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The Trash Pit is the first real level in this game. However, there is still lots of tutorial content.

Freeing Starlow[edit | edit source]

It begins with Mario alone inside a section of Bowser's body. Go right into the next room. Hop across the platforms without falling in the white liquid at the bottom. There are two ? Blocks, one of which has coins, and one of which has three Mushrooms. At the end of the room, there is a Emoglobin that allows you to save the game. In the next room, Starlow is trapped in a pink membrane. Enter the far right pink pipe, then the far left, and finally the middle pipe to free Starlow. However, a new enemy confronts Mario.

Mandatory Battle 1: Saving Starlow[edit | edit source]

New Enemy: Goombule

  • HP: 8
  • Attack: It charges at Mario or Luigi. Counterattack by jumping.
    • Tell: It will go near the bro that it will attack (not applicable for this battle)

This battle is very easy. Starlow offers to teach you how to counterattack and later, how to flee. Just keep attacking.

Proceed on to the next room, where there are more Goombules. Hit the ? Blocks for coins and continue through the pipe to the next room. There, an Emoglobin will fully heal Mario. This room is simple; there are more Goombules and more ? Blocks with coins and Mushrooms. You should fight the Goombules because they are easy experience. Continue to the next room. There Luigi is trapped. Grab his legs to rescue him and two Goombules appear.

Mandatory Battle 2: Using Luigi[edit | edit source]

Enemies: Goombules (x3)

  • HP: 8
  • Attack: It walks to the center, lifts a foot, then rolls at Mario or Luigi
    • Tell: If it raises the foot nearest to the Bros, it will attack Mario. If it raises the foot farthest from the Bros, it will attack Luigi.
    • Counterattack: Jump just as it starts rolling.

This time, you fight with both Mario Bros. Starlow explains how to do damage before the battle begins, how to fight with two characters, and how to recognize monsters' "tells". After you beat the first Goombule, another will fall from the ceiling. It is another easy battle.

After the battle, Starlow explains the star menu, how to use items, and how to access the area map. Continue to the next room. There is another Emoglobin that lets you save here. Chances are, Mario will level up somewhere in this room if you have been fighting most of the enemies. The Goombules in this room might use either the roll or charge attack, so remember the tells to make the battles even easier. The block at the end of the room has three 1-Up Mushrooms, so make sure you get it before continuing. In the next room, there aren't any enemies, so just jump on the platforms to find a block with a Mushroom and then cross the gaps. After that, there is a room with a lift. Just alternate pressing A button and B button as the blocks light up. In the next room, there is a box with hammers but you can't access it yet. Continue right and there is a room with an attack piece block.

Trash Pit Attack Pieces[edit | edit source]

  • In the block in the middle of the room, see above. This is always the first piece.

After getting the first piece, proceed right. Hit the ? Block for three Syrups, then go to the next room. Most of the pieces are in here.

  • At the beginning of the next room.
  • In the bottom-left corner.
  • Slightly right of the bottom-left corner
  • In the bottom-right corner
  • In the top-right corner
  • Slightly below the top-right corner
  • Slightly left of the top-right corner
  • Near the top-left corner

Once you have a total of nine Attack Pieces, the wall in the top-left corner will disappear and you can proceed. The next room has the last piece.

  • Near the entrance from the previous room.

Now that you have all ten pieces, you get your first special attack, which is Green Shell. Suddenly, two more enemies fall from the ceiling and attack the Mario Bros.

Mandatory Battle 3: Using Green Shell[edit | edit source]

New Enemies: Elite Goombules (x2)

  • HP: 16
  • Attacks: Charge or roll (same as Goombules)
    • Tell: The foot they raise (same as Goombules)

This battle is slightly tricky because the Elite Goombules are immune to Jump attacks (including Jump counterattacks). You have to use your Green Shell attack to damage them. Other than that, they are exactly like regular Goombules.

Proceed left and hit the pink ! Block. The floor will disappear and the Mario Bros. will fall onto the hammer crate, breaking it. Starlow gives a brief explanation of how to use hammers. Break the two crates on the right with your hammer and continue to the next room. There, keep going right until you find a switch in the wall. Whack it with your hammer and an egg will fall on the floor next to you. Break it and another battle begins.

Mandatory Battle 4: Using Hammers[edit | edit source]

New Enemies: Spike Blops (x3)

  • HP: 12
  • Attack 1: They walk up to Mario or Luigi, pause, and then attack
    • Tell: They will walk toward the bro they will attack
    • Counterattack: Hit them with your hammer
  • Attack 2: They jump onto the ceiling, move until they are above a bro, then drop down
    • Tell: Watch their shadows
    • Counterattack: Swing the hammer just after they start falling.

This battle serves as a tutorial for the hammers. Because the enemies have spikes, you can't use Jump attacks, but Hammer attacks or the Green Shell attack work. You will see their first attack almost exclusively. Overall, it is another very easy battle.

After the battle, a pipe will come out of the ground. Enter it and proceed right. The next room has several more Spike Blops and ? Blocks. Continue right to finish the area. Then, in the main map, select Toad Town and buy whatever you want. Then, return to the main map and select Funny Bone.

Funny Bone[edit | edit source]

Go to the end of the room, then hammer the yellow nerve. Keep hammering it until Starlow starts talking to Bowser. Now that Bowser is awake, it's time to take control of him.