away. If a player touches a Magnemite, then he or she will lose one heart.

Topsy Turvy[edit | edit source]

  • Use Neutral control to navigate and A button to spin rapidly.
  • This game is for Hitmontops.

In this game, players knock their competitors out of a ring. The first one to knock players out of the ring five times wins, or when a player has knocked the most players out (but less than five) when the 60 second time limit is up. When a spin attack is used, it will take a few seconds to recharge, but players can still bump others out of the ring without use of the spin attack.

Clear Cut Challenge[edit | edit source]

  • Press A button to cut.
  • This game is for Scythers and Pinsirs.

Spinaraks will raise four separate logs, one for each player. These logs have a thin, white line marked somewhere on them. The objective is to cut as close to the white line as possible for five tries. Players will lose points if they cut above the line. The number of points gained or lost depend on how close the cut was to the line. If a player perfectly slices the log on the line, he or she will gain twenty points. If a player misses the log entirely, then he or she will lose ten points.

Furret's Frolic[edit | edit source]

  • Use Neutral dpad to move the Pokémon into one of four sections and press A button to pop up.
  • This game is for Furrets.

The objective of the game is to rack up the most points within the time limit by pushing numerous Poké Balls into a specific section of the area. For example, Player 1 must get as many Poké Balls as he or she can in the southern section.

Poké Ball (smallest) - 1 point
Great Ball - 2 points
Ultra Ball - 3 points
Master Ball (largest) - 4 points

Barrier Ball[edit | edit source]

  • Use the Neutral dpad (or Neutral control) to move and press A button to push with the barrier.
  • This game is for Mr. Mimes.

In this game, players will use barriers to shoot Poké Balls into other Players' sections. (It's like a game of Soccer - getting the ball past the goalie into the net, only with three surrounding goals.) The player with the most points at the end of the 60 second time limit wins. A player can also win by getting five points before the time is over.

The Poké Ball with be surrounded by the color associated with the player who last hit it. (For example, if Player 1 hit is last, then the ball will have a blue color around it.) When the ball lands in all goal, the color surrounding it will determine who gets the point. So, Player 1 may have last shot the ball, but it may have bounced of Player 2's barrier and then rolled into Player 3's goal. Player 2 would have gotten the point because it touched his or her barrier last. Also, if a ball lands in, say, Player 4's goal, the Player 4 will lose one point. If a newly released Poké Ball (has a white color around it) enters a players goal, then that player will lose one point. There will be more Poké Balls on the field at one time as the game progresses.

Pichu's Power Plant[edit | edit source]

  • Use Neutral dpad to select an electrode.
  • This game is for Pichus

The objective of this game is to charge the most power before the other players. The surrounding electrodes will light up with either a green or blue color. If it is blue, use the A button to charge. If it is green, then use the B button to charge. This game is very similar to the "Thundering Dynamo" mini-game of Pokémon Stadium.

Rampage Rollout[edit | edit source]

  • Use Neutral dpad to move and press A button to leave behind a dust whirlwhind.
  • This game is for Donphans.

In this game, players will race one another to be the first to complete nine laps around a small, fenced area. After one lap is done, the player who came through second will be given one chance to use a whirlwind. (This is indicated by a swirling star above the player's Pokémon.) Whoever came through third will be given two chances, and the one who came through last will be given three.

Streaming Stampede[edit | edit source]

  • Press A button to count.
  • This game is for Clefas and Igglybuffs.

In this game, crowds of various Pokémon will be rushing by and players will count the number of Pokémon the game asked them to count for. There are five sessions: The first two are worth ten points each, the third and fourth are worth twenty points each, and the last one is worth 40 points. (You will count all of the Pokémon on the last one.) How close you are to the actual number will determine the number of points you get. If you counted correctly, you receive full credit but you points will decrease the further you are away from the actual count.

Tumbling Togepi[edit | edit source]

  • Use Neutral dpad to move.
  • This game is for Togepis and Omanytes.

The objective of this game is to finish the race first. Use the blue marks scattered throughout the terrain to speed up. Be careful of the hills, rocks, logs, and Digglets that will slow you down.

Delibird's Delivery[edit | edit source]

  • Use Neutral dpad to move. To pick up a present, walk up next to it and Delibird will automatically retrieve it. To drop presents off, walk up the conveyor belt and Delibird will drop them off.
  • This game is for Delibirds.

In this game, players collect and drop of presents to gain the most points by the end of the 60 second time limit. Swinubs (the small, brown pig looking-things) are constantly moving through the Delibirds' travel space. If a player bumps into a Swinub, the he or she will lose the presents he or she was carrying at that time. (The gifts the player droped off will not be affected.) Players can carry a maximum of five gifts at a time. If a player collects many of the same gift at a time, then he or she will receive extra points.

Candy (small, pink item) - 20 points
Bird (possibly Pidgey) Doll - 50 points
Game Boy - 100 points
Nintendo 64 (the blue item) - 250 points
Snorlax Doll - 350 points
Piano - 600 points
Ring - 1000 points

Egg Emergency[edit | edit source]

  • Use L button an R button to move.
  • This game is for Chanseys.

The objective of this game is to catch the most falling eggs. Whoever ends up with the most eggs, when no more fall, wins. Four players are given their own section and 100 eggs to catch. If a player misses an egg, it falls into the water below and the player cannot recover it. Also, Voltorbs will sometimes drop with the eggs. If a player catches one, he or she will lose a few eggs.

Eager Eevee[edit | edit source]

  • Press A button to retrieve and press B button to fake a retrival.
  • This game is for Eevees.

In this game, four Eevees will circle a selection of food surrounded by a cover controlled by an Aipom. When the cover is lifted, the person who reaches the food first will get points for it. If the food is strawberries, then the player who reaches it first will receive more while the player who reaches it second will receive less. If two players reach the food at exactly the same time, then they will both receive points. If a player attempts to retrieve the food while to cover is still on, then he or she will lose few seconds of activity.

Strawberries - 100 X number collected
Grapes - 500
Melon (the large, green ball) - 1000 points
Pineco - Penalty (lose a turn)

Mini-Game Championship[edit | edit source]

A more competitive activity involving the mini-games is the championship. Players compete to earn "tokens" by winning mini-games. The one who reaches the set amount first win. The amount required to win is set before the championship begins and range from five to nine. Seven tokens is the default setting.

Once the championship begins, a player is randomly selected to roll a die. The six sides of the die represent different outcomes that are shown on-screen. Possible "outcomes" include the winner of the mini-game receiving two coins or the person who wins takes a set number of tokens from the leader - the player with the most tokens so far. If there are two leaders, one is randomly selected to have their tokens taken away.

Once the outcome is decided, the player who rolled the die will choose a mini-game to play. If you have obtained a Coin Case in your Game Boy game, and if it is in the Transfer Pak once you win the championship, the number of tokens you won with will be transferred to the coin case in your game.

Very Hard Mode[edit | edit source]

When playing mini-games, you have three difficulty levels to choose from: Easy, Normal, and Hard. To unlock the "Very Hard" difficulty setting, win the Mini-Game championship on the "Hard" difficulty setting and make it so you need seven tokens to win. (You need EXACTLY seven tokens to win, no more, no less. It is the default setting anyway.)

Pokémon Quizzes[edit | edit source]

In the mini-game section of White City, another thing you can do is participate in the Pokémon quizzes. You can do it by yourself or with other players. You will be given an endless series in a 100 second time limit. If you miss a question, ten seconds will be taken away from you. You have four answers to each question. Use the C buttons to answer them.

Each difficulty setting has its own record to beat. For "Easy," it is 25. For "Normal," it is 15. For "Hard," it is 5.