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Slimes are one of the most basic enemies. They drip down from a starting point above the floor and move left or right. You have to squat down to defeat them. Yellow slimes multiply, but they don't drop fruit that are worth any Zenny, so you can't farm them for money.


Onis are another basic enemy, although they are a bit more aggressive than slimes. Red Onis run straight toward you in an effort to hurt you. Blue Onis are a bit more reserved, but they have the ability to spit fireballs at you. These fireballs can be destroyed with your staff if you time your strike right.


Boros are small enemies that fly across the screen in a wave. They weave up and down as they cross the screen. When you are in an area that spawns Boros, they will continue to appear until you leave that area. In addition to dropping fruit, Boros can also drop hearts, or skulls.

Pakupaku plants

Inspired directly by the game that SonSon II was originally intended to become, these plants behave very similarly to the plants found in Black Dragon. They spring out of the ground at the last moment, attempting to surprise you. Red plants also spray a harmful pollen into the air.


Darumas have two phases of attack. Initially, they jump up and down. They jump straight up until you get close enough to them, and then they start leaping toward you. If you damage one enough, they will switch to rolling. Blue Darumas have more health than red ones do.


Totems remain stationary wherever they are found. They have two faces, one high and one low. Either face is capable of spitting a pair of fireballs at you. These fireballs can be destroyed with your staff. Watch out for the fireballs, and run up to them in order to destroy them quickly.

Floating peaches

Floating peaches occupy certain areas. Although they may appear to attack you, they're movement is a little random. Prioritize destroying them to remove the threat they pose. The green peaches are stronger and take more hits to defeat than pink peaches.

Patapata bats

Patapata bats hover high above the ground until you get close enough for them to attack. They initially drop down, and then begin to swoop forward when they are low. Early on, you should trick them into attack, and then back up to strike at them from outside their range. Red patapata bats are stronger and take more hits to defeat.


Yokais are small little one-eyed monsters. They run toward you, and then stop when they get close enough. They pause for a moment and turn red, before lunging toward you. If you squat down in just the right spot, they can leap over your head. They sometimes appear from broken pots.

Spinning coin

Another enemy inspired by Black Dragon, spinning coins are completely indestructible. They serve as obstacles that you must avoid. They tend to be situated around pillars where vertical climbing is essential. Wait for them to move out of your way before advancing.

Sutegons are the biggest and strongest basic enemy in the game. They aren't complex; they simply lumber toward you in an effort to damage you. They take a tremendous number of hits to defeat, and you must typically back up as you attack them in order to avoid getting stepped on. Luring them over to an area where you can attack them, but they can't hit back, is a strategy you should employ whenever possible.

These little armored fellows carry a lance with them. In the beginning of the game, the size of their lance is comparable to the size of your staff, so it's difficult to have an advantage over them. As you progress through the game and get better staffs, combat against them gets a little easier, but they still like to rush towards you and get you inside their attack range.

Bone throwers

One of the most difficult enemies to deal with, bone throwers toss bones into the air which travel in an arc. They can toss the bones with varying degrees of strength, so it's not always easy to predict where the bones will land. However, they hate being too close to you, and will back away from you if you rush them. Use that to your advantage.


If you do not complete a stage within 10 minutes, a Raijin will suddenly appear and attack you. It is possible to destroy one, but it's extremely difficult to do so, and even if you do, another will appear around a minute later. If you see one, it's time to get to the exit as quickly as possible.

Bosses[edit | edit source]

Koriki Taisen Ryuriki Taisen
Koriki Taisen, the boss of Stage 1, is a tall tiger with a large sword. In the beginning of the game, his sword is almost as long as your staff, but when you encounter him later, you'll be able to strike him from a safe distance.
Ryuriki Taisen is very similar to Koriki Taisen, except that he's a dragon, and has the ability to breath fireballs. He is the boss of Stage 4. The tiger and the dragon represent yin and yang, the harmony and balance in the universe.
Kogagi Impostor
The son of Rasetsu and Gyumao, Kogagi's fire is said to be unextinguishable by normal water. He rides atop two fire wheels and likes to remain high off the ground during a fight. He is the boss of Stage 2
This impostor would like nothing more than to take SonSon's place and become the hero that he is. The impostor possesses whatever staff SonSon is currently holding, and eventually, his he obtains bomb magic as well. He is the boss of Stage 3, but also makes a few other appearances.
Gin Kaku Kin Kaku
Gin Kaku, along with his brother Kin Kaku, are captors of SonSon's crew. Gin Kaku is the weaker of the two brothers, only capable of throwing two hand axes high in the air.
Kin Kaku is the true boss of Stage 5, angry that you defeated his brother earlier in the same stage. He can throw two hand axes high in the air like his brother, but he can also throw a third hand ax much lower to the ground.
The wife of Gyumao, she is the boss of Stage 6. She has the ability to teleport around her room at will. When she reappears, she will wave her iron fan. This will either shoot off a fireball that explodes in a rain of fire, or launch a gust of wind that can catch SonSon and send him flying to the back of the room.

The lead antagonist of the game, he is behind the capture of SonSon's friends. In order to rescue them, SonSon must challenge Gyumao to battle and defeat him. But Gyumao is not so easily defeated. Even if SonSon manages to destroy Gyumao's body, his head will freely fly around the room and attack SonSon. Only when the head is destroyed is Gyumao truly defeated.