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Field 2-1[edit | edit source]

Kick this space after the bridge for a secret door
Watch out for the shell throwing Otto
  • You'll now be in a new oceanic environment with tropical islands and crabs. Jump on or kick the crabs out of your way and kick the base of the palm tree trunks to find items such as coins. After jumping over a gap where a Lint Imp is hopping in and out of the water, you much carefully jump over three Harry sea anemones. Then cross over the water on two moving platforms and watch out for the three Stinker flies on the other side.
  • You'll have to jump on four cloud platforms, the last two of which will sink when you land on them, while watching out for the fish that jump out of the water. Kick the garbage can to make a fountain appear, and ride it to the top to find your partner and restore your health. When you get back, continue on and knock your partner out of the tree by kicking the trunk, watching out for the soda cans he throws at you.
  • Carefully cross the bridge with the leaping Lint Imp, and kick the space on the first platform down to make an invisible door appear. Step inside to find your partner once again and regain health. Continue on, jumping over the Harrys and kicking tree trunks that you pass until you reach more clouds. An Otto will be floating on the water throwing shells up at you. While you can jump on the Otto, your best off ignoring it, and jumping across on the clouds. Watch out for a Poopatross as you are jumping. Continue running along until you encounter your partner throwing soda cans at you again. If you kick him this time, four kettles will fall from the sky and hurt you if you stick around.
  • Cross over the clouds and land on the floating platform. Then kick the garbage can to make another fountain appear. Ride it to the top to find a slot machine. When you get back down, kick the Harry to make a floating platform appear over the otherwise uncrossable water. (Kick it again for an extra 100 points.) The last cloud in the platform series will fall. Then run to the end. The last tree in the stage can be kicked like the lamp posts in the first Area to attempt a chance at earning an extra life.

Field 2-2[edit | edit source]

Fountains in garbage cans lead to secrets
Follow the advice of the blimps to find more secrets
  • This field starts out much like the previous one. Jump over the two Harrys (you can kick the second one) and over the Lint Imp (use gas on it if you like). Kick the empty space over the next island to find a coin. You must time your jump to the sinking platform carefully, as it will dump you in the water if it is on it's way down. Beyond the flies, you can kick your partner out of the bushes. Jump across the floating platforms and kick the garbage can to create a fountain. Ride it to the top to have your partner restore your health.
  • You'll have to properly time your jump to the sinking platform in order to cross. When you jump off of it, two fish will leap out, but you should be able to stomp on both. Then run past the trees, jump over the Harrys and on top of the Furspurs. Some trees have coins, but the garbage can here has poo. Watch out for the crabs, and the trees that drop coconuts. You'll reach cloud platforms over a pair of Ottos. The last cloud will fall, and you'll need to jump over a Lint Imp, and on top of a fish. More fish will leap out at you as you approach the elevator which will transport you to the sky.
  • You'll encounter your first Julio Copter as you jump onto the first cloud, followed by a Poopatross, and some Stinker flies. Carefully leap over the fire (there are coins on either side of that cloud), and jump across the two floating clouds (the spring is optional). When you land, watch out for the Pizzano Family members that come running at you from either side. Jump over the fire, watch out for the flies, and after you reach a second cloud platform, you'll see a blimp with a downward arrow. You can fall down where it points, to find a slot machine.
  • Continue running along the clouds, and you will begin to see baseballs being thrown up toward you. Avoid them and jump over the fire. Cross the moving clouds carefully, watch out for the copter, and kick your partner when you see him. Jump across on the two moving clouds, watching out for the two Poopatrosses above, and run to the end of the stage.

Field 2-3[edit | edit source]

Kick this garbage can to find the area key
Another secret area is pointed out by the blimp
  • Still in the clouds, watch out for more baseballs that come flying toward you. The second of two side-by-side clouds will fall when you set foot on it. After a set of three flies, watch out for the Pizzano Family member, and then use the clouds to jump over the gap. After a second set of three flies, there is a small gap in the clouds. If you fall down this gap, you will be propelled to Field 2-4. However, if you don't have the key yet, you will be forced to return here, so avoid falling in the gap. Another family member will charge you, then watch out for the sinking platform when you jump to the moving platform.
  • Get past a set of flies and birds until you see a melon over a fire. Jump over the two fires here, then fall down the space below the blimp with the arrow to find a slot machine. Jump on the two floating platforms, then kick the garbage can to stop your partner from throwing soda cans at you. Be careful when you see a cherry over the platform; that platform will sink when you land on it, so it's best to simply jump over to the cloud beyond. Then jump over the fire and under the bird, and leap over the moving platform.
  • Watch out for three flies, then jump on another platform to the next cloud containing a garbage can. Kick this can to find the key to the area boss. Jump over the fire and collect a cherry, then up and over the floating platform. Collect the melon that you find, but watch out for more baseballs, both below and above you. Kick the next garbage can to make a floating platform appear. You will reach a set of three cloud platforms, and all of them will fall away when you land on them, so be sure to jump off of them quickly. Then fall down when you see a blimp with an arrow pointing down to see your partner and restore your health.
  • When you return, you will immediately find your partner again, this time throwing soda cans at you. If you kick him, four kettles will fall out of the sky. Jump up to the next platform and grab the burger if you can, but watch out for the bird. When you land, you will see a flashing springboard. This springboard will also propel you to 2-4. Now that you have the key, this is ok, but the exit is just ahead, and if you take the springboard now, you will miss out on the bonus points and the health refill for clearing the stage.

Field 2-4[edit | edit source]

Kick this tree to find health extending curry
Kick Pumpkinhead four times in the chest to beat him
  • As soon as you start, you'll be introduced to Skyler, the enemy that drops lightning on you. Do you best to avoid the lightning and leap up to the next platform. Continue past some flies and a bird. Kick the space above the cloud with a melon above it to make a coin appear. Kick the garbage can to make your partner float down on a parachute. When crossing the clouds, the springboards are there to save you if you miss, but you should try to cross without using them. You'll reach an elevator that will take you down to the ground.
  • Watch out for the flies, grab the burger, and kick some of the tree trunks for coin. Jump over the Dork, hop over the gap, and deal with the four Furspurs around the trees. Jump another gap, avoid the bird, and carefully jump on and off the brick platform which will drop when you land on it. Jump over the fire, and when you see your partner in the tree throwing soda cans at you, turn around and kick the first trunk. You will find curry which will increase your health meter. To knock your partner out of the tree, you need to kick it twice. The first kick creates poo and the second kick knocks him down.
  • You will reach a bathroom while a Pizzano Family member will toss soda cans at you. Kick the door and enter to find your partner and restore your health. Kick the lamp post base for a coin. Pass the trees and when you reach a garbage can, kick it for a coin, but watch out for a boulder quickly rolling at you from behind. You'll see a platform before a wall. Before you try to vault up to the top of the wall, allow yourself to fall between the platform and the wall. Not only will you find your partner and get your health back, but you will be sent flying to the top of the wall.
  • Carefully cross the wall tops, and jump from platform to platform. Jump over the fire, and when you see a green spring board, only jump on to it if you failed to find the key in the previous field. If you have the key, platforms will be in place to permit you to proceed to the end of the stage. The last platform (you will be able to see a burger when you reach it) will drop out when you land on it. Collect the burger and advance to the boss fight. The boss of this Area is called Pumpkin Head (Wriggle Gong in Japan), and he is pretty much identical to the previous boss, except that he likes to throw two boulders at once. Use the same strategy to kick him four times in the chest to defeat him.