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Left half of the Blue Stone[edit | edit source]

After extinguishing the fire that once engulfed the helicopter wreckage, with both Red Jewels and the right half of the Blue Stone in your inventory, head back to the hallway where the front end of the helicopter crashed through the wall. You will be surprised to discover that the water we just dumped on the outer part of the copter has also extinguished the flames that blocked you from passing. Ignore the heavily damaged door on the left for now as we will come back to it in a moment. Enter the door just ahead of you on the right. You are now in the Art Room. On either side of the giant knight statue you will notice a carving of a bust with a slot to hold something on their chests. Use your Red Jewels on them and a cutscene with play depicting the giant knight statue's chest armor open up to contain the left half of the Blue Stone. Go ahead and combine the two halves of the Stone and make your way back to the wreckage in the hall.

If you have not already found the Serpent and Eagle Stones, you can find them in the following locations: Serpent Stone is located behind a painting of what I believe to be Perseus holding Medusa's decapitated head in the library after solving the bookshelf puzzle. The painting resides underneath the broken section of the wooden walkway after ascending the stairs on the wall. The clue for solving the puzzle resides here as well. Eagle Stone is located in Interrogation Room A on the metal shelf opposite the entrance door. This door is unlocked with the Precinct Key with the Heart atop it. Be warned though, a Licker will suddenly burst through the glass from the Observation Room as soon as you turn to leave. Whether you choose to fight it or simply make a mad dash for the door, we will continue where we left off.

The Plastic Explosive & Detonator[edit | edit source]

These two items, combined into one prior to use, are required to clear the wreckage in the hallway. The Plastic Explosive is found in the Evidence Room in a large drawer (just one of the wall of drawers) labeled "Explosive". The Detonator is found in the West Office after defeating the now undead officer who locked you out of that section of the PD in the beginning. It's on the desk.

"I used to love taxidermy"[edit | edit source]

As mentioned, combine the Plastic Explosive and Detonator to yield the Bomb & Detonator and use it at the highly damaged door created by the helicopter. A cutscene will play showing Claire running around the corner and an explosion occurring off-screen. Proceeding down this now accessible hallway you will find the entrance to Chief Brian Irons' office. After taking a few steps forward, you discover a blonde woman laid on the desk, with blood at her abdomen and a large swivel chair turned with its back to you. Interacting here will trigger a cutscene, in brief, showing Chief Irons spinning around with a gun pointed right at you. He realizes you're not a zombie and notes that the most effective way to handle a zombie is to either shoot them in the head or decapitate them entirely. He'll then ask to be left alone, at which point you can now use the door that lies on the other side of the bookshelf from where you came in.

Finding Sherry[edit | edit source]

Entering this door greets you with the taxidermied body of a tiger with the description: "A stuffed animal". Quite the pun, am I right? Follow this hallway down and enter the next door. Upon closing it, a short cutscene plays but you only hear the sound of feet running away. Walk around either side of the big display case in the center to find the threshold to a little side room. On the wall is a switch, press it. Once you change camera angles by walking a few steps to the right, another cutscene starts, this time depicting a conversation between Claire and Sherry, as well as Claire radioing Leon to inform him of having found Sherry. Following this, Sherry tells Claire about how her parents said that it was too dangerous to stay home and to go to the RCPD, as it was believed to be a safer place for her. She explains that both of her parents work at the chemical factory and then she tells Claire about a big monster that she thinks is after her. You then hear the screams of, what turns out to be, Chief Irons. Sherry, convinced the scream was the product of the big monster finding Chief Irons in its pursuit of her, hesitatingly separates from Claire in search of a safer place. Go back to the office where you will find both Chief Irons and the girl have disappeared.

Chief's Diary[edit | edit source]

Lying in the Chief's chair is his diary where we discover that the girl is actually the Mayor's daughter, whose safety was entrusted to the Chief by her father, the Mayor of Raccoon City. He goes on to explain his shocking involvement in the Raccoon City Incident by closing off all exits from the precinct and intentionally letting the Mayor's daughter escape, in which he then hunted her down. He also mentions other survivors and hunting them down as well. He then sadistically recounts shooting "Ed" in the back through the heart and watching him writhe in pain on the floor in a pool of his own blood, ending eerily with how beautiful and exquisite Ed's dead, wide-eyed expression staring back up at him was.

Mail to the Chief & descent to Level B-1[edit | edit source]

Examine the painting on the wall with the indentions for three square objects. Use the Blue, Eagle and Serpent Stones here to show a button that once pressed, reveals a secret door at the left end of the wall. Inside is a file entry recounting three correspondence events from William Birkin to Chief Irons, further solidifying the Chief's involvement in the Incident. From renegade operative Albert Wesker to bribery and threats of poaching his research, Birkin expresses fear-fueled agitation with the situation at hand. After reading these letters, you see a caged elevator that is described as looking like it goes down. The first interaction does nothing but inform you of this. The second interaction, possibly only triggered by exiting the office and re-entering it, shows a cutscene of Claire telling Sherry that she's going down there and to stay here waiting for her return. Sherry agrees and wishes you good luck, at which point the animation of the gate opening, the elevator descending and the gate opening once more to indicate your exiting it, plays. You are now in the hallway directly above the Weapon Storage Room on Level B-1.

Sewers[edit | edit source]

Upon exiting the elevator you'll notice that the Z-shaped corridor is dark, wet and mucky. Welcome to the Sewers! As you advance forward, a cutscene plays showing Chief Irons getting attacked by a creature who's only made about 25% visible to us. The Chief screams, yells "help me!", the creature raises its arm level with his mouth and something protrudes from the monstrous hand, into the Chief's mouth and separates from the creature, wiggling around in the Chief's mouth before finally sliding down his throat. What you see next is the Chief fall lifeless to the floor and an eyeball emerges and opens on the creature's shoulder. Continue to the end of the hall where you will find a door with a lit torch on either side of it. Opening the door triggers a cutscene letting us first hear maniacal laughter from Chief Irons and a suspenseful conversation ensues between the Chief and Claire. He divulges information regarding the partnership between himself and William Birkin, eventually stating that if he was going down, he was going to take you down with him. He approaches Claire, pistol in hand, pointed directly at her chest and just as you think he's going to pull the trigger, he suddenly grasps his shoulder, emitting groans of agony and exclaiming, "My chest! I can't take the pain!" And as best as the graphics could make it look, his entire right arm splits from his torso at the shoulder all the way down to his abdomen and a little creature is flopping back and forth before disappearing and the NOW lifeless body of Chief Irons collapses to the floor in a messy pool of blood. Walking around this room very quickly reveals itself as a torture chamber. Behind you, underneath a table, lies acid rounds. Pick them up if you need them and proceed down the creepy hatch to end up on a metal walkway in the Sewage Disposal system.

Sewage Disposal[edit | edit source]

Proceeding forward on this metal walkway, yet another cutscene is triggered. This time, things are about to get ugly. A creature of unknown structure is shown wiggling wildly on the floor in front of you. It then sprouts a right hand and a right leg, I believe to indicate that it is basically the right half of Chief Irons becoming its own independent entity. by the time the cutscene ends, the creature has grown to more than twice its original size and spit furry little, creepy-crawly creatures out of its mouth, which then proceed to make a bee-line straight for you, latching on for a few seconds and then chowing down on Claire's flesh. You can run or back away from them, aim at the ground and shoot and be able to kill them before they have time to reach you. If they do latch on however, it takes shaking them off twice to actually kill them. How you deal with the reverse siamese twin is completely up to you but once you do defeat it, continue to the other end of the walkway where you see a big red button just begging to be pushed! Pushing said button lowers a ladder just to your left leading up to a concrete hallway that dead-ends in a pool of nasty water with a big red door that, for the moment, can not be opened. In order to proceed through this door, you must backtrack to Chief Irons' office and bring Sherry back down with you, now that you have disposed of the possible dangers down here. After retrieving Sherry, head back to the red door where a cutscene shows a zombie with a huge right arm surveying the area you're in, followed by Sherry yelling, "Claire!" and latching on to her and Claire yelling, "Run!". You see the two dart for the door and the door transition animation plays. When you are shown appearing on the other side of the door that's magically shifted into Sewer Level B-1, a precariously placed black and yellow striped door pops open, pulling Sherry down to the level below Claire, Sewer Level B-2. You're now given control of Sherry to carefully find your way back up to Claire. Wade through the gross water to the platform next to a giant, barred passage down the sewers and go through the door here. In here you will find a ladder off to the side. Be mindful though as there a single zombie in the middle of the huge shelving units if you take Sherry towards to the upper part of the room. Continue past the zombie and the shelving unit, around to the back corner of the room where you will see what looks like an air vent, just the right size for a small child to crawl into. Do just that and you will come out in a large cylindrical tube with mud and dirt everywhere. Immediately make haste for the air vent at the opposite end of this dirty corridor as there are several bats and cockroaches immediately ready to attack. It is going to take a minute to get to the other side but just get there as quick as you can. Upon emerging from this air vent, you look around and gather that this is a garbage disposal of some sort. Straight ahead of you, on the floor, is the Wolf Medal. You know what to do, pick it up. In true Resident Evil fashion, the moment you commit that Medal to Sherry's inventory, the floor drops out from underneath her, dropping her down onto a bigger pile of garbage. She must have hit her head just right because she's suddenly unable to move. Of course, as the poor innocent little girl lies there helpless, who has to come hobbling along right for her but the huge right-armed zombie from just moments ago. The cutscene concludes with the zombie making some disturbing noises and no visuals to accompany them, thank god. Control is automatically switched back to Claire at this point. Run ahead and jump on the platform that is environmentally a mirror of the one we just used with Sherry. On this short walkway sits two blue herbs. Take, Combine, Use, whatever if you need them and proceed through this door. This is the first save/safe room in the Sewers called "Control Room 1" (according to the file tag associated with saving here, saving is recommended. The far locker against the wall contains a first aid spray. Take or Use then use the Item Box to hold things you either think or know that you won't need in the immediate future. Inside the tote bag on the corner of the table lies Handgun Ammo, you get the drill. After the Inventory check and saving your progress, check out the document laying on the table in the middle of the room.

Sewer Manager Fax[edit | edit source]

Upon interacting with the document titled, "Sewer Manager Fax", you discover that on specific days of each month, certain people will be using the "Facilities" for a variety of reasons. We don't know who Angelica Margaret or Don Weller are, clearly made up names to achieve the required parameters in order to grant this information with the ability to be picked up, read and filed away. The other two names though... Where have I heard them before? Rhetorical question, obvi. On the 6th and 16th of each month, Chief Irons attends the regular meetings that take place in the lab. Dr. William Birkin visits the lab as well on the fourth Friday of every other month to conduct a training seminar for the Chicago branch of Umbrella, Inc. *GASP* :O LOL Unfortunately, that's as far as the likeness in connection between them go as it's impossible for the 6th or 16th to ever fall on the fourth Friday of any month, let alone every other one. I honestly did attempt to see if that were even a small possibility for the 16th, but alas, it's statistically impossible for them to coincide. That conclusion bringing us to realize that they were frequenting the exact same location, just not on dates that would have COINCIDENTALLY put them in the same room on a regular basis. Perfect alibis for the times they have their meetings and seminars in the same place, on the same day, given their partnership in the Incident as a whole. After filing that away, you'll notice an off brown colored door almost in the corner of the room and right next to that, in the literal corner, is an elevator. Interacting with the door presents you with it being locked, followed by inquiring as to your use of the lockpick. We're all curious to know what's behind "locked door #1" so let's find out shall we? Lockpicking the warehouse door triggers it to slide open into the wall revealing a ladder leading down. Now, where does the elevator go? Meh...kill two birds with one stone, why not? Going down the elevator puts you on Sewer Level B-2, the same Level we last saw poor Sherry. By a completely random decision I had decided for me, the ladder was chosen. I'll discuss it first.

Ladder Behind Sliding Door[edit | edit source]

Going down the ladder, as I should've guessed but did not, leads to the same ladder as previously notated in the single zombie, big shelving unit room before we lost our dear Sherry. Well...go kill the zombie already! On the left side of the green shelf directly across from the ladder lies Grenade Rounds. Do what you need to do and we'll regroup on the elevator.

Elevator in the Corner[edit | edit source]

Proceeding forward in this area shaped like the number seven (7) with a tall hat shows another spot that looks like it would be another elevator that goes back up in the opposite end of the hall, whereas taking the path to the left contains the Sewer Map! Go grab it and watch how the size of the sewer massively inflates in a matter of seconds! Ugh. There's also a door with a light above it here. Inspecting the elevator looking spot turned out to be just that, an elevator looking spot. Just another tile on the floor. Although it looks like what I would imagine the first elevator we took down here is resting on at this moment. Since that leads nowhere, looks like we're going through the well-lit door.

Door with Light Above[edit | edit source]

Proceeding through this door ultimately presents you with a few different places to go so they'll be outlined in what is believed to be the simplest manner. First off, at the end of this platform/walkway, jump down and go left. Here you will see a ladder followed by a dead body in the water and two more bodies in the alcove at the far back corner of this part of the area. Don't worry, none of them spring up at you. Inspect the dead body on the left in the alcove to find Flame Rounds for the Grenade Launcher. Take these suckers and switch them in to it NOW! You will thank me in about 30 seconds. Jump back down into the water and past the ladder (we'll circle back to it). After you pass the way you came in, you'll be surprised with two GIANT TARANTULAS! Set them ablaze with the flame rounds and rejoice! Don't let your guard down just yet though, as there are two more in about 60 seconds or less. Once the first battle is yours, continue on past a pipe flowing water above your head and go through the metal gate/door. Guess who??? THE OTHER TWO ENORMOUS TARANTULAS! Deal with them in your preferred style and notice the waterfall preventing your advancement at the current time. On the wall to the right of the waterfall, is the device that, you guessed it, cuts the water flow from that particular section in the sewer system, so you can pass! If you take a closer look at the device you notice quite a familiar image: The darn wolf medal that is currently in the proverbial abyss somewhere with our little Sherry. There's also an eagle medal slot that we will have to acquire ourselves. Up the platform and straight ahead lies a pair of clearly heavy metal doors. It would benefit you greatly to go back and explore the ladder first ;) Psyche! Sorry lol. If you do go back there and attempt to climb up it, it'll be made brutally clear that there's a fan spinning far too fast for Claire to jump through the ventilation hole. So...back to the really heavy doors.

Through the Mighty Heavy Metal Doors[edit | edit source]

Going through these settles a few questions in a longer than average cutscene beginning with conversing with Annette and ending with learning about zombie infection incest...yuck! And now is a bad time to tell you this, as I just discovered myself, but you're going to need the Valve Handle from earlier...Remember how to get to that save room? And Congratulations if you were intelligent to read far enough ahead in preparation and thought to keep their Valve Handle with them this whole time. So once you use the Valve Handle on the device around the bend of the walkway, the bridge above you will descend and take its place on your level for you to cross. You can decide if you want to go ahead and raise the bridge back up once you cross or not, but logically, you're going to encounter the top bridge before you encounter this lower one again. There's also two green herbs on the left side under the hand rails and a batch of flame rounds ending with the sweet antique sigh of relief at the sight of a typewriter, am I right? Save that bad boy and go through the door to venture onward.

Door with the Typewriter[edit | edit source]

At the end of this beige colored tunnel is Sherry! Get ready to poop your pants at the GIGANTIC alligator that suddenly rushes you from beneath the filthy water. Just a heads-up, don't run all the way back to the door you entered through because once you get that far back you're seriously at a loss of a possible escape. If you get to this point, it's pretty much an automatic death. So don't put yourself in that situation, but if you still do accidentally, no worries because you DID save at that typewriter right? The objective here is to lure the alligator back to the inner corner where the panel with the bright green light is. Because the alligator was detected as a lethal threat, that green light will now be red and when you push it, it releases a canister of HIGHLY flammable gas. Get a safe distance and wait for the alligator to approach you and he'll pick up the canister in his mouth. You should already have your gun aimed and ready to blast the brains out of that mutant gator. Relatively simple if you don't panic. Approach the panel back at the end of the hall to see that the safety doors were engaged. Pressing the switch deactivates the security system, thus disengaging the security doors, allowing access to Sherry finally! You go and try to wake her up and then you hear the screams of William Birkin due to the transformation he underwent as a result of injecting himself with the G-Virus. You manage to wake Sherry up and help her down off the garbage heap. She says her stomach hurts but Claire is right there with the affirmation of, "Don't worry, let's get out of here." And it appears Sherry lost her grip on the wolf medal and it landed behind her, so pick it up and turn around, proceeding forward towards the ledge with the ladder. Climb up the ladder and praise yourself for raising the bridge back up immediately after crossing it because you don't have to do that amount of backtracking to fix that. Across the bridge and all the way around to the right we find the other side of that ventilation hole with the fan going too fast and the panel to stop it briefly. We don't have the necessary item to operate it just yet though. Back to the bridge and now to the left of it, as opposed to the right we just took, is a ramp that leads up to some sort of communication station with a dead and bloody cop leaning against the cabinets. Inspect the document on the table part of the station to gain the Sewer Manager Diary. In it, this cop at our feet recounts the frequent visits by Chief Irons to the lab. He attempts to cheer him up and almost ends up shot. Here we learn the eagle medal was his responsibility, which explains why it's now on his leg after being killed...Gravity who? But I digress. Anyway, pick up the medal and get ready to backtrack. Get back to the waterfall, insert the medals and enter the now accessible door. There's also two more giant tarantulas waiting for you just as you get to the dang panel! Follow the path down and to the right and go through that door to emerge where the Sky Tram is kept. The power is off to it though, lucky for us the control panel to turn it back on is conveniently located in the dark right corner of this walkway. Power it back up and you can enter the Sky Tram via the door to the tramcar on the opposite side of the tramcar from the power panel. Upon exiting the car you take note of the yellow cannon pointed in the direction we just came from. It's technically a flare gun but it's awfully large for such a simple function. Either way, you need something to IGNITE it, clearly meaning with the lighter. Patience and persistence are assets in this section. Sure, go ahead and go back to get the lighter, I'll wait.

That concludes our journey in the sewers! Well done!

Now on to the factory!