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  • Classic Mode - Just like in the original Sims, this allows you to move throughout the house while your Sim does whatever needs to be tackled. This mode is recommended while the Sim raises its mood and needs, thus letting you look over the rest of the family as well. You can still select tasks, but once they are done, the Sim will do whatever they want(besides going to Town Square).
  • Direct Mode - In Direct Mode, you are playing as the Sim. You make every selection as well as control the Sim's movement. You are responsible for taking acre of your Sim's needs.
PlayStation 2 GameCube Action
Cross button A button Select Sim/pet/item/appliance or walk to selected point in Classic Mode
Triangle button B button Cancel selection/task
Circle button Y button (Classic Mode) - shows location of selected Sim
Square hold X button Move throughout house (while holding and moving left analogue stick)
Up dpad Up dpad Shows Needs
Right dpad Right dpad Shows Relationships (Sims Only)
Down dpad Down dpad Shows Aspiration Wants (Sims Only)
Left dpad Left dpad (Sims) - Details current panel; mood, wants and relationships. (Pets) - Shows Aspiration Want
Neutral lstick Neutral control Move Sim; make selection; move through house (Classic Mode)
Neutral rstick Neutral cstick Rotates camera
Start button Start button Pauses game and brings up the menu
Select button Z button Toggles between Classic and Direct control mode
L1 button L button Freeze Time
L2 button Y button Shows family/pets and their actions; allows you to switch from one character to another
R1 button R button Fast forward time
R2 button Show/hide walls
PSP Action
Cross button Select a Sim/Pet/Object and an Action to perform to it; Grab or place an object, floor or wallpaper.
Triangle button Cancel Sim/Pet's last action and exists the Action Menu
Circle button Switch to next Sim or Pet/Open Sim Switcher (hold); Undo/Redo any action (Grab/Place & Renovation Mode)
Square button Cancel action/task
Up dpad Shows Skills; Sell/Put an object into Inventory (Grab/Place Mode).
Right dpad Shows Aspiration Wants; Rotate an object to right (Grab/Place Mode)
Down dpad Collapses HUD
Left dpad Show Needs
Neutral lstick Move Sim; make selection; move through house (Classic Mode)
Start button Bring Pause Menu
Select button Toggles between Classic and Direct control mode
L button Freeze Time/Fast forward Time (hold)
R button Rotate Camera (while holding and moving the analogue stick)