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Hiyarika is the token cold stage of the game. It is also the first to introduce five sections instead of just three, meaning there are 25 bases to destroy on this stage. This becomes the norm throughout the rest of the game. The standard shop of the game doesn't offer too much in the way of upgrades besides the Jet Engine. You may wish to save your money, however. This round hides not one, but two secrets, and one of them is a shop that can help boost Opa Opa's power tremendously. But first you'll need to find it.

Occupants[edit | edit source]

Base[edit | edit source]

The bases in Hiyarika are called Kachikoron. As expected, they are stronger than bases from the previous stage, but not by much. It takes nine normal sized bombs to clear them away, or five big bombs. You will find them scattered around the stage at various heights. The two extra sections means more bases to destroy, but it also means more $500 bills to collect. Don't let any slip through your fingers.

Enemies[edit | edit source]

Ancle Coco

Ancles fly out from the Kachikoron bases. They very quickly rise or descend to the same height as the Opa Opa, and then they slowly drift left or right. They are most dangerous when you are immediately above or below a base.

Cocos appear in groups of six. They appear from the bottom or top of the screen in a single file, approach the opposite side of the screen, and then perform a tight U turn, returning back to the side of the screen they came from.

Dora Mappo

Doras appear in a tight formation of six, flying across the screen to the left or to the right in a sine wave. Since they don't veer very much from the height they arrive, it's fairly easy to pick off all six for a $200 coin if you shoot fast enough.

Mappos are among the most dangerous enemies to deal with in this stage. Six of them appear on the right or left side of the screen in a C formation. All six simultaneously shoot at Opa Opa before advancing across the screen to the opposite side. Not only must you dodge the six bullets, but you must also punch a hole through their formation to get to the other side of them.

Secrets[edit | edit source]

Secret item
There is a secret item hidden in the game. It's found on the floor immediately to the left of the red warp which leads to the boss battle. It's a clock which can extend the amount of time remaining on a time-limited weapon. This can be particularly valuable if you pick it up just before you head into the boss battle with a particularly useful weapon like the Laser Beam.
Secret shop
One section has a set of icebergs floating in the water in all but one spot. Shoot that spot to make a secret shop appear. This shop will help boost Opa Opa's power tremendously. First, there is the Red and Blue Bottles which you should purchase in that order, to increase and fill Opa Opa's power meter. Then there is the Auto Beam and Big Shot weapon upgrads which transform Opa Opa into a powerful machine gun. Finding and purchasing these upgrades will cut down on the difficulty of this and later stages. This is also the only shop in the game where you can purchase a Continue. If you're new to the game and still learning how to get past those later stages, the $20,000 asking price may be steep, but worth the extra effort.

Boss[edit | edit source]

The boss of the third stage is called Iceburn. He is a giant block of ice that moves around the screen in diagonal directions only. Whenever he reaches one edge of the screen, he bounces off of it and continues his diagonal trip around the screen. He occasionally fires off a chunk of ice at you, so it's important to keep moving, not only to avoid the ice, but to avoid Iceburn himself. There's not a lot of strategy in this fight. Simply stay far away from him while you shoot at him as quickly as possible, and reposition yourself when he crosses over from one half of the screen to the other. As you shoot him, the surface of the ice gets progressively cracked until he ultimately shatters. From the ice pours coins and a few dollar bills that you should claim as quickly as possible.