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Nipata Dopipu Nomaji Fire Kikura Mantle Skull

A fearsome boss[edit | edit source]

By the seventh stage, Lucia is not the weak fighter she started out as. However, she's still no powerhouse who can bulldoze her way through anything. And it just so happens that the boss that she will encounter in this stage is incredibly strong. Strategy is as much a requirement to beating it as strength. You'll need to save up quite a bit of MP as well, so don't use too much up before you visit the boss room. The enemy placement on this level, however, is not too bad, as you will rarely encounter anyone in the many vertical shafts that line the stage. If you haven't mastered the vertical leap from platform to platform, you'll have a good opportunity to practice it here.

Recommended route[edit | edit source]

This stage contains a number of vertical shafts. Without a map, it can become easy to travel down a path, only to realize that it is a dead-end, or that it has taken you past another point of interest. Knowing where to go will save you a tremendous amount of time. Your first goal should be door A. Jump across the first two vertical shafts and fall down the third. Run to the right and you will encounter door A, and inside you will discover the first Shield Ball ring. Collect it, and continue on to the right. Climb your way out of the ascending shaft, and drop down the next shaft to the right.

You're about to fight the boss next, so if you feel that you have taken a substantial amount of damage, you may choose to collect the Apple behind door E now, or attempt to save it until after you've faced Gaguzul. The choice is entirely yours. At the very bottom level are three doors. The right door contains a fourth sword that is useless to collect (you will gain no benefit from it), and the left door contains a Scroll which can refuel your magic if you really need it. The door that you're really interested in is the middle, which leads to Gaguzul.

Boss: Gaguzul[edit | edit source]

HP: 1930
Power: 600

Gaguzul is a force to be reckoned with. He's large, he shoots fireballs, he advances towards Lucia constantly no matter what direction she is in and can jump up to reach her, and he will not stop when getting hurt. At 600 points of power, you do not want to get hit by this thing. The best approach is to stay well out of his reach as well as out of the range of his fireballs. The upper platform where you start out is the only safe haven that you have. The question is how can you hit him from up there? It just so happens that you have the perfect weapon for striking at an enemy who is directly above or below you; the Magic Bomb. Since you only have one Magic Bomb, and it's not a terribly strong weapon, you're going to need to use a lot of them, hence the need for a lot of MP. Never the less, if you stand still and tap B button very quickly so that the bomb detonates directly in front of you, three flames will travel down through the platform to the floor below, and hopefully hit Gaguzul. It's going to take a number of such hits to do him in, but it's far safer than any of the alternatives, which give him a chance to defeat you first.

Two things to remember about Gaguzul; once you start hitting him, do not let him escape and leave the screen. He won't ordinarily try to on his own, but if you accidentally scroll him off, he will regain all of hit HP back! Don't allow that to happen. The other point is that if you absolutely cannot avoid getting hit, try to get hit by his fireballs and not his body, as fireballs do significantly less damage, only 200. Once Gaguzul is defeated, you can climb back up the far right shaft of platforms, stopping to pick up the Apple if you have not collected it already, and moving on to the stage goal door in the upper right hand corner.