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Hard Difficulty[edit | edit source]

The most important thing to remember on this level is to minimize the Particle Cannons' collateral damage by spreading out your base structures, as they constitute most of his offense. On hard difficulty, he starts with 3 Particle Cannons and the power to use them. The goal is to withstand their onslaught until they could be neutralized, then build up an attack force and destroy his base.

Early in the game, there is an unguarded supply pile to the east of the map. However, there are far cheaper ways to distract the Particle Cannons.

Start this level building one additional Dozer. Remember to put a little distance between all structures and build the Barracks, Reactor, and Supply Center. Garrison infantry (2-4 Red Guards and 6 Tank Hunters) in the building closest to the base and the road in the middle, as that's where the bulk of his forces will be. A Gattling Cannon placed just within the middle of these buildings can help fight off the Comanches. The Bunker must be left empty until the Nuclear Missile has been built, serving primarily as bait until then. Gattling Cannons should also guard the roads on both sides to prevent Colonel Burton from getting in the base, although he isn't used at all when the Particle Cannons are in play.

Start building a War Factory right away followed by the Propaganda Center, Internet Center (don't forget to fill it with Hackers and purchase the Satellite Hack ability later on) and Nuclear Missile. Again, space them properly to avoid Particle Cannon strikes from obliterating several at once.

Once the Nuclear Missile has been finished, Particle Cannons will consistently attack it. The structure itself can survive a single Particle Cannon strike, but a Dozer is needed to constantly repair it for the next two. Remember to have backup Dozers ready, as Speaker Towers won't help much if the Dozer gets caught in the beam. Ideally, the Dozers should be positioned south of the structure so it stays out of the beam.

Destroy all three Particle Cannons with a level 3 Artillery Barrage and one Nuclear Missile. They will not be rebuilt.

The base defenses are extremely daunting. The Laser Defense Turrets and Fire Bases will destroy Overlords easily, and there are Missile Defenders/Pathfinders garrisoned in every tower. If that wasn't enough, Laser Tanks and Comanches will be constantly dispatched to cripple them. Artillery must be used to neutralize them, but Nuclear Missiles are also an option, as there's more than enough room to field them and Reactors. If going for a conventional assault, remember to destroy his Air Fields and War Factories to prevent him from producing more units.

Walkthrough[edit | edit source]

Basic start: Build a Reactor, an extra dozer, a Barracks, Supply Center. Build a second Supply Truck. Purchase Radar to activate the radar map.

Key Strategies
  • Use the five civilian buildings to garrison Tank Hunters and Red Guard, backed up by an Inferno Cannon to protect the buildings from Laser Tanks. Build a Speaker Tower in the area and have a dozer present to constantly repair the buildings. Station Listening Outposts on both sides of the buildings so Colonel Burton doesn't get the chance.
  • Keep rebuilding your Barracks if it is targeted by enemy Particle Cannons. It only takes 500 credits to replace and will keep the energy beams from destroying other sections of your base until the Nuclear Missile Silo has been built.
  • The Laser General's air power primarily manifests through Comanches, which fall very easily to Gattling Cannons. Build two Gattling Cannons to the east of your base. These will be destroyed by Particle blasts. But don't worry. Simply keep rebuilding them until you can destroy their PC's.
  • Build two Nuclear Missiles at once as soon as you have over 9,000 credits. Be sure you have plenty of energy to keep them powered up. Destroy the Laser General’s pride and joy – the three PC’s at the middle of his base in one big bang.
  • It is not necessary to destroy the garrisoned civilian buildings, Laser Turrets, Fire Bases and enemy units to win the mission.

Don’t forget to choose one of your General’s Powers.

Be sure that all buildings are placed far enough apart so that the Particle Cannons cannot destroy two buildings at once.

Sometimes enemy infantry occupy one of the five civilian buildings right in front of your base – and sometimes they don’t. Nevertheless, six garrisoned Tank Hunters can be used to brute force them. Add four Red Guard sand they'll be protected against any Infantry they could see.

Build a War Factory (if you haven’t done so already) and then the Propaganda Center so that you can build and park an Inferno Cannon in the center of the garrisoned buildings since the Infantry

Build a Speaker Tower in the middle of the buildings. Have a bulldozer in the area to keep the buildings repaired.

By now, the Particle Cannons will start attacking your base. At the beginning, “just” the Barracks will be destroyed. This is great, as you can constantly rebuild it for only 500 credits.

If it targets your Command Center, repair immediately or it will be lost on a subsequent blast.

Beef up your garrisoned buildings with five more Tank Hunters and five more Red Guard. This mission is “blessed” with a great bottleneck to protect your base. Take advantage of it. Add more units to these buildings as opportunity arises.

Build two Gattling Cannons to the northeast of your base, separated by a safe distance. You must keep these here to protect your base from Comanche attacks. They will be destroyed by PC blasts, but that’s okay. Just continue to rebuild them. The west side of your base will not be bothered by these attacks.

Consider having a second Inferno Cannon in the area of the garrisoned buildings to beef up defenses.

It is also necessary to be wary of Colonel Burton slipping onto your base and detonating your buildings. It is possible to mine your buildings to help minimize the threat. It also helps to putting a Gattling Cannon on the ramp leading down from the bridge to the east of the garrisoned buildings. Have a few teams of Listening Outposts and Gattling Tanks teamed up – just in case you have to go hunt him down.

A lot of this mission is two steps forward and one back with the constant repairing, but you will make slow but steady progress.

Build around eight to ten hackers and position them in different areas at the back of your base and have them start hacking the Internet for easy cash.

After you have over 9,000 credits saved, build two Nuclear Missiles simultaneously. This may prevent the PC’s from targeting your Nuclear two times in a row before it can repair and destroying 4,500 worth of infrastructure.

Once the Nuclear Missiles are completely built, attacks from enemy Particle blasts will not entirely destroy them and they can be repaired after each attack.

Wait for your PC’s to charge back up and you can then destroy the Command Center. When a bulldozer comes back to rebuild it, destroy it with an Artillery Barrage. As soon as all dozers are destroyed, no new structures can be built and you can slowly start taking the base apart.

Destroy first all Airfields, War Factories and Barracks.

Use your General’s Powers and armored units of your choice to destroy defenses at the very front of their base in case you decide to launch a ground assault. Or you can just use multiple nuclear strikes to finish the job.

Your ground forces have plenty of reach with the Inferno Cannon and Nuke Cannon, and the Overlords are supercharged.

It is not necessary to destroy the Laser Turrets, Fire Bases, garrisoned civilian buildings, infantry or vehicles to win the mission.

Once the frontal defenses are destroyed, a small ground force can perform mop-up duties of any structures left standing.

Mission accomplished!