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The first section of Stage 5 is another area that wraps around on itself. However, your only real option is to head to the right unless you happen to have an unused red fist that can create a tunnel through the wall to the other side. Since this is unlikely, start moving right, fighting through several Oni, plants, and Darumas. Watch out when you encounter red Patapata bats by the stairs. A red plant is waiting to pop up around them.

When you reach the spikes, be sure to hold up on the direction pad while jumping in order to make the jump over to the next platform. Watch out for the floating peach on the ledge beyond the platforms. Two plants are waiting for you on the final two steps before the pillars.

You can actually drop down to the floor below the pillars, and fight the Amajin waiting for you there. Then jump up and grab one of the right pillars. Watch out for an enemy throwing bones in your direction. Rush toward him to push him back to the right, and defeat him. It's up to you if you wish to examine the platforms to the right, but be sure not to fall down to the ground below, or you will have to repeat all your progress over.

Shop keeper
10,000 400
3000 2500

From the ledge, jump back over to the pillars, climb up, and jump over to the ledge on the left. Fight past some Onis and a plant to reach the door. Along the way, you'll spot a POW, but don't collect it yet. Pass through the door to reach an area with a shop keeper. There's one item that you should consider buying if you have the money, and that's the cloud to make the fight with the stage boss easier. When you're done shopping, return through the door to the previous section.

Return to the right, and jump up to the rising platforms, collecting the POW in the process. Collect any fruit you see, and continue climbing up to the top. Jump off to the right, and continue on. Watch out for the floating peach, and be aware that several pots have enemies in them. Take care of the totem pole and then collect the key. Return to the left, and use the rising platform to reach the higher platform. Then make a long leap from that platform to the left until you see another doorway.

Passing through this door will deposit you at the bottom of a pit with several rising platforms. A woman on the left suggests that you go "outdoors", possibly referencing the section that's coming up. Ride the rising platforms until you can hop over the wall to the right. The blue platform waiting for you there will fall as soon as you set foot on it. There's a large heart near the top that you may wish to collect, but you can't reach the locked door below unless you leap from the platform as its falling. If you happen to miss the door, you may appear to be trapped, but you aren't. There's an invisible passage through the wall to the right that returns you to the shop keeper door. From there, you'll have to retrace your steps to get back to the bottom of the pit with the rising platforms.

Ultimately, you need to leap from the falling platform to the locked door. If you are successful, you are taken to an area that may resemble a boss area. However, if you bought the cloud, you may notice that it doesn't appear. That's because Gin Kaku is not really the stage boss. He's just a mid-boss that you must defeat to continue. Gin Kaku hurls axes that boomerang back to him, but he only throws them high. You are safe if you stand on the ground. Unfortunately, Gin Kaku is only vulnerable when you hit him in the head. So you must make sure that there are no axes in the air before you jump up and strike him. Note that it is possible to destroy his axes if you hit them enough times, but this only makes the fight last much longer. Do this enough, and he will explode into a collection of fruits, vegetables, and a key. Collect the key to open up the door on the left and proceed to the next section.

Watch out for the red Oni that greets you when you arrive. Walk below the spinning coin and proceed along the lower path to the right. You'll encounter a large Sutegon that you'll have to back away from, and ultimately defeat while standing on the ledge to the left. Then return and take on the blue Daruma as well. Once both are defeated (and assuming you have some fist power) strike the right wall near the ground to reveal a Yashichi. Collect it to increase your health meter, and then return to the left.

Jump up on the rising platform, but watch out for the bone throwing enemy waiting for you above. Take care of it, and a few more enemies on your way to the right. Jump up to collect the POW item that you find, and then carefully advance toward the totem pole. There's a plant right behind it. A red Daruma is also likely to appear from some pots, so be careful. Jump over the spikes to the platforms, and land carefully on the very narrow ledge beyond them. A plant will sprout from the middle ledge. The rest of the map continues below.

Beyond the spikes, drop down to fight another Amajin, and then walk to the right, watching out for a floating green peach. You'll find a small heart below a plant which pops out upside down. Jump up the small pillar pieces, until you can continue over to the right. Fight your way past some floating peaches, and then carefully jump over a set of spikes so that you collect the POW along the way, killing the totem pole and some other enemies on the other side. Just a few slimes stand between you and door C. (There is a lemon hidden in the wall just above the door.)

5000 2000
2500 15,000

Passing through door C transports you to a small section of map shown to the right. You will find Sagojo standing there. If you approach him, he will actually present you with a shop, and the items he sells are extremely useful. You should definitely by the level 5 staff from him. If you still have enough Zenny left, purchase the Yashichi as well. If you still have Zenny to burn and don't have a gourd, now would be a good time to buy one. When you're done, collect any fruits and pots left in the area, and then pass through door D on the right.

This door will send you to the upper right corner of the map above. From here, you'll have to remove a red Patapata bat, and then proceed left. Carefully drop down the rising platforms and avoid the spikes below. Jump left to reach safe ground, but watch out for the slimes. Beyond a blue Oni, you will encounter a red plant right by another rising platform. Ride this platform up to the door marked E. Before you pass through the door, use any remaining fist power you have to create a tunnel through the wall to the right.

2000 10,000
200 200

Door E will take you to another small section with a shop keeper (not shown.) It's a good idea to stock up on another fist, especially if you didn't have one in the previous section. When you're done shopping, return through the door, and create that tunnel to the right if you didn't do so already. Pass through the tunnel to collect a key and a 1000 Zenny strawberry. Once you've collected these items, all that's left is for you to head all the way to the left, over the pit with the pillars, and on to the locked door on the other side.

Passing through the locked door, you will appear to encounter Cho Hakkai. He will offer to sell you food for 5000 Zenny. And if you say yes, you will lose that Zenny, so say no. Regardless of what you choose, he will reveal himself to be another clone of you in disguise. What's most regrettable is that you have to start the battle so close to him because of your conversation. Move back as soon as you are able to. This fight will be very much like the boss fight at the end of Stage 3, except this still isn't the stage boss battle, and this clone has a new trick up it's sleeve: bomb magic. At will, this clone can toss bombs that replicate Son Goku's own bomb magic (which you must purchase.) When he is defeated, he will leave behind some fruit and a key. Any bomb flame that was present on the screen also transforms into watermelon. Collect the key and open the door to the left to encounter the real boss.

Boss: Kin Kaku[edit | edit source]

This fellow resembles the first stage midboss, and it turns out this is his brother. Like his brother, he throws axes into the air which boomerang. Unlike his brother, he can also throw them lower to the ground, approximately the level of SonSon's head. That makes this fight substantially more difficult. If you happened to purchase the cloud from the shop keeper in the first section, that will make this battle far easier to accomplish. Once again you must dodge all the axes while striking the boss in the head. If you have the cloud, you can stay high enough off the ground to only worry about the axes thrown high. If not, you'll have to keep retreating and attempting to strike the lower axe enough times to actually destroy it. If you accomplish that, then this fight becomes the same as the first midboss. Without doing that, your timing is going to have to be extremely good in order to defeat the boss. One nice thing is that defeating him will provide you with a continue lamp among all the fruits and vegetables that he drops.