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The first level of 13 has a bunch of Mobies that'll be pulling you a bunch of times as well as some speedy sequences.

  • Move the EF on B3 down two. Get the heart. Move the Moby on C3 to A4 and get the A1 heart. Move down to F6 now.
  • Make your way to the lower area while watching the Don. Move the EF on C9 up two.
  • This needs to be done quickly and carefully: Shoot the Moby on D7, move it up one, move the EF on C7 left two and move the EF on B5 up a half. When the Don clears, move the egg up to D3.
  • This needs to be done carefully: Wait in-between I6 and J6. Halfway on the heart. The moment Don passes down, get the heart and move left. Let the lower Moby suck you down and be sure to be facing left as it does. Don will just miss you.
  • This needs to be done carefully: Wait for Don to come down and when he gets near the heart shoot left at the Moby on B10. Go right and immediately shoot up at the Moby on I5. Wait for Don to move up and once he passes the heart, get it and go left and take cover on C11. Get the corner heart.
  • When clear, get the last heart on F8. Work your way up and shoot the Moby on I1 twice. Get the chest.


This one's pretty tricky in how you need to use the holes.

  • Get the heart and move the Moby all the way right. Eye the Don from above.
  • Shoot the Moby on H3 and push it up so Don is trapped on I2. Be sure to get the heart on G1 right away as the Moby will be pulling you in.
  • Shoot the Moby on D3 twice and move the EF on C3 left one and then right two. You'll get the corner heart.
  • When the Moby appears on A9, get the hearts on A7 and D8. Move the EF on E8 over to H9. Get the heart on H7.
  • Move the EF on I6 up two. Move the one on H6 to G7. Get the heart on J6.
  • Shoot the Moby on H2 twice and take cover on G8. When it returns, move the EF on I4 all the way right to K4.
  • This needs to be done quickly: Shoot the same Moby and trap Don to the left. Get the 2 hearts. Go down to H8 to shoot the egg again. Take cover and move the EF on G7 up to H3 and wait.
  • When the Moby appears on B11, push the same EF to trap Don against the right wall.
  • Maneuver the EF on D3 over to F5. Move the EF on G10 down to trap the Don on F11.
  • This needs to be done quickly: Shoot the Moby on J5 and move it down a half space. Wait for the Don to come up and trap it against the Medusa. Get the K11 heart. Go above the egg and shoot it again.
  • When the Moby appears on D11 you can get the last heart and the chest.


This level makes you use half spaces galore. No other real difficult tricks, though.

  • Get the heart. Move the Moby 2.5 spaces right and while it's still in the egg, move the EF on F11 to J11 and then the one on D11 to I11.
  • Move the Snakey 1.5 spaces up. Move the EF on J9 right one. Move the EF on J8 up two. Move the EF on J5 left one and down half.
  • Move the EF on I3 up one. Move the one on H3 left one. Move the one now on I2 over to E2. Get the heart on H1 along the way. Shoot the Moby on D2 twice and move the same EF onto its spot.
  • When the Moby appears on A10, move the same EF left one. Get the heart and trap Don in the corner with the 2 EFs. Get the heart on C1.
  • Maneuver the EF on J6 over to C5.
  • Go back around and shoot the Gol twice. Make your way to the chest while the Gol's gone. Walk halfway between the 2 Mobies on E7 and E8 so you can get past their suction. Get the chest.


This one's not quite as hard, though still tricky in some areas.

  • Get the heart and head down. Move the EF on I9 right one.
  • This needs to be done quickly: Use the Gol on I10 to trap Don to the left. Push the EF on J9 up to J7. Get the 2 nearby hearts and shoot the egg again. Take cover on G9.
  • When the Gol returns, use it again to trap Don in the corner. Carefully get the heart on H6.
  • Move the EF on F9 left four. Go around and get the heart on A9. Move the same EF back right and up to I3. Get the hearts on I7 and G3.
  • Go down, left and around and move the EF on F2 right two spaces.
  • Quickly: Shoot the Gol on G4 and push it up so it traps Don on F1. Move the EF on H2 all the way right and get the K1 heart. Go over and when you're clear shoot the egg again and take cover.
  • When the Gol returns, use it again to trap Don up in the top right corner. Get the heart on A1.
  • Shoot the Gol on C10 to block Don to the right. Get the heart on A11.
  • When the Gol returns, use it to trap Don in the bottom left corner. Get the heart on F11.
  • Maneuver the EFs on D7 and E3 to K4 and K6. Get the last heart. Shoot the Gol by the chest and get the chest.


This tricky level will require you to do a very strange trick with crossing the water involving half spaces. Half spaces are used in other parts too.

  • Get the hearts on C2 and E3. Move the EF on F4 to F7. Move the one on H4 to K6.
  • Move the EF on F2 to E6. Use the Snakey to go on the water on E5 and push the EF down 2.5 spaces. Move the EF on D9 down 1.5 spaces and over to F10.5 while getting the heart on C9.
  • Move the EF on H2 down to I6. Push the Snakey in the water on I5 and move the EF down 1.5 spaces.
  • Here comes the strange trick: Move the EF on J2 down to I6. In a similar process, use the Snakey again on the water and move the EF down. It'll only go down a half space. Normally stepping off an egg will move you a full space down, so you need the other EF to block you in this case.
  • From here, move the EF you just moved over one space. Move the EF on I7.5 down to H9. Get the H7 heart.
  • Move the EF on I2 to I6 and use the Snakey again to push the EF down to I11.
  • Maneuver the EF on G2 to G6. Push the Snakey in the water on G7 and move the EF up one. Wait for Snakey to appear on K10.
  • When it does, move the same EF to B11. Go get the heart on K11 and shoot Snakey twice.
  • When Snakey returns to his original spot, use him to cross the water on K4, get the heart and cross back.
  • Using your final 2 shots, maneuver Snakey down to A10. Get the last heart and the chest.


This one will need some speed and some thought when moving around the Mobies.

  • Maneuver the EF on D4 up and over to I5. Get the heart on F3 along the way.
  • This needs to be done very quickly: Push the Moby on H6 down to H10.5 so Don is blocked. Get the heart on K11 and shoot the egg again. When Don passes left, move the EF on J8 down to trap him in the corner. Go up and move the EF on I5 to H6. Moby will very shortly appear on D9.
  • Move the EF on C4 down one. Shoot the Moby on E3 twice. Move the EF on E4 up one. Wait on F3.
  • When the Moby appears on D8, move the same EF left one, down one, left one again. You'll be pulled down. Compensate for this and move the EF to B7.
  • Get the heart on F7. Distribute the EFs and Mobies to block the Medusas and get the last heart on A11.
  • Put the EF on H6 on to K9 and get the chest.


More Mobies, more holes, more speed.

  • Take the upper route work your way around to get the hearts on H6 and H7.
  • Move the EF on D4 left one. Push the Moby on D5 down two. Shoot the egg again from the right. Go up and wait a little bit on D2. Push the Moby down two. When the other Moby appears down below, move the egg all the way down to D8.
  • Trap Don in the bottom right corner with the EF on J7. Get the heart on K5.
  • Maneuver the EF on C4 to I2.
  • This needs to be done quickly: Shoot the Moby on J2 and move it all the way down. Get the heart on F11 and immediately shoot left to avoid being pulled under the Medusa. Go back and shoot the egg on J11 again from above. Move the EF on I2 right one.
  • When the Moby appears on A10, maneuver the same EF to E9. You'll use your arrow power in the process of doing this.
  • From E8, shoot the Moby next to you twice. Get the heart and maneuver the EF on H9 up to D3.
  • When the Moby appears on C9, move the EF straight down. Get the last heart and get the chest.


The Mobies will really be on your nerves in this one. You'll need to compensate for them quite a few times.

  • Move the EF on F8 right two and move the one on C7 left two. You'll be pulled up, so move right.
  • Go right and head down. Move the EF on H8 up to H5. Move down as soon as possible. Take the long way around and move the same EF to J5. Take a step left before heading down. Get the heart on J9.
  • Move the EF on J10 to H5. Hold down the up button as you're pulled. Move the same EF over to C5.
  • Take the long way around and move the same EF up one then left one. Move right as soon as possible, then back down. Move the same EF left one as you're being pulled up. Head to the right area.
  • This needs to be done quickly: Shoot the Moby on K6 twice. Get the heart on K2. Take the lower route and get the heart on A5 and move the EF up one.
  • Quickly: Shoot the Moby on G2 and take the lowest route. Move the EF on C7 up one. Maneuver it to C2.
  • Move the Moby on G2 up one. Shoot the one on C1 twice. Take the last heart and head to the chest.


Careful moving around the Dons and a little speed will be needed here.

  • Move the EF on F5 to C8. Move the one on G6 to D7. Get the heart on E7.
  • Quickly and carefully: Move the Snakey on I5 all the way up. Go around and move the EF on J3 left one and the one on J2 down one. Move the EF on I3 down a little then shoot the egg again. While Snakey's gone, maneuver the same EF down to C10.
  • Get the heart on C9. When you're clear, get the one on A10. Use the same EF to trap Don in the bottom left corner.
  • Move the EF on E4 up two. Move the one on D3 left one.
  • Carefully move the Snakey on H4 to D1. Get the heart on C1.
  • Carefully maneuver the EF on J3 down to E6.
  • Move the Snakey on I5 to C4. When Don comes up, trap him in the corner with the EF on C3.
  • Move the EF on E6 to B7. Get the last heart and the chest.


The last level is pretty tough. You will need to be speedy in a few points. It will be the last time you see Mobies, too. If you care about which character you play as, you may want to switch to the other when you get here as after this room you can't go back to the overworld map and whoever goes on to the next room will be captured.

  • Move the EF on H3 to J1. Move the EF on J5 down one (This will shield you from the Don on the right for the next steps)
  • Move the EF on E2 left two spaces. Work your way down and carefully get the heart on C10.
  • This needs to be done quickly: Shoot the Moby on C6. Move the EF on C2 to E2. Move the egg to A2. Get the heart.
  • Move the Moby on B6 to B1. Move the EF on E2 to K2. Get the heart on I1. Move the EF on C8 down one.
  • Quickly: Move the Moby on D10 down one to trap Don on E11. Get the corner heart. Go up and when clear, shoot the egg again. Go left and down. Move the EF on C9 a half space right. Go left and around and move it down one. This will conveniently shield you from the lower Don.
  • When the Moby appears on G10, move the EF on B8 right one and then move the one in-between C10 and D10 down one. Move the EF now on C8 up and over to J3.
  • Move the EF on J6 down one. Move left and down.
  • Quickly: Shoot the Moby on J8 and move it so it is above Don. Go get the heart on K4. Go back down and move the EF on J7 left one. Shoot the egg again. Go up and move the EF on J3 down to J9. Don't stop short.
  • When the Moby returns, move the EF on I7 down two.
  • Very quickly: Move the J8 Moby below Don. Move the EF on J9 down one. Get the K11 heart, move the same EF up one. Get the heart on G11. Shoot the Moby on G10. Move the EF on J9 up two. Shoot the egg again and take cover behind the EF.
  • From here, use your arrow power on the sole arrow. Move the F7 Moby to the right one. Get the heart under the chest and get the chest.

Level 13 boss[edit]

Here it is! The fight with King Egger...! Or so it would seem... Actually, he's invincible, so unless you'd like to have fun dodging and shooting him for a while, it's best to just let yourself be hit by one of his shots. The game will take you back to the overworld with your other character. Simply re-enter level 13 and walk up to King Egger. He will jump away and take the character you entered his room with captive. You'll then go to a cutscene and after which you will proceed down to the underworld for the final phase of the game.

Note: Even though Lolo would have been captured in this case, he will still appear in the screenshots as passwords were used to play levels 14 onward as Lolo.