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After the Mario Bros hammer his nerves, Bowser wakes up in Cavi Cape. This is the first level in which you control Bowser.

Start by walking east through what resembles a ship. Starlow will quickly explain how to switch between Bowser and the Mario Bros. Go north onto a steel platform. Punch the steel ball that rolls and the door will open. Proceed north. After a short cutscene in which Bowser tries to breathe fire, break the boulders and continue north. In the next room, there is a save block. Walk onto the large gray stone, which will take you to the other side. Punch the rocks jutting out of the wall to avoid getting knocked off. Hit the brick block for Hot Drumsticks, an item that heals Bowser. Go east and you will encounter Fawful.

Mandatory Battle 1: Midbus[edit | edit source]

New Enemy: Midbus

  • HP: N/A
  • Attack: Curl up into a ball and roll at Bowser
    • Counterattack: Punch Midbus
  • Attack: Bounce onto Bowser

This battle serves as a tutorial for how to use Bowser in combat. Fawful will explain the correct timing for Bowser's punch attack and how to counter Midbus's attacks. Note that Midbus's bounce attack can't be countered yet. After a few rounds, Bowser has to stop fighting because of side effects from the Mushroom he ate earlier. Midbus leaves.

Continue east. In this area, there are Chuboombas, fat Goombas that are easy to defeat. See the bestiary for more information. Head south. The next area is very similar. Continue fighting the Chuboombas for experience. Exit to the southeast. The next room has a cutscene in which Bowser talks to his consciousness and you learn about Chakroads. Keep going east and enter the structure. Go east, then exit to the south into Plack Beach.