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Map 1[edit | edit source]

You have finally reached the human base. You must use the freight elevator to get inside. However, it's not that simple. The base is protected by heavy turrets which will see through your camouflage and kill you. Also try not to step on water.

Descend but do not jump over the fence yet. While you're walking, look left to see a safe place to breach the base. There are a few guards inside and they will attack you at once as soon as you're compromised, so be extremely careful. There is a synthet sniper in a bunker. Take him down before it spots you.

You need to find a freight elevator in the far side of the base. It's behind a pond but a broken car nearby will help you. Jump on it and to the land so your camouflage will not stop working. Once there, kill all the guards. One of them will shout to take him up. Wait until the elevator starts moving and the level is over.

Map 2[edit | edit source]

Alright, you're trapped. You have a few seconds to turn on your cloak and get off the elevator. Don't hesitate.

Note: If you get hit by an EMP, your cloak will turn off, your energy will be drained and you will de stunned for a few seconds. During most of the times, it will mean certain death.

Wait until grenades are used and kill two guards behind the crates. Now you need to get up, but the ladder is blocked. Go to the working crane near the elevator and jump on it. You must jump on the crane arm, not on the crate it will be moving. Once in the top spot, make a leap to the upper floor.

There will be four guards total. Get rid of them and look for a stack of crates. Jump on them and reach the next level.

There are four guards as well, but they are not the main problem. Turn right (so that the wall is on the right and the elevator is on the left) and walk until you see a turret. Destroy it. If you approach it from the front, it will most likely kill you. When all enemies are dead, go to the platform in the middle of the hall and look for two control panels. They look the same but only one of them is interactive. Use it to turn on the crane. When the crate will be moving up, jump on it.

You're on the same level with the passenger elevator. One guard is hiding behind the crates. Turret at the end of the walk will kill you as you try to approach it, so don't even bother. Use the panel on the elevator with a frightened person inside. Not the whole panel is interactive, so look for a certain spot. It will reveal a microcircuit. Take out your charge emitter and use it on the circuit. Now you can get inside the elevator. Turn back and climb up the ladder. Jump on the roof of the elevator, use the trapdoor to open it and head down. The person inside won't do you any harm but you can decapitate him just for a trophy.

The elevator will start moving. When it stops and the doors will open, you will be ambushed by two humans and a synthet. Luckily, most of the attackers are hiding behind crates, so you can take them out one by one. Do not try to leap through the roof to avoid attackers – you will be killed by a turret.

There is only one way you can follow, another one will lead to two turrets killing you. Go counter-clockwise and kill a guard behind crates on your way. Two more guards will be encountered. Now you can approach turrets from behind and destroy them. Look for a small elevator platform on the left and use it to go up.

Two guards will attack from the left and a guard with a synthet will attack you from the right. Scout the floor. When you will be walking past double doors, they will open and reveal two more guards. Go through those doors and up the stairs to finish the level.

Map 3[edit | edit source]

On your way up you will meet a guard. He's an easy target, but after him there will be two more guards who will most likely attract two more guards, so stay sharp.

You will come to open doors. Go through there and you will appear on the top floor or something. There are two human guards.

There is no secret where to go next, just jump up until you reach the top. You can find some elevator buttons that can be pushed, but they do nothing. Be careful, synthets cannot be fooled by your cloak! While on the topmost level, you might be attacked by synthets with sniper rifles. They shoot fast and deal a great amount of damage. Try to get rid of them from afar.

When you're ready, look for a ladder and go up. Look for a bright red "EVACUATE" sign. That's your destination. Go through open doors. If they are not open, look for another big red sign and go in.