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Overworld[edit | edit source]

At first glance, the Overworld of Reverse Zone may appear identical to that of Rock Zone's, but it won't take long before you notice the difference. Jump over the spikes and take out the enemies that attack you on the way to the first house.

  • Nurse Nancy offers to heal your wounds for 400 coins. Don't bother unless you're down to only one heart.

Just beyond Nurse Nancy's house, you'll learn why they call this the Reverse Zone. The ground (and all of the enemies which patrol it) will appear at the top of the screen instead of the bottom. Gravity, however, is still directed down. Fortunately, a set of platforms are provided to get you to the other side of this section. There are no big threats along this area, but watch out for any enemies that you might hit your head on.

When you reach normal land again, you'll reach an area where a bouncing head will spawn continuously if you stand on the very edge of the ledge before the next house. Stand there and destroy the heads to collect many coins. When you're ready approach the next house.

  • The Wise Wizard will offer to sell you 40 Bolt Bombs for 200 Coins. Take him up on it if you're under 60 bombs. Otherwise, don't bother.

Jump up the hill to the next house. If you have at least 300 Coins, step inside.

  • The Weapons Master will offer to sell you the Brave Sword for 300 Coins. Take him up on his offer for a better sword for the Nova Suit.

Exit the house and drop down the hill to enter the second Reverse Zone section. Again, there are very few threats to actually worry about, but do be careful when jumping up to the ledge that is closest to the ceiling. If you don't time your jump late enough, you will hit your head on the ceiling and miss the platform that you're jumping to.

On the other side of this section is the Nova Suit hut. Stand on it and press Up dpad to be transported to the Underworld.

Underworld[edit | edit source]

The Underworld of Reverse Zone contains no reversed sections like the Overworld had, but it is considerably more dangerous and less straightforward than the first Underworld you visited. It won't take long before you see a set of spikes you need to jump over. Be very careful of the enemies around you when you jump. Colliding into them can send you backward and falling into the spikes if you don't clear them out of the way first.

Not long after you start, you will meet a new tough enemy. A slim robot known as Dr. Sting flies up into the air and over your head. As it flies above you it drops daggers straight down to the ground. When it reaches the other end of the screen, it flies down, and tries to pass through you before repeating the sequence. Stop it before it has a chance to fly over you again.

Eventually the platforms will begin to lower and the next one to the right will be too far away to reach. You will be forced to descend. You will face another Dr. Sting, as well as need to jump over another bed of spikes as you make your way back to the left. A second Dr. Sting may be present before you need to drop down to a lower level.

Yet another Dr. Sting will be present near the start of the next sub-level. This one is significant because there aren't any other enemies around it, which would make it a good candidate for multiple fights with until it drops a heart which will extend your health meter to five hearts.

Continue right, jumping over any spikes, until you reach a bed of spikes with a gray platform hovering over it. As you may have noticed, gray platforms blink off the screen briefly before reappearing. If you are standing on one when it blinks away, you will fall to the spikes below. Wait for the platform to blink before jumping on it and then up to the ledge beyond it. Proceed to the right a short bit, and you will see another gray platform near the bottom of the screen. What you can't see below it are more spikes. You can either wait for the gray platform to rematerialize before leaping to it, or simply overshoot the platform to land safely on the next ledge beyond it.

Once you get far enough to the right, you will reach a dead-end and be forced to climb back up to the top. The next section can be a bit tedious due to the presence of small red boulders that fall down the area and push you back if you don't destroy them. Jump on top of the pillar and then jump on the gray platform above it. You will only succeed in jumping over to the platform on your right if you are standing far enough over the edge of this gray platform. Then you can proceed to jump up to the next gray platform above it, and on to the ledge above.

Ignore the green ledges to your left, and focus on the three gray platforms on your right. Wait until the lowest one rematerializes and then jump up to it and the gray platform above it. Use the small green ledge as a resting point while you wait for the third gray platform to appear, and use it to reach the green ledges over the spikes. Cross over to the right until you are forced to drop down again, and descend to find the entrance to the boss pit.

Boss[edit | edit source]

The boss of this zone is referred to as Stitch, but surprisingly, he's even easier than the boss you faced in the previous zone. He's isolated to the floor, so he can't fly away from you. He has a single attack which is a chain weapon that extends from his arm, and it doesn't do a tremendous amount of damage. It only takes eight strikes with the Brave Sword to defeat him. You can pretty much just walk up to him and start slashing away. If you get pushed back by his weapon, just walk back up to him and continue slashing until he is defeated.