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Magic[edit | edit source]

You begin the game with only Twin Fire magic. As you progress through the game, you can collect more powerful magic spells from defeated bosses. Make good use of the spells you collect, they are sometimes the key to victory in the stages ahead.

Name MP Cost Effect
Twin Fire 2 While Randy's normal fire projectile travels straight and for a short distance, when he enhances his shot with magic, he can fire two projectiles which wind around each other and expand out the farther they get. Great for taking out threats at a distance before they get too close.
10 Blizzard magic allows Randy to make the environment so cold, even lava freezes over. The resulting effects of the sudden cold snap are enough to freeze weaker monsters in place as well. Frozen lava can be shot at and destroyed to create a passage for Randy, but the effect is not permanent. If Randy does not reach safety in time, the ice will turn back to lava and frozen enemies will reawaken.
10 Breaker magic enables Randy to concentrate his firepower into a single large blast. This blast then travels forward and deals tremendous damage to any enemy in its path. It's not very tall, so shooting it at just the right height is critical to making every shot count.
16 When Randy casts Overdrive, two spinning blades extend on either side of them. They are very effective at striking enemies, and cutting down destroyable blocks. Over time, the blades move closer and closer to Randy until they get absorbed back into him and disappear.
40 The ultimate magic. When cast, lighting flies out from Randy's fingertips in a straight line, damaging everything in its path, much like Breaker. Once it travels a good distance across the screen, it suddenly explodes, sending shafts of lighting in eight directions, continuing to deal damage to everything it strikes.
n/a Unlike the magic listed above, the Dragon spell is not one that Randy can collect and hang on to for later use. When certain powerful enemies drop this spell, the only choice Randy has is to grab it then and there, and transform into a might dragon that can sail through the sky and breath fire on any enemy he comes across. Randy must select a different magic to break the Dragon spell, return to his human form, and continue on his quest.

Special Items[edit | edit source]

You'll come across items that modify your weapons and movement, such as allowing you to break blocks and increasing your jump height.

Bracelet Boots
Donning this magic bracelet enables Randy to break through certain bricks with his regular projectile. He won't be able to get far without this ability.
These boots give Randy's jump a substantial boost, allowing him to reach ledges that are otherwise unreachable with the boots.
Staff Cape
Using magic drains Randy of the mana he has collected. But possession of this staff cuts the amount of mana required in half. You'll have to search for it in stage 4 though, as its not required to complete the game.
The cape is the last item that you can obtained, acquiring it upon defeating the boss of the 5th stage. It cuts the amount of damage Randy takes from attacks in half, effectively doubling his life force.

Standard Items[edit | edit source]

Health items Mana items
Hearts replenish Randy's health by half a bar.
Mana orbs replenish Randy's mana by two points.
Red potions will replenish all of Randy's health.
Blue potions will replenish all of Randy's mana.
Large red containers increase Randy's health meter by one bar.
Collecting one of these wings will increase Randy's maximum mana by 16 points.
Locate and collect one of these small Randy dolls to increase the number of lives Randy has remaining by one.