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Item Description
Coin The coin will restore one slice of Mario's health meter. Collect 50 coins to earn an extra life. If Mario dies, the number of coins he collects will be reset to zero. At the end of most missions, the high score will be the number of coins Mario collects on that mission.
? Coin Much larger than the average coin, nobody knows what happens when Mario grabs it.
Star Bits These multicolored chunks can be collected by aiming the Pointer at them. Collect 50 Star Bits for an extra life. Shoot Star Bits by presing or holding the B Button. Shoot Star Bits to stun most enemies or feed Hungry Lumas.
Green Shell Mario can throw this shell to break open treasure chests or attack enemies. He can also hold one while underwater for a speed boost.
Red Shell Mario can throw shell to attack enemies. He can also hold one while underwater for a faster speed boost than the Green Shell.
1-Up Mushroom This mushroom gives Mario an extra life. The 1-Up Mushroom can also be brought from the Luma Shop for 30 Star Bits.
Life Mushroom This mushroom will increase Mario's maximum health to six, adding an extra health meter. But if the meter falls to three or below, Mario's maximum health will revert to three. The Life Mushroom can also be brought from the Luma Shop for 30 Star Bits.
Purple Coins These are special coins that are collected with or without a time limit in galaxies that have the Purple Coin comet orbiting them and in the Gateway Galaxy. 100 Purple Coins must be collected in order for Mario to receive a Power Star.
Bee Mushroom Transforms Mario in to Bee Mario.
Boo Mushroom Transforms Mario in to Boo Mario.
Rainbow Star Transforms Mario in to Rainbow Mario.
Fire Flower Transforms Mario in to Fire Mario.
Ice Flower Transforms Mario in to Ice Mario.
Spring Mushroom Transforms Mario in to Spring Mario.
Red Star Transforms Mario in to Flying Mario (Star Observatory and Gateway Galaxy only).