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Common Controls[edit | edit source]

In game[edit | edit source]

PlayStation Xbox 360 Sega Saturn Usage
Left dpad or Right dpad Left dpad or Right dpad Left dpad or Right dpad Move left or right
Left dpad or Right dpad twice Left dpad or Right dpad twice Left dpad or Right dpad twice Run fast (Alucard in PSX version cannot do this)
Down dpad Down dpad Down dpad Crouch/Move elevators down
Up dpad Up dpad Up dpad Save (in a save room)/Move elevators up
Cross button A button B button Jump
Up dpad + (Circle button or Square button) Up dpad + (X button or B button) Up dpad + (A button or C button) Use special weapon
Down dpadUp dpad+Cross button Down dpadUp dpad+A button Down dpadUp dpad+B button High jump (Alucard must have special item to perform this)
Select button / Touchpad button LT button Start button, then L button Map screen
Start button / Options button Back button Start button Pause menu (Alucard), pause (Richter and Maria)

Character specific controls[edit | edit source]

Alucard[edit | edit source]

Some of the buttons can be remapped in pause menu.

PlayStation Xbox 360 Sega Saturn Usage
Up dpad Up dpad Up dpad Sit in a chair
Cross button in the air A button in the air B button in the air Double Jump
Square button X button A button Attack/Use item in right hand
Circle button B button C button Attack/Use item in left hand
N/A N/A L button Use medicine or food in holder slot
Triangle button Y button R button Back dash
L1 button (PSX)
L1 button+R1 button (DXC/PS4)
LB button X button Transform into Mist
R1 button (PSX)
R1 button (DXC/PS4)
RB button Y button Transform into Bat
R2 button (PSX)
L1 button (DXC/PS4)
RT button Z button Transform into Wolf

Richter Belmont[edit | edit source]

PlayStation Xbox 360 Sega Saturn Usage
Cross button twice quickly A button twice quickly B button twice quickly Back flip
Square button X button A button Attack with whip
Hold Square button + Neutral dpad Hold X button + Neutral dpad Hold A button + Neutral dpad Brandish whip
Triangle button Y button Y button Item crush
Down dpad+Cross button Down dpad+A button Down dpad+B button Slide
Cross button during slide A button during slide B button during slide Flying kick
Up dpadDown dpadRight dpad+Square button Up dpadDown dpadRight dpad+X button Up dpadDown dpadRight dpad+A button Whip Dash

Maria Renard (SS)[edit | edit source]

The Sega Saturn version features a unique Maria Renard, who wields standard sub weapons, and use power of her animal friends as special moves.

Command Usage
A button Shoot a fireball
Consume MP
Hold A button Perform other shots depending on holding time
Consume MP
Down dpad+A button in the air Shoot a fireball diagonally downwards
Consume MP
Down dpad+B button Slide
C button Kick attack
C button while running Flying kick
R button Back dash
B button in the air Triple jump
Down dpad+B button after triple jump Drop kick
Down dpadRight dpad+A button or C button Dashing punch with lightning fist
Consume MP
Up dpadDown dpadRight dpad+A button or C button Release a burst of flame
Consume MP
Left dpadUp dpadRight dpad+A button or C button Restore some life
Consume MP
Up dpad hold 2 sec, then Right dpadDown dpad+A button or C button Summon an owl companion which swoops at enemies, for a while
Consume MP
Left dpadRight dpadDown dpadLeft dpadRight dpad+A button or C button Summon a blue dragon for a while
Use Neutral dpad to control it going rampage around
Maria is invincible during spell period
Consume MP
Up dpadLeft dpadDown dpadRight dpadUp dpad hold 2 sec, then Down dpad+A button or C button Maria becomes invincible and can deal contact damage to enemies for 40 seconds
Consume MP

Maria Renard (DXC)[edit | edit source]

Maria in the SotN bundled with Dracula X Chronicles and Castlevania Requiem acts closer to her Rondo of Blood incarnation.

Command Usage
Cross button in the air Double jump
Square button Attack with doves
Circle button Switch sub weapon
Triangle button Item crush
Down dpad + Cross button Slide
L1 button Left dash
R1 button Right dash
Up dpadDown dpadRight dpad + Square button Tackle