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 Stage 1- Things Change
  Area 1-
  Video Clip #1

  Area 2- Streets

  Area 3- Alley

  Area 4- Rooftops

  Area 5- Stockman's Lab

 Dojo Stage (#1)- The Secrets
 Splinter Says:
 You are just hitting as hard as you can with the Sai.  You must learn accuracy as well.
 Can you break the boxes using your jump attack?  (Press the "Attack button" while in the 
 If you master this, you will be much stronger.  Among the boxes, three golden mousers are
 hidden.  Find all three golden mousers as fast as you can.

 You get three minutes to find the mousers.  Just break the boxes.  No strategy, all luck.

 Spinter Says:
 You must be tough in spirit.  Having a weak spirit can harm you.  So, to strengthen your
 spirit.  I dared to teach you this art.  Now you understand my intention.  Well done.

 On Completion:
 Character gains jump attack

 Stage 2- Nano
 Area 1 - April's antique shop
 Area 2 - Subway station
 Area 3 - Subway train
 Area 4 - On the bridge
 Area 5 - Junk yard
 Area 6 - Junk yard rear

 Stage 3- Trap
 Area 1- Art Warehouse
 Video Clip #5
 Cutscene #6
 Area 2- Trailer roof
 Area 3

 Dojo Stage (#2)- Progress
 Splinter Says:
 Raphael, you know that you tend to get excited--sometimes too much.  You cannot maintain that
 power if you use it without manegement.  Today's mission is to cope with fifty opponenets.
 You have only yourself to help you in battle.  Be aware.  You cannot complete this mission
 without managing your power.  Again, control yourself.
 You have unlimited time on this one, but you must destroy all 50 opponents.

 Splinter Says:
 Well done, my son.  You defeated so many opponents at once... I was really impressed.
 Don't be concieted.  Keep training harder.

 On completion:
 Character Offensive Strength Increases.

 Stage 4- Tengu

 Stage 5- Notes from the underground
 Area 4- Dome
 Area 5- Cultivation Room

 King Nail
 Quarry (Blue Guy)

 Special Stage (Dojo #3)- Ordeal
 Video Clip #9.

 Splinter's words:
 As Raph, Don and Mich:

 I have told you repeatedly not to let anger drive you.  You need to know how
 dangerous and harmful the anger inside you is.  Shredder is not the only enemy.
 I won't let you go until you realize the enemy inside yourself.  If you dare to
 challange Shredder, then....come, Leonardo.
 Assume Leonardo is Shredder and fight him!

 You get three minutes to defeat Leonardo within the Training Grounds.
 Leonardo wears Samurai helmet.

 On completion:
 Character's Offensive Strength Increases.

 Stage 6- Justice
  Area 1- Entrance
  Right at the beginning move left into the corner where the camera can't see.  There's a box
  with a Mokamono in it.
  Tons of cloakers, a few flyers and normal footsoldiers.  
  Elite Footsoldier, Metal Mystic Ninja, Earth Mystic Ninja.

  Area 2- Japanese Garden
  There is one or two makemono is this level, so check all the boxes.  Don't do it until you have
  low life becuase there are two drinks and a pizza.  The pizza is in the far left corner, near
  the exit.
  Mystic Fire Ninja

  Area 3- Foot science Lab
  You begin in the hall way with 2 cloakers.  This is tricky because of lack of space.  
  Try to stick to the ground and far away from the lasers.  After a few groups, you make 
  your way to the end, jump over the boxes and break the crate.  
  There is a makemono for Michelangelo I believe.
  After all the enemies are gone, head into the lab.

  Don't get the crates here, most are burgers, including the first one on the right.
  When you head into the main part, the glass tubes will shatter and an "experiment omega" will
  come out.  They are easy, a single combo can kill them.  Move fast because the room fills
  with poison, draining your health.

  Mystic Wind Ninja, he's easy, check out the boss strats to beat em.

  Area 4- Mouser Arsenal
  Start off in a hall way, fight flyers foots.  Then go through the giant mouser door,
  into the hallway of mousers.  Tons of them come out from the sides.  Just keep fighting, and
  do area attacks.  These guys can be annoying with characters like Raphael.
  After you're done destroying them, get the box with the food in it, then head up the ramp.
  Kill the three flyers, then wait for the giant mousers.  Two of them will come at you.
  Just stay behind one and keep attacking.  Dodge when it twists backwards, and stay away from
  it's front while the arms are spinning.  Also be careful of the other mouser's missles.  If
  you see them coming, try to get on the other side of the other mouser.  That way you won't get
  hit and you can still attack the other mouser.  When the first is dead, the second is twice as
  easy.  If you need help, there's a burger in the box on the right.  After the fight
  head up the stairs, there's two boxes, each with burgers.  Take them or save them, doesn't 
  because the rest of the level is pretty easy.  A group of cloakers will attack you as you go up
  the stairs.  Kill them and move on.  Just run around killing the enemies, get the boxes, and   
  then watch the cutscene #10.
  Then go up to the big power source at the top of the stairs.  Just start hitting it until
  you see that the words crash and bam don't appear.  After that, stand around until the countdown
  goes off.  Stick nearby to see a huge explosion.

  Area 5-Demolitioned Arsenal
  Elite Foot Ninja.  This is an easy fight.  Just do small combos and when you see him move,
  dodge.  When he splits, knock him down with a combo and then kill the shadow.
  When he gets to low life, he will do a triple split and also use a huge combo.  During
  this combo, he will spin a little.  When this happens, throw a star at him and then use
  a combo to bring em down.  There's a bit of food so it's easy.
  He uses a long spear so watch out for his range.  Also, when he jumps up on the spear like
  a pole-vault, dodge one direction, then change again.  After he attacks, get em!
  Area 6- Trap Corridor
  This level is pretty cool.  You fight a bit, but you also get to go through this hallway
  full of traps.  As you enter the first room, you will see the spiked bamboo.  Notice the small
  strips they come out of.  As long as you aren't too close, you won't get hit.  At the end
  of the room, the doorway is a trap.  Inch forward until it snaps shut, then go through when it   opens. Ahead, there is a box.  Everyone loves boxes!  But there's a trap, if you notice the
  small shadow in front of it, there is a large weight above.  If you get too close... SMASH.
  It hurts. In the next room, there are two swinging blades.  Easy to dodge, just head over to one   side, then wait.  There are boxes, so make sure you don't get stuck.  There's a drink in the box   in the left corner.  The next room is a maze of bamboo spikes.  Head forward, get the box,
  then go around the bamboo when they shoot upwards(so you can't get hurt) and then make the trap    door snap shut. Head forward, this is the arrow room.  Your best bet is to shoot the boxes, then   dodge forward. Or you could try to sneak past.  This is easy.  Make sure you stand next to the     first box as soon as possible, because arrows fly by next to the door.  Dodge foward, don't stand  next to the second box, arrows fly by.  Then make the door snap shut, and head through.  This is
  what I call the weight room.  Three weights, and you get to kill guys with them!  If you do it     right.   Just head through the next room. Dodge forward through this arrow room.  It's easy.
  Make the weight fall and the door shut.  Then head through.  This room is normal, just kill
  the guys.
  There's a burger in the left box, a shake/drink in the right.  
  Head through the door.  Four flyers appear, two next to a box.  DONT HIT THAT BOX!!!!
  It's got a burger in it!  Save it for the battle, because it hard.

  You fight a few super experiment omega units.  These guys are twice as strong, and are
  purple.  Plus you have to fight 3 at a time.  Focus on knocking them down, then you can
  kill the one standing.
  Now, an Elite Foot Ninja appears. Kick his ass! He's got an axe, so he might move differently
  than what you're used to.  Use the same techniques as with the others, you should do well young

 Area 7- Heliport
 Cutscene #12
 Final Fight- Shredder
 This can be a nervracking fight, but it's pretty simple.  Shredder has a few weaknesses.
 One, he has a gap in the beginning of his combo, so you can attack him easily.  Two,
 if you can't, then shoot em with a star, then attack.  Third, he pauses after he does
 an explosion or finishes a combo.  Don't jump, he will get you.  There's plenty of food, 
 and some extra stars.  Make sure you have atleast an extra continue, you'll be fine if you do.
 Easy way with Raphael:
 Alrighty, if you can get a hit on em, hit 'A' four times, you will do a five hit combo and
 Shredder will fall to his knees.  Now, because you only did it four times, you don't do 
 the kick, which gives you the opportunity to hit Shredder again when he stands up.  Time
 it perfectly and you can get this combo in on him as many times as you need.

 Final Custscene(#13)

 Congratulations! You beat the game! (Atleast once that is).  Now go do it with the other three

cutscene Conversation:
 Cutscene #1
 Cutscene #1
 Cutscene #1
 Cutscene #1
 Cutscene #1
 Cutscene #1
 Cutscene #1
 Cutscene #1
 Cutscene #1
 Cutscene #1
 Cutscene #1

 Cutscene #9
 After Special Dojo

 Go now, my sons.  You have made it through this training.  I believe you now
 know what it is that you lacked.

 Yes, MAster.  The thing that we lacked was...


 A serene heart.  And trust in each other.

 We're turtle"s" after all.  If we four work together...

 We kick butt!  Right, Master?

 RRRr... Yes.  You have all learned well.  Having now gained serenity of heart, grasped
 the essence of ninjitsu, you are now prepared to face shredder!  And now I shall tell you
 of the ties that bind shredder to myself!  Shredder is the sworn enemy of my ever beloved
 teacher, Hamato Yoshi!
 (Turtles give sound of awe)
 His true identity is Oroku Saki.  A master ninja.  It is fated that he and I must battle
 someday, and...
 And that time is now!

 Yes!  My sons, we must defeat shredder and avenge my master yoshi.

 Hold it right there!  Take me with you!

 Mr. Jones, this battle will most likely exceed any previous.  In the extent of the danger
 it holds.  Please leave this to my sons.

 No!  That's not gonna happen.  I gotta bone to pick with those guys, too! 

 Yeah, now I remember.  Master, please let him come with us! 

 Raph!  What are you saying?
 Leo's right!  Casey is a good-looking guy, but he may not be Shredder's type. 

 Casey!  I want to do something to help, too, but...

 Stop, April.  You don't understand.  I've got an old score to settle with the foot, and
 if I pass this up, I'll never forgive myself.  I owe it to my dad.

 I understand, Mr. Jones.  Please lend your aid to my sons.

 Now you're talking!  Let's do it, guys!

 (Everyone puts their hand in a circle, says "Yeaaah".)

 Cutscene #10
 At the end of mouser lab

 Who'd have thought that this many mouser robots were still hidden away?

 This many of them could make quick work of our new home too.

 Let's blow this thing up, Donatello!  Can you do it?

 Blow it up?  But... Oh fine.  Let's... This here is... So this must be.... Yeah.
 That machine is a tremendous source of energy, so if we could just trigger it to...

 All right! Take this!

 Not yet, Raphael!
 (Raphael attacks the power source and blows up)


 I told you I didn't have the security system down yet. They've got a very sphisticated
 lock on it.
 You could have told me sooner.

 So what do we do? Any of you guys bring a bomb along?

 You know we wouldn't carry anything that dangerous around.
 Nothing but these environmentally-friendly nunchucks for me.

 Hey, guys!
 What are you doing here?  It's too dangerous.

 He's right! You won't find any gentlemen down here.

 I'm sorry, but I wanted to help you all out.  Let me handle this.
 (She shuts down the security system)

 No way!

 Cutscene #11
 After you defeat the spear Elite Foot Ninja.
 April, go find yourself a safe place and don't move from it.

 That's right.  If anything should happen to us... Someone has to stick around to build heroic
 statues in our honor.

 And to take care of master Splinter when he goes senile... But he's pretty much there already.

 We shouldn't leave april alone, and it's not safe to bring her with us.  I'll stay with you!
 That is, if you guy's don't mind?


 No problem.

 Thank you, casey.

 It's nothing.
 (Turtles, ehrm...)

 Ahem.  I hate to interrupt you two love birds, but...

 We've got to be going, so you two enjoy yourselves.

 Be careful!

 Cutscene #12
 Lot of movement, Shredder jumps down from the building.

 It truly has been a long time.  I thought perhaps you'd gone into hibernation.
 You've got no sense of humor, but the armor's cool.

 So, you made it this far...
 To be honest, I'm surpised you had the ability to get here.

 We're not the same turtles you fought before.

 Listen to me.  I have a proposal for you.  Work for me.  I can certainly make it worth your    while.

 No way.

 We're elite turtles, the best in our field.  We'd never work for the likes of you.

 Fine.  You're just freaks, after all.  Here's where we go our separate ways.  But you will not be  leaving this place... ever!
 We're not the turtles you remember.  And we came here this time to defeat you.  See what you   think of our turtle power now!

 Cutscene #13
 Alright, so you defeated him.  This shows the final blow.
 Shredder attacks, then the character you played as attacks too.  They hit in mid air,
 and then fall to the ground.  Shredder stands there, then stumbles over in pain, then
 falls off the edge of the building.  The turtles rush to the edge and watch, the game ends.
 Congrats.  Credits role.  Then turtles party.  If you beat it with Raph, he cheers, then runs
 over and hugs Michelangelo.

RSLMD-Leonardo's alternate costume unlocked.
RLSLS-Michelangelo's alternate costume unlocked.
SLSMM-Raphael's alternate costume unlocked.