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Controls[edit | edit source]

  • Rotary Controller: Turn the rotary controller clockwise and anticlockwise to move Paddle across the bottom of the screen in each of the 33 rounds.
  • Launch Button: Use this button to launch your ball at the start of each round; if you hesitate for too long, Paddle shall launch the ball automatically.
  • 1 or 2 Player Buttons: Push these buttons to begin a 1 or 2 player game.

Characters[edit | edit source]

Paddle (パドル)[edit | edit source]

The protagonist of this game, which takes on the role of the Vaus from Taito's two Arkanoid games; its primary goals are to prevent the ball from going out of play and to destroy every block on the current round in order to proceed to the next one. However, unlike the Vaus, it only has the ability to transform in a single way, and that is by collecting the "Guro Riaru" powerups (which will increase its size by the numbers on them) that certain blocks will leave behind when destroyed - and in some of the rounds, Killer Meteors will rain down from the top of the screen, which will decrease Paddle's size if they crash into it. If you can keep any ball in play for a preset amount of time, it will split into three separate balls; Paddle will also receive four extra lives when it has reached four predetermined point values in the game, which are 100000, 250000, 400000 and 800000 by default (it can also receive an extra life outside of these point values upon collecting Rally-X Special Flag powerups that certain other blocks leave behind when destroyed).

Blocks (ブロックス)[edit | edit source]

Light Blue Block (ブロック・水色) - Ninety-eight of these blocks are present on the fourth, seventh, eighth, ninth, thirteenth, fourteenth, eighteenth, twenty-fourth, twenty-eighth, and twenty-ninth rounds of the game's "standard" edition; they'll only take one hit to destroy, and are worth 60 points.

Purple Block (ブロック・紫) - 135 of these blocks appear upon the first, fourth, ninth, thirteenth, sixteenth, eighteenth, twenty-third, twenty-seventh, twenty-ninth, and thirty-second rounds for the "standard" edition; again, these only take a single hit to destroy (however, they are worth 80 points).

White Block (ブロック・白) - 176 of these blocks appear upon the fourth, sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth, thirteenth, fourteenth, sixteenth, twenty-first, twenty-fourth, twenty-fifth, twenty-eighth and twenty-ninth rounds of the game; once again, they'll take one hit to destroy, and are worth 80 points.

Light Green Block (ブロック・黄緑) - 187 of these blocks shall appear for the fourth, seventh, twelfth, thirteenth, fourteenth, sixteenth, twenty-first, twenty-third, twenty-fourth, twenty-eighth, twenty-ninth and thirty-second rounds; yet again, they take one hit to destroy, and are worth 100 points.

Blue Block (ブロック・青) - 336 of these blocks shall appear for the first, second, third, fourth, fifth, seventh, eighth, eleventh, thirteenth, sixteenth, eighteenth, nineteenth, twenty-first, twenty-third, twenty-sixth, twenty-eighth, twenty-ninth, and thirty-second rounds of the game; for the fifth time, they only take one hit to destroy, and are worth 120 points (there is also a lot more of them than the Light Blue, Purple, White and Light Green Blocks).

Green Block (ブロック・緑) - 395 of these blocks shall appear upon the game's first, second, third, fourth, seventh, eighth, ninth, twelfth, thirteenth, fourteenth, sixteenth, twentieth, twenty-first, twenty-third, twenty-fourth, twenty-fifth, twenty-sixth, twenty-eighth, twenty-ninth, thirtieth, thirty-first & thirty-second rounds; for a sixth time, they'll take one hit to destroy, and are worth 140 points (there are also a little more of them than the Blue Blocks).

Yellow Block (ブロック・黄) - 663 of these blocks are on the first, second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, eighth, ninth, tenth, eleventh, thirteenth, fifteenth, sixteenth, nineteenth, twenty-second, twenty-third, twenty-fourth, twenty-fifth, twenty-sixth, twenty-eighth, twenty-ninth, thirty-first and thirty-second rounds; for a seventh time, they only take one hit, and are worth 160 points (there is also a lot more of them to destroy than the Green and Blue Blocks).

Red Block (ブロック・赤) - 141 of these blocks are upon the first, third, fourth, fifth, ninth, thirteenth, eighteenth, twenty-fourth, twenty-sixth, thirtieth, and thirty-first rounds of the game; for the eighth (and penultimate) time, they'll only take one hit to destroy, and are worth 200 points (they are also not to be confused with the Durable Blocks due to their colour, as those multiple-hit blocks may start out red but will fade to white as your ball hits them).

Pink Block (ブロック・朱色) - 144 of these blocks are on the eighth, eleventh, twenty-second, twenty-fifth, twenty-seventh and thirty-second rounds of this game; for a ninth and final time, they only take one hit to destroy, and are worth 200 points (they are also not to be confused with a Durable Block that has been hit by your ball due to their colour, as the ones that take more than one hit to destroy will fade to pink after they have taken one hit).

Generator Block (ジェネレーター・ブロック) - Thirty-seven of these blocks appear for the third, sixth, tenth, sixteenth, eighteenth, twentieth, twenty-fourth, twenty-fifth, twenty-seventh, twenty-ninth, thirty-first and thirty-second rounds of the game; they'll generate Red and Pink Blocks when they can, take three hits to destroy and are worth 2000 points (they're also the game's only source of infinite points so you can use them to your advantage).

Durable Block (耐久ブロック) - 254 of these blocks shall appear upon the second, eighth, twelfth, fifteenth, sixteenth, seventeenth, twentieth, and twenty-seventh rounds of this game; they start out as a slightly different shade of red from the Red Blocks, take one to six hits to destroy, and are worth between 250 and 500 points (their point value also depends on the amount of hits they take, as it is increased by 50 points for each hit required).

Speed Up Block (スピードアップ・ブロック) - 278 of these blocks will be present upon the first, second, fourth, fifth, seventh, eighth, tenth, eleventh, twelfth, thirteenth, fourteenth, fifteenth, sixteenth, nineteenth, twentieth, twenty-first, twenty-second, twenty-third, twenty-fourth, twenty-fifth, twenty-sixth, twenty-seventh, twenty-eighth, twenty-ninth, thirtieth, thirty-first, and thirty-second rounds of this game; they are indestructible, and will speed your ball up when it hits them (however, you should try not to hit them too many times, or it will become impossible to prevent the ball from going out of play).

Speed Down Block (スピードダウン・ブロック) - Fifteen of these blocks are on the first, eleventh, sixteenth, nineteenth, twentieth, twenty-fourth and thirtieth rounds of this game; as with the Speed Up Blocks mentioned above, they are indestructible, but will slow your ball down when it hits them.

Stone Block (ストーン・ブロック) - 501 of these blocks are upon the fourth, eighth, ninth, tenth, eleventh, fifteenth, sixteenth, eighteenth, nineteenth, twentieth, twenty-first, twenty-fourth, twenty-sixth, twenty-seventh, thirtieth, thirty-first, and thirty-second rounds of this game; as with the Speed Up and Speed Down Blocks mentioned above, they are indestructible but shall bounce your ball away in the opposite direction of its flight when it hits them.

Killer Meteors (キラーメテオズ)[edit | edit source]

On every regular round of the game (except the first, second, third, fifth, sixth, eighth, seventeenth, twenty-fourth, twenty-seventh, thirtieth, thirty-first and thirty-second ones), an infinite amount of these boulder-sized particles of debris will be falling down from the top of the screen; taking on the role of the various enemies from the two Arkanoid games, the ball can crash harmlessly into them and bounce off in the opposite direction of its flight, but they will diminish Paddle's size if they land on it after it has collected a Guro Riaru powerup (however, if it has not, their landing on it will not have any effect).

Breeder (ブリーダー)[edit | edit source]

The final boss of the game; taking on the role of Doh from the two Arkanoid games (even though he is not an enormous Moai, and will not attack by spitting lethal mirrors at Paddle), he is protected by a metal wall (like the Skull from Navalone) which has a vulnerable spot in the centre of its top side (indicated by the red stippling at the top of the image shown to the left). Once the ball has landed on that vulnerable spot, the block-sized area it occupied on the wall will disappear, and you will receive 10000 points - and you shall then have to hope that the ball lands on it four more times for 40000 more points before Breeder is finally left vulnerable. Once the ball has landed on him to kill him, he will turn red and explode, as you receive 10000 final points; the wall will then fly up off the top of the screen to reveal the image of Earth in the background, and the screen will cut to black as Paddle receives 100000 bonus points for every life it has remaining. You can now sit back and enjoy the ending, which shows Paddle extending its legs as it touches back down on Earth, then lowering its staircase as a caricature of the game's designer, Shinji Noguchi, emerges from it, before the credits.

Powerups[edit | edit source]

  • Guro Riaru (グロリアル): When Paddle collects one of these powerups, its size shall be increased by the number on it; it can range from 1 to 9.
  • Ba Riaru (バリアル): When Paddle collects one of these powerups, a force-field () will appear in the centre of the screen for a short period of time; if you can manage to get your initial ball into this force-field before it disappears, it will quickly generate a total of nine extra balls while inside.
  • Rai Naru (ライナル): When Paddle collects one of these powerups, a line will appear at the bottom of the screen to prevent your ball from going out of play; however, it will disappear after one hit, and bounce your ball away in the opposite direction of its flight (like a Stone Block would do).
  • Rally-X Special Flag (ラリーXスペシャルフラッグ): When Paddle collects one of these Namco icons (which are making their first appearances in sixteen-bit form for this game, and eleventh appearance in all), it will receive an extra life outside of the game's four predetermined point values.