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The Akaneian heroes hurried in Altea, but they would not go unchallenged. Waiting for them at Fort Menedy were Grust's artillery regiment, the dreaded "Wooden Cavalry." Missiles crashed down, rocking the earth as the enemy ballistae rumbled forward. Had Marth and the League any hope of triumphing over such firepower?

Preparation[edit | edit source]

First of all, make sure you select Midia (Paladin) as one of your characters. She is necessary to recruit a character in this chapter.

Make sure to bring Lena with a warp staff, as usual. Also, bring lots of cavaliers and if Caeda is a dragon knight, bring her too.

Begin[edit | edit source]

  1. Thunderbolt is super effective against ballistae. Other than that, just go close range to win.
  2. Everyone wants you to win this battle…

These are the main things to do here (in no particular order and some are described more in detail later):

  • Recruit Astram with Midia. (Make sure to cover all the flanks and keep her healed.)
  • Visit the village to recruit Beck. (The village is near your party's starting point in the middle strip of land. Go to the village fast! A thief is on the map and he will rush the village and destroy it if you give him a chance.)
  • Defeat the two upper units with regular attack units like Ogma and Wolf.
  • Use Beck to destroy most of the ballistae in the middle. Then, move in and defeat the remaining units.
  • Kill the boss; Beck can do this alone.
  • Visit the houses (see above for exact details).

Astram will not talk to Midia. If you sit her in his attack range, he goes ahead and attacks/kills her. You must use an archer or a safe unit to lure him in, then talk to him.

Ballistae are truly hapless when at close range. Just sink in two squares away and they are powerless.

Beck moves one forest square at a time, but his incredible range lets him destroy effectively. He is effectively constrained to moving horizontally along the small strip.

Leave your other units to wait and let him take out most of the ballistae. Watch out for the boss, but even he can be destroyed by Beck.

By now, the main path should be clear enough to go ahead and recruit Astram. You need Midia to recruit him.

The boss for this chapter is Grigas:

  • HP: 26
  • Weapon: Pachydermn Drop: None
  • Beginning quote: "Hmph! Care to see what steel the Wooden Cavalry is really made of?"
  • Death quote: "Nngh…So, the prince can fight… But…your victories are numbered…General Camus and his Sable Order will be upon you rabble very… soon…and you will die…on the lance… of the greatest warrior…alive…"

Beat the last few units and seize the gate. Save the game.