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Overworld[edit | edit source]

Jump up the ledge, and destroy two small enemies to reach the first door.

  • The Wise Wizard will welcome you to Robo Zone and give you some advice about the boss. He says his feet seem strong and recommends you attack higher up.

Watch out for a rolling boulder and jump over the spikes to reach the first instance of the major feature of Robo Zone's Overworld: conveyor belts. These belts move at such a speed that if you are walking against them, you will not make any progress. If you are walking with them, you will move twice as fast. Both circumstances present some danger. In order to advance when the belts are moving against you, you must jump. That is fine until you have to make careful jumps over gaps to avoid spikes. When moving with the belts, you must just be careful to stop advancing before you fall into a gap and onto the spikes.

At this time, jump across the belt to reach the right side, but be careful to stop just short of the spikes so that you can safely leap to the ground beyond. This first conveyor belt sequence will occur a couple of times throughout the zone, and will be referred to as belt sequence A.

After clearing some enemies, you must jump onto a blue structure. It contains two different levels, both with belts moving to the right. Carefully leap over to the middle structure, whose belts move to the left. Then jump over to the right structure, taking care to eliminate the enemy before it can hit you and potentially push you into the spikes below. Once you make it safely to the ground beyond, you'll have to get through a second belt sequence A. Once you pass that, flying cats will begin to appear from the sky. Walk up to the next building with two doors.

  • The Weapons Master confirms that the Wise Wizard knows what he's talking about when it comes to the boss.
  • The Wise Wizard will now offer to sell you more Bolt Bombs for 400 Coins.

Jump up the ledge on the right to reach the next door.

  • Nurse Nancy advises you to go forward very quickly or be forced to retreat, referencing the conveyor belts which move to the left.

Drop back down and proceed to another belt sequence A. Next comes another tall blue structure which starts out similar to the previous one. However, after you make it to the small middle section, you will have to jump over to a horizontally floating platform. You'll need to jump over to a second platform, and then onto a column before leaping across three vertically floating platforms. Watch out for the enemy patrolling the final structure and then drop down to the ground. Proceed to the right to reach the next door.

  • The Weapons Master warns you that Robo Zone is more dangerous than any other.

Once again, leap up the tall blue structure, and over to the next platform. Beyond it is a lower platform containing a conveyor belt which moves to the left. Safely jump in order to reach the next platform to the right and drop down. Pass the small hut for another belt sequence A. Then on to the next building with two doors.

  • Nurse Nancy will heal your wounds for 400 Coins.
  • The Weapons Master will sell you the Alpha Sword in case you missed it in the previous zone, but this time the price has doubled to a whopping 9600 Coins. Hopefully you already purchased it and don't need to save up for this weapon, which is needed to beat the game.

Finally, make your way across a short conveyor belt moving left, and leap over to the Nova hut at the end of the zone.

Underworld[edit | edit source]

Immediately start making your way to the right. You will be greeted by waves of long floating skulls. Eventually a Titan Guard will confront you. Get past it and keep going until you reach a gap over some spikes. Beyond the gap are more conveyor belts. Carefully leap over to them and proceed across them. When making the final leap over some spikes, do it from the safety of the pillar and not from the conveyor belt.

As you proceed to the right, you will encounter a Baron Chairman as a normal enemy. Strike it with your Alpha Sword until it is defeated and then keep going. He is followed up with a Titan Guard. Beyond the Titan Guard is a short conveyor belt section (jump from the pillar over the spikes). You'll see a gap which you should drop down. There is only a Stitch guarding a dead end on the other side.

Start heading to the left. It is actually easier to travel and take on the Titan Guard if you don't jump up to the conveyor belt off the floor. You will see beds of spikes broken up by pillars. You must jump from the base of each pillar to cross the spikes. A Titan Guard will confront you before you reach another short conveyor belt moving left. Jump on and quickly jump off before the belt drops you in the spikes. Take out another Titan Guard as you continue left. A Stitch will appear around the vicinity of two conveyor belts, and a Baron Chairman will appear on the higher ledge above. A Titan Guard will be your last enemy before you reach the gap to the level below (ignore the Stitch beyond the gap.)

Drop down and approach the conveyor belt above the spikes. Travel on the belt all the way to the end, and leap off far to the right in order to avoid the spikes below. Once you see a gap in the floor, drop down since proceeding to the right only leads to a dead-end. Likewise, don't retreat to the left when you drop down because that's a dead-end as well.

Head to the right, and carefully jump from the base of each pillar to safely get over the spikes. Then continue to the right. Take a note of the Titan Guard that appears in this location. This is the last opportunity that you have to make this guard reappear as many times as necessary to refill your hearts. You will encounter a Baron Chairman as you reach a location with some conveyor belts and small gray platforms. Use the platforms and the pillar to climb back up to the level above. Another Baron Chairman will greet you there, followed quickly by a Stitch. Once you beat both of them, you may wish to consider returning to the last Titan Guard to refill your health. Beyond them, you'll find another gap before a dead-end. Drop down the gap and proceed to the left. You'll soon find another gap. Dropping down here will lead you to the boss pit. Which way you drop may dictate how difficult the boss is. See below for more information.

Boss[edit | edit source]

You've finally made it to the final boss of the game, the Titan Warrior. There are two ways to defeat this boss, the normal way which is very difficult, or the easy way which takes advantage of an odd bug in the game. If you wish to know more about beating the boss the easy way, expand the spoiler below.

Titan Warrior is actually composed of two pieces. The bottom part, his legs, are invulnerable and striking them contributes nothing towards defeating the boss. The upper part resembles the final boss of the Toxic Zone, the floating armor which shoots a fireball at you before flying in a U pattern. The strategy this time around will be similar, but made more complicated by the legs. The upper body will always start out attached to the legs, and shoot a fireball at you before rising into the air. Then the legs will dash across the ground at you, and the body will dip down and fly over to the legs. You can jump over the legs and squat down below the armor, but when they rejoin, the legs will shoot a fireball at you in addition to the one that the armor shoot.

This is an incredibly difficult battle to win, no matter how hard you try to dodge the projectiles. The safest strategy involves waiting in position for the armor to fly up, and running as far away from the legs as possible until you are forced to jump in the air and let them pass underneath you. The legs will fire as soon as they turn around. Running far away will give you a chance to dodge the legs fireball before the armor can catch up to the legs. When the armor comes, you must duck down to avoid getting hit by it. As it begins to land on the legs, jump up and strike the armor as frequently as possible. Ideally, you should jump a second time so that the fireball shot by the armor flies over your head as you land. Then quickly dash across to the other side of the room and repeat the process of luring the legs as far away from the armor as possible, to give yourself as much time as necessary to dodge the leg fireball before the armor shows up. It takes 20 strikes of the upper body to defeat the boss and win the game.

Defeating the boss the easy way

Due to a bug in the game, you can arrive at the boss in such a way that it will be frozen in place, unable to attack you. Before you drop down the gap and into the boss pit, jump over to the platform on the left. Then leap into the gap while flying to the right. Continue going right as you fall. You should land inches away from the boss, and the boss will behave as if you had not yet arrived. Standing motionless, you can jump up and strike the boss over and over without any resistance until the boss is defeated.