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Spells[edit | edit source]

Flippendo[edit | edit source]

A basic projectile spell that is gained at the start of the game. By pressing Square button Harry sends a blue beam out of his wand knocking back items or enemies. This is used most frequently during combat. It's symbol is a blue palm.

Lumos[edit | edit source]

A spell learned in Knockturn alley this gives out a green light from Harry's wand, this can be used as a light in dark places — useful for walking in the grounds on night time excursions and for fighting 'Gytrashes' (ghost wolf creatures). It's symbol is a green wand.

Diffindo[edit | edit source]

A severing spell that is learned on the first night at Hogwarts, the spell is found in greenhouse III and is used to cut tapestries and curtains in the game to find hidden passageways and of course free Neville. It's symbol is a pair of scissors.

Expelliarmus[edit | edit source]

A deflecting spell useful in duels with Slytherins and gargoyles! It is learned on day 2 in Defense against the Dark Arts class. Its used to 'bat' a flippendo or similar attack back at the attacker, this can only be used during duels and can be used in some versions of the game to reflect that pesky locomotormortis spell those prefects are flinging. It's symbol is an orange shield.

Skurge[edit | edit source]

(all versions except PS1): Clears Ectoplasm (an "unpleasant greenish substance left behind by certain ghostly beings", in the words of Professor Flitwick) out of doorways and off floors. Harry may learn this spell in Charms (PC version), or during a late-night adventure in Hogwarts (PS2/Xbox/GCN versions).

Avifors[edit | edit source]

This is a spell that transfigures large eggs into birds; there is an egg in the library to transfigure at some point also. Learned in transfigurations class.

Incendio[edit | edit source]

This is the fire charm which is learned in charms (day 4). It's used for destroying webs and spiders and can open a door in the library. Incendio can be used to light stone braziers around the castle, usually if the braziers are round a door or in a group all the braziers have to be lit for an action to take place e.g. a wizard card being dropped or opening a door.

Alohamora[edit | edit source]

This is the opening charm used to open chests with large gold locks (not suprisingly for opening locked doors!) This is an extra and is not essential to game play however it's useful if you want to collect all the wizarding cards. Bought from Fred and George's shop costing 100 beans.

Potions[edit | edit source]

Wiggenweld Potion [stamina][edit | edit source]

Harry learns, in Potions, how to make a Wiggenweld Potion, which replenishes his stamina after he's been injured. The ingredients are as follows, in the correct order:Flobberworm mucus Wiggentree Bark . In the PS2/Xbox/GC version however, Harry simply has to own one or more potion vials, and refill them with Wiggenweld Potion from Cauldrons or Dead Wiggentrees.

Polyjuice Potion [changing physique][edit | edit source]

Harry also makes a Polyjuice Potion, and has to gather the ingredients Bicorn Horn, Boomslang Skin and "a bit of Goyle". The potion turns him into Gregory Goyle. however in the PS2/Xbox/GC version Hermione makes the Polyjuice Potion for Harry, on her own.