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Field 6-1[edit | edit source]

Some fountains contain 1-Up bees
Grab some curry from this garbage can
Don't miss this hidden door at the top of the ledge
  • Kick the garbage can and the lamp post for coins. You may think you need to hop off the backs of the birds to cross the long gap, but the truth is, there's an invisible floor all the way across this gap. Kick the next lamp post for another coin. Then hop over the moving platform and kick the first fountain for an extra life bee. Jump to the falling platform and on to the next ledge where you can kick the garbage for a coin while a Nes Jr. runs away. When you reach the bathroom, kick both gender signs for coins, but don't kick the garbage can as it contains poo. Kick the door open and enter to regain your health.
  • After a long run, a rat and a mole will attack from behind as you jump to a floating platform. When you land on the next ledge, kick the space above it to reveal a door which contains a slot machine. The next garbage can contains a cherry. A Dork will approach you, but you must set yourself up properly for the next jump or you won't make it. You must leap over the fire and hit the springboard, but you need to hit it far to the right or you'll miss the next ledge. Try to jump late over the fire to make sure that you hit the right side of the springboard.
  • Kick the lamp post for a coin, and then jump off the springboard. Chances are very high that you won't make this jump either, but that's ok, as there is an invisible springboard waiting for you just off of the ledge which will save you. The garbage can between the two springboards contains curry. Use the right springboard to not only leap above the Nessy, but beyond the next fire as well. When you land, collect the burger, and kick your partner off the lamp post. Collect the melon as a rat jumps off the ledge, and kick the space above the ledge to reveal a door where your partner will restore your health. Then get a very good running start and jump very late off the ledge to reach the floor beyond the gap.
  • Kick the lamp post for a coin, and then look at the floor ahead very carefully. It's actually composed of several falling platforms. As the birds fly overhead, carefully leap on the tops of the platforms to reach the next ledge. Kick the garbage for a coin. Prepare for the next sequence by running full speed into the springboard, landing on the falling platform and jumping late to reach the ledge with the fountain. Don't worry about collecting the food between fountains as much as landing safely on the next ledge. The fourth and final fountain can be kicked for an extra life bee.
  • Ignore the next springboard, kick the post for a coin, and jump up to the moving platform at full speed. The next garbage can has poo, so hit the springboard, and land on the falling platform as a Nessy appears. Jump off the platform and over Nessy's head. When you land on the ledge below, another Nessy will appear. When the second Nessy drops down, be very careful jumping to the next ledge, which actually happens to be two falling platforms. Jump ahead where a Nes Jr. should about-face, and kick your partner before you exit the stage.

Field 6-2[edit | edit source]

Make your partner appear, but watch out for the fire below
Fall down with this cloud to find your partner and health
  • As you cross the clouds, the stage begins with three boulders, followed by a set of Stinker flies. Kick the garbage can for fries. Be careful when proceeding with the birds nearby, it's best to hop on top of them than run under them. Use caution if you attempt to collect the burger below the falling platform. A swarm of flies will appear. Let them clear out before leaping onto the moving platform. The next four platforms will fall away. When you kick your partner, four kettles will fall from the sky. A blimp will indicate that you should fall through the bottom, where you'll find a slot machine.
  • When you are ejected from the slot machine, a Nes Jr. will be waiting for you on the next cloud. Soda cans will fall through the gaps between the small clouds (kick the space above each one for a coin), and use the springboard if you like to help deal with the Julio Copter. Three Pizzanos will try to ambush you on the next cloud. Three birds will try to interfere as you cross the moving platform and collect a burger. Baseballs will be thrown up to you when you land. Kick the garbage can to make your partner parachute down. Ride the floating platform to collect the melon if you want, then carefully leap over the next fire.
  • Hop from a falling platform to a cloud below (the garbage can contains poo), then you might want to clear away the birds before you jump to the next cloud with a Windjammer. Continue carefully across the small clouds until you are chased by a boulder from behind. Leap up to the next cloud, and watch out for more Poopatrosses. After collecting a cherry above a Windjammer, watch out for a Nessy popping up from the gap. Jump over it, and you will see two falling platforms and a Julio Copter. When the second platform is beneath you, you should see your partner throwing soda cans at you. Don't hop off this platform. Instead, ride it down, and your partner will restore your health. When you return, you'll still have to kick your partner to stop him from chucking cans at you, but four boulders will fall from the sky if you do.
  • Use the springboard to vault over the Skyler. The platform with the burger will fall away, but the next one won't, so you can safely stand there and wait. In fact, if you kick the space above it, you'll find a coin. The space above the next cloud also hides a burger. Wait for the birds to clear, then kick the next garbage can to make a coin and a platform appear. Jump from platform to platform to rise above the swarm of flies, then leap over the final sequence of falling platforms, watching out for the two falling boulders right before you reach the end of the stage.

Field 6-3[edit | edit source]

Reveal this extra life at the start of the stage
Don't miss this key or you'll have to come back
Find this hidden door before the Nessy
  • You won't encounter much more than a few birds at the start. Kick the space above each step for a coin. When you see a Nessy pop out of the water, stand on the block and kick the ledge behind you to make a 1-Up bee appear. Before you continue, you might be best off trying to blast the Nessy with two sprays of gas to remove it. Jump to the next cloud which falls away, and then to the one beyond it which stays, but you must kick a hole through the wall to continue. Be careful of your momentum when you finally jump through the hole as it's easy to slip and fall off the other side of the cloud. One you reach the next ledge, you'll see a Nes Jr. Kick the space above the highest ledge to make a door appear where you'll get health back from your partner.
  • Kick the spaces on the way down the steps for more coins. Then hit the springboard and kick the garbage to find a burger. From the can, you'll see a sinking platform. It's actually better to jump when the platform is on it's way down, as there is an invisible spring below it that will help propel you to the next ledge beyond the Otto. A Nes Jr. will run towards you when you see a garbage can. Avoid the Nes Jr., and kick the garbage for a 1-Up bee. Jump over the next Nes Jr. and kick the last tree for a burger.
  • The next sequence of sinking platforms can be difficult. The trick is to kick the area around them when you land on them to make a small block appear, and jump onto the block before the platform sinks and before you proceed so that you can time your jump to the next platform. When a garbage can comes into view, if you fall off the right side of that island, you'll hit an invisible springboard which will propel you into the sky and back to 6-2, so be careful. Instead, kick the ledge that the garbage can is on for a burger, and kick the can for a coin. Even though the block to the right of the can contains ramen, don't kick it. Instead, use it as a platform to jump over the water. As you fall, a fish should jump out to give you a boost to the next island.
  • Kick your partner, and watch out for the columns of Lint Imps between the platforms. None of these platforms will fall, but you may want to use your gas spray to clear the way out a little before you proceed. After landing on an island, the next two platforms will fall away, but the third below the blocks won't. None of these blocks can be broken, but on the other side of the wall is a block that will have a cherry on it. If you kick the same location on your side of the wall, a block will appear which you can use to hop over the wall. Then be sure to come back and kick the block that had the cherry on it, as you will find the key inside.
  • Jump over the Nes Jr. as you collect a burger, and watch out for a rat attack from behind. A Nessy will appear from the water. Hop over the Nessy and kick the space above the ledge to the left of the next bridge to make a door appear. Step inside to find slots, but watch out for the Nes Jr. headed your way. Jump on the crabs and the boulder, and make sure you don't fall in the water around the Otto, or you will be boosted back to 6-2. Instead, jump on and off the falling platform, to the ledge above (kick the space for a coin), then leap to the floating platform. Jump from the height of its path to the springboard below, and over to the next ledge.
  • Watch out for the Dork that approaches, and run through a small gauntlet of enemies, collecting the burger as you go. When you see a falling platform ahead, lure a Nessy out and wait for it to dive down before leaping on the platform. Jump to the next ledge, and kick the space above the ledge to reveal a door where you can regain health. Again, wait for the next Nessy to dive down before proceeding, and be careful if you intend to collect the burger over the springboard. Kick the space over the next ledge to make a platform appear. Jump from the height of that platform to the falling platform beyond, and kick the space above the next ledge for a coin. Worry less about the next burger, and more about the timing of the sinking platform. The four clouds beyond will fall away so get to the safety of the ledge by jumping over the Nessy's head. Then leap over the fire, and chase one last Dork and Nes Jr. to the end of the stage.

Field 6-4[edit | edit source]

There's an extra life ahead of your can-throwing partner
If you fall down here, it's all the way back to 1-1!
Kick and make this block appear before the platform falls
Defeat the last boss, Knucklehead to beat the game!
  • The first few leaps over the clouds will see boulders falling down on you, and a leap over a fire that releases little flames. Ignore the burger by the fire and make sure you have sure footing before you continue and leap to the next cloud. Then run beneath four Windjammers as you pass a garbage can (kick the can for two coins). Then hop from the falling platform to the cloud beyond. Kick the space ahead of your partner to reveal a 1-Up bee, then kick the your partner. Four kettles will fall out of the sky, then very carefully leap up to the space between the two fires.
  • What follows is perhaps one of the cruelest portions of the game. (If you intend to fall down where the blimp indicates to reclaim health, follow the rest of these instructions as if you bounced off the springboard.) You must leap over the second fire, on to a springboard, and then over a series of fires by hopping on top of the backs of several flies. The best way to do this is to hit the springboard at full speed, and then hold left while you are over the second pair of flies. From here, push right in small increments to give you just enough speed to make it on top of the next fly, tapping back to the left when you have traveled too far and are in danger of overcompensating. If you reach the gap between the fires, an invisible springboard will propel you up, and you should be able to reach the springboard behind the last fire.
  • Once you make it across, you don't need to use the springboard to bounce over the Nessy. In fact, there's an invisible springboard behind the Nessy if you miss the cloud beyond. Kick the garbage can for two coins. Watch out for more falling boulders, and let the next Nes Jr. fall off the cloud. Jump over the second one and get rid of the birds before you continue. Jump over to the next springboard as blue flames begin to appear. Don't worry about the fruit as you will eventually collect one or two just by jumping from the springboard. Make your way to the elevator that will carry you down to the ground below.
  • Watch out for the two Dorks and kick open the bathroom door to get your health back. The lamp post is a 1-Up chance. After a batch of moles, you will see food and fruit in the gaps of ledges, but Nes Jr.s will drop down to enter the gaps and hurt you, so you may be better off ignoring the food and leaping over the gaps. Kick your partner away from the lamp post, then kick the upper portion of the post to make a platform appear in the gap. Use the platform to reach the land beyond, kick the tree for a coin, and kick the garbage can for life extending curry. A Nessy will appear from the gap. This begins another challenge.
  • You must advance through a series of islands that are each surrounded by fire breating Nessies. When you reach each island, you can jump kick the air above, and make a block appear. You can use this block to squat down and spray the next Nessy in the face with gas, clearing your approach to the next island. When you reach the last island, you must run at full speed to the falling platform placed before the high ledge, jump off of it immediately in order to get on top of the ledge, and let your momentum carry you to the edge of the ledge where you will jump over to the springboard beyond the second fire, collecting food as you go. You should land safely on the next section of land.
  • Kick the tree and the edge of the fence for coins, and the lamp post is a 1-up chance. Kick either gender sign for more coins, then kick the door open to find a slot machine. Get past the flies, and run full speed to the end of the ledge to jump on top of the backs of the Poopatrosses and cross the gap. A rat will jump toward you, and you must navigate on top of ledges, some of which have fires at the end of them, so don't go too fast. A lot of Poopatrosses will begin to appear above you, followed by a couple of rats and a large number of garbage cans, most of which have poo in them. This is followed by floating platforms that help you leap over fires. However, if you happen to slip below the gap under the second floating platform, you will actually be transferred all the way back to Field 1-1. Don't let this happen!
  • The next sequence is another challenge, and can be a little difficult to figure out. After the last fire, you must hop onto one falling platform, and then leap across two gaps to two more falling platforms. There is a wall of bricks after the last platform that is impossible to leap over without help. As soon as you land on the third platform, kick the air above it, and a block should appear. Then immediately jump off the platform and onto the block you just created. From here, you can kick the top of the wall to make a platform appear, and jump over the wall. If you don't have the key, then unfortunately, the platform won't appear, and you'll have to fall off the right side to be bounced back to 6-3.
  • Ride the platform to the final section, where a mob of Pizzanos will appear to attack you. Hop over them or on their head, kick your partner out from behind the bushes one last time, and kick the last block before the sign to make curry appear. Then it is on to the very last boss fight of the game. His name is Knucklehead (Double Header in Japan), and he is the fastest of all the bosses. Although his attacks are the same as all the others, he does them with such frequency that it can be hard to find an opening to attack sometimes. Nevertheless, focus your efforts on kicking him in the chest six times, and not only will you beat the boss, you will have beaten the game as well. Congratulations!