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Tutorial[edit | edit source]

Walk towards the building, and go to the right. Jump across the pier (space), and crawl (c) into the duct. You will need to use Eyeshine ( Q ) to see where you are going.

At the end of the tunnel, you will meet Judas, who is disturbed about his family being killed. Talk to him (E, although you may need to try advancing first to get the option), and hen done, climb the ladder. (Untested: See what happens hen you tell him to pull it together.)

after climbing a ladder, you should find a bounty card (35). Collect it and turn right and open the door. You will have to fight against an unarmed guard. When done, jump onto the crate, and climb up onto the railing. Take a left turn, and jump onto the next enemy to take him out (you can move forward normally to make it connect.)

After a few seconds, the locked door will open. Crouch behind a wall not visible from the door and sneak up on the drone. when you take the drone down, you can use his gun to defeat the other two drones that arrive but you won't be able to move forward when doing so. When all three drones are dead, continue. You can find a NanoMed unit, but it is empty and needs to be refilled with the nearby nanomed cartridge. Climb the ladder to the left to continue.

One guard is facing away from you. He can shoot, but if you time an attack correctly, you can disarm him and kill him with his own weapon. Around the corner are four guards. You can defeat one with a single aimed shot, but the other three will become alert. Instead of a long-range firefight behind cover, back up slightly to encourage them to approach. When they are close, you can defeat them more easily.

You may now exit to the left. Down the stairs is a long corridor, and entering it will transition you to the next map.

Hijacked[edit | edit source]

Your cryopod activates, waking you from the simulation earlier. In the cutscene, you will obtain a hairpin.

Follow the captain to the main part of the ship. After entering the main hanger, you can use a keypad to attract a drone. Hide behind the crates as he approaches, and use the hairpin to take it out. Use its gun to shoot the glass and continue, where you can get Bounty Card 7. To enter the ship, you will need to climb the crates, and enter the airvent passageway.

You will be introduced to the white-faced drones. These drones have a flashlight and can detect you in dark areas. The drone leaves, allowing you to continue right (healing if necessary), and climbing down the ladder.

In the first floor, sneak up on the first drone and take it out. Defeat the second drone by provoking it to approach, and using the weapon to defeat it. Climb down, and cross the elevator shaft. A cutscene will show a discussion about John and a disloyal crewmember. When it finishes, return to the elevator, and open its ceiling hatch to get Ulaks.

You will now need to reach the control room, while hiding from the drones. The drones will react if they get a glimpse of you in the light, but can be killed if necessary. They will also react to nearby combat. The safest route is to make a hard right turn, and approaching the control room on the right-most corridor while crouched. When the path becomes blocked, keep hugging the outer wall until you reach the center, where you can reach the control room without too much difficulty. The captain will make an announcement advising that Riddick may be onboard.

Continue and extend the drawbridge and activate the crane. Climb down. From this crane, you will need to reach the opposite corner of the cargo bay. You can find another bounty card (19) to unlock spinner. Climb the crates, and climb the red crate to reach the air vent.

Assistance[edit | edit source]

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Preview of the mech running to another room - just before a rough fight.

After climbing out of the drainage, you will see a mech exiting the room, with several guards remaining. This is a rough battle with enemy reinforcements. First, take out the existing enemies from where you entered the room. Next, try to take out the guards behind the glass window, without advancing too far in. If you can no longer attack them, walk towards the middle of the room until you no longer see either main door near the entrance. This will open one of the two doors, where two additional guards will attack. Dispatch them, then finish off the guards remaining behind the glass.

The other door only leads to a previous area, go through the glass to continue, where the capatin placed a set of several drones ready to attack. They will attack aggressively, but only one at a time. They are easily defeated simply by hiding in a dark area for the first drones, and killing the others as soon as they are released. Climb onto the platform when the drones are eliminated, and you will learn of a mech that will be chasing you soon.

Exit the room. Evade the mech's fire by jumping diagonally, and running until you reach the disposal chute. Wait for the enemy to stand on the trapdoor, and press the button. Riddick will chase after it. Finish off the mech by aiming for its pilot, then enter it.

Space walk[edit | edit source]

The mech suit is equipped with two miniguns, but is in damaged condition. It also won't regenerate health, and you will have to quickly take care of enemies before they do too much damage.

As you advance, there are abour three waves before the repair station. When you repair the mech, you will get seven rockets. Enter the airlock, and walk along the hull to reach the prisoner's bay. The first half of the trip will show one mech, along with several miniature flying drones. The second half has three mechs, two which approach, and the other which will engate with rockets at long range.

When you re-enter, you only have three more mechs to destroy. The smaller engagement quarters makes them easier to destroy.

Prison deck[edit | edit source]

Exit the mech, and enter the vent. In the control room, Jaylor will challenge you, and you can either engage him with or without weapons. If you choose not to use weapons (required for an achievement), Jaylor will counter any blocked punch with a rapid counter of his own. He can be defeated by blocking his punch then attacking. If you use weapons, he is easily defeated by continuous fire.

Head to the comm station, fight the sole guard, and use the comm terminal to gain the code for the elevator. Although your contact says company is inbound, you can safely reach the elevator in the control room to head to the hanger.

Hanger Bay[edit | edit source]

The hanger bay is guarded by two mechs. You will need to sneak around them, and reach the upper control room. If you are fast and have enough health, you can run up the ramp. Otherwise, you will have to jump and climb your way to that control room.

Once inside, use the terminals to power up the ship and raise the elevator. Jump onto the elevator and adjust the turret. Return to the control room and fire the weapon to blow the mechs into space.

Watch the airlock - the man there will tell you he'll unlock the door in one minute. Use this time to finish your work here, and head to the bridge. Revas will attack, knocking your guns away and forcing you to use a melee weapon.

Revas can be attacked continuously if timed correctly but it is possible that she may get a blow in. You can also switch to the club, which can quickly switch to a defensive block from a swing, although the weapon itself is slow to attack. Once Revas is defeated, you will take an escape pod, but get struck by a missile and crash on the planet's surface.