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Event 19[edit | edit source]

You'll start out on the docks of Johanna. But you'll soon realize that things are different from when you left. There seems to be a tax on everything now. Walk to the left, where men are guarding the entrance to town. Pay the fee to enter—it's only 279 gold.

Event 20[edit | edit source]

Walk to the left to enter town, taking either the high or low path -- it doesn't matter, they just take you to different points in town. Once you're in Johanna, talk to people and you'll learn that a mysterious man came to town, built a castle with a wall around it, and destroyed all the buildings outside the wall. Nice guy. See the path on the top and on the bottom that lead back to the docks? Notice the path in the middle -- this leads to the lord's castle. You can't enter yet, though. Just remember where it is. There are several weapon and armor upgrades to buy, so do some shopping if you can. If money is no object and you just want a quick shopping list, here's the best stuff to buy:

Roy - War Sword
---   War Mail
      Shiny Shield

Banegie - Blue Ax
-------   Earth Mail
          Boons Shield

Magellan - War Sword
--------   Earth Mail
           Soul Shield (if he doesn't already have one)

Bellenue - Black Arrow (if she doesn't already have one)
--------   Mithril Mail (if she doesn't already have one)
           Soul Shield (if she doesn't already have one)

Notice![edit | edit source]

At this point, I would normally say to load up on Ghost Sticks to the max, but they give a +100 bonus to DP, so it only takes 10 of them to give you a 999 DP bonus. And you don't even need that much, because with all the other armor you're wearing (and with average levels), your DP without *any* sticks should be in the 200's or 300's. In this case, it would only take seven or eight Ghost Sticks to give you a DP rating of 999, which of course is the maximum value. So, buying any more Ghost Sticks than necessary to get you a 999 DP would just be a waste of money, and more importantly, inventory space. Yeah, for the first time, you'll be able to carry stuff around! Whee! I recommend MP restoratives such as Honey.

Moving on, once you've set up your party, finish talking to people in town before you leave. I don't think it's absolutely required, but it would still be a good idea to visit your family. They're in a stone house that's a few steps to the right of the exit to the overworld. You'll learn that Traysia has been kidnapped and your home has been burned down, but everyone is okay. It's time for revenge.

Leave town and go out into the overworld. The overworld in this chapter is long and narrow. That is, it runs a long way from the north end to the south end, but isn't very far across, east to west. There are a few points of interest in the overworld, but right now you can't do anything with them, so they'll be covered when we come to them in the game. So, anyway, leave town and go south at your first chance. Work your way to the south, hugging the eastern edge of the map. After that eastern edge twists and turns a few times, you'll come to a fishing village that has been overrun by the same lord who came to Johanna. You can go in if you want, but there's nothing there except a few clues as to what's been going on. Either way, once you're done with the fishing village, continue south, hugging the eastern edge, until you come to a long path leading east. At the end of the path is the lighthouse.

The first floor of the lighthouse is simple. After you take the stairs, you'll be on the second floor. Go to the right and you should see the staircase in the lower right corner. Go down there and take it. On the third floor, walk a few steps up and then right and you should see the staircase in the upper right corner. Go to that corner and through the doorway to the stairs to continue, or stop by the upper left corner of the room if you want a chest with a Silver Tulip first.

The fourth floor is the last floor. The center chamber has the lighthouse keeper, but BEFORE you talk to him, make sure to go to the bottom part of the room and equip Banegie with the Smashing Ax you find there. Then go and talk to the lighthouse keeper. He'll tell you the story of what happened to Johanna. Apparently Floyd showed up and began brainwashing the authorities in order to take over the region. Just as the conversation is finishing, guards will some in, capture you, and throw you in jail.

Apparently this jail is minimum security, as all you have to do to escape is go through the series of stairways. Anyway, walk down a little from where you start and take the stairs there. You'll be in a large room; just walk upwards to get to the stairs. You'll be in a totally dark room. To get to the end, walk in the direction specified until you can't go any farther. Then turn to the next direction. Ready? Go down, right, down, left, up, left, up, right. You'll end up in a smallish room with a table; walk to the left and take the stairs and you'll be in another pitch black room. This room is a lot more complex than the other one, plus it contains a chest that you should try to get. So listen up: from the entrance, go right, down, right, down, right, down, right, up, right. This will bring you to point D on the map below, where you need to make a decision. If you don't care about the treasure (you should be able to see it now -- it contains a Soul Sword), just go all the way down the hall and skip the rest of this paragraph. For the sake of reference, we'll call the corner at the very bottom end of the hall "Point X." If you want the sword, follow these directions, and also LOOK AT THE MAP BELOW to help you find it. Go down the long hall, but feel along the right edge every few steps. Toward the end of the hall, there's a path that will branch off to the right. It's actually 6 to 9 steps above Point X, so you may want to go all the way down and then work your way upwards while feeling the wall. When you find the path leading right, follow it all the way right, then all the way up until you're in the room with the chest. Open it for the Soul Sword, then backtrack to find your way back to Point X.

Ghetto ASCII Map[edit | edit source]

Not to scale.
D = Where you end up after following the first part of the directions.
X = Point X, where the next set of directions will start from.
T = Treasure chest with a Soul Sword.

                D |
---------------+  |
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---------------+  |
                X |

Got it? Okay, from point X...[edit | edit source]

From Point X, go left, down, left, up, left, down, left, up, left, up, right. You'll emerge in a thick forest in the overworld. Go up and then right and you'll be in the clear. Then walk to the east and just a tiny bit north to get back to Johanna. The guard out in front of the castle will be gone and you can now enter.

When you come into the front yard, note the six entrances available: four short towers with cone-shaped roofs, one small house by itself that lies between the first and second such towers, and finally, the front entrance to the main building. Well, the house-thing and the second tower are both just empty rooms, the third and fourth towers' only paths just lead back and forth between them, and you can't even get into the main entrance. This leaves only the first tower all the way on the left. Enter it and you'll notice that you switch between rooms unexpectedly, as in the last part of the temple from Chapter 4. It's okay, though, since the dungeon is pretty straightforward. I won't give you specific instructions because the paths are mostly one-way with no branches. When you come to the first intersection, though, you'll have a choice between left or right -- go right. When you get to the jail cells, note that there's a guy locked up in the right-hand cell that you can talk to if you want to. Continue to the next screen.

Now you should be in a room that kind of looks like a maze... but it's just a small, empty room, and the exit is in the upper left corner. Walk left from the entrance and you should see it. In the next level, follow the hall all the way around until you come to the empty room. Walk toward the far wall and you will hear Traysia talking on the other side of the wall. Roy will talk to her for a little bit, then the party decides to retreat in order to find an alternate path that leads to the other side of the wall where Traysia is being held.

Event 21[edit | edit source]

Backtrack all the way to the beginning of the dungeon, exit and return to town. Just about everybody inside the houses (including your family) will have new things to say that will give you a little more plot info if you're into that sort of thing, but the only person you're actually required to talk to is the blind man. He's in the long stone house in the lower left corner of town. It turns out that he was one of the men that helped build the castle, and he agrees to have one of his pupils meet you in the dungeon to show you a secret passageway.

Return to the castle and go through the dungeon like before -- except when you get to the "fake maze" room just past the jail cells, go to the lower left corner and a guy should be there waiting for you. From where he's standing, walk down and you'll pass through a door. The next room is straightforward; just take the stairs at the top. The following room contains the cell that holds Traysia. Approach the upper right hand cell and she and Roy will talk for a little bit. As you begin to help her escape, guards rush in. Banegie quickly decides to take Traysia's place in order to let Traysia escape. Don't worry, just like last time she left, she won't be gone long. The next thing you know, your party (minus Banegie) will be back in town with Traysia in tow.

Event 22[edit | edit source]

Now, you need to go and get Banegie back. Go back to the castle's yard but this time you will be able to enter the main door at the front of the castle. Do so and then walk straight up to the stairs at the end of the first room. In the second room, go all the way down and then to the left, then follow the path down and around to the next set of stairs. The next room is a huge open room with rectangular blocks spaced out more or less randomly. The stairway to the next room is hidden along the upper edge of one of the blocks in the room. To find the block in question, go to the far left side of the room. About halfway up, you will see three blocks in a downwardly staggered arrangement, like so:


The middle block is the one you want. Walk along its upper edge and you'll be taken to the throne room, where Banegie is being kept by Floyd and a few of his henchmen. When you're ready for a fight, approach the thrones. Floyd will whine about how you destroyed all his plans, then he'll sic his guards on you.

Boss: Chiefs of Isis and Isis Soldier[edit | edit source]

This is just about the end of the game, and you really have no excuse for not having good enough levels/equipment to fight five Chiefs of Isis. Well, actually, it's four Chiefs and one Soldier. Whatever. You've probably fought similar battles in the castle on the way here, so you should know what to expect.

After the battle, Floyd will whine a little more, then retreat to the temple in the mountains. Nice of him to tell you where he'll be. Your party will rescue Banegie and then you'll go back to Johanna.

Event 23[edit | edit source]

You'll start out in town, with Traysia standing next to you. I don't think it's absolutely required, but you should talk to Traysia to send her home. You can also rest, shop, and talk to people if you feel like it. Note that you're at the very end of the game and you should get whatever you want out of the way before beginning your conquest on the northern temple.

When you're ready, leave town and head north until you reach the edge of the mountain. When you do, follow the rocky wall as it winds around, Eventually bringing you right to the temple's front door. Go on in.

Once inside, you'll be in a huge open room. Just go straight up to the stairs. On the next level, walk to the left, then all the way down and follow the path as it goes to the right and up. Shortly after the upward turn, you'll be able to go left. That's where the stairs are, but before you take them, you should turn right and get at least two of the three treasures on this floor. When you turn right, you'll see a path continuing to the right, and a path leading down. The path going to the right only has a Blue Ax, which is inferior to the Smashing Ax that Banegie should have by now. So, you may not want to go that way. But, by all means, take the route leading downward. Go to the bottom of that hall and turn right and then up for a chest with a Death Arrow. Then go back down and all the way to the left for a chest with a Shiny Sword, which should go to Roy while Magellan takes the Soul Sword, if he didn't already have it. Then return to the stairs and go to the next level.

The next room has several stairways leading out of it: four across the top of the room, three in the lower left corner, and two in the lower right. I'm going to spend the next two paragraphs telling you what's in all the rooms, but if you just want to know how to get to the end of the dungeon, skip the rest of this paragraph, as well as the entire paragraph that follows it. Anyway, as far as the stairways at the top of the room go, the first and last sets both lead to empty rooms. The second set from the left leads to a room with a chest that has a Blueberry inside, and the third set from the left leads to a room with Honey. Get these items if you feel like it, then go back to the bottom part of the room.

If you go into the bottom left corner, you'll have a choice of turning left or continuing downward. If you turn left and keep going, you'll find stairs that lead to a room with Earth Mail. If you turn left and then go upwards, you'll find stairs that take you to a large room with the following spelled out by the walls: "T-SPC". I can't think of anything that this might stand for. Any suggestions? Besides the letters, though, this room is empty. Getting back to the lower left corner, if you continue downward and follow the path, you'll come to stairs that lead to a long room with a chest with Honey in it.

Finally, if you go to the bottom right corner of the large room, you'll see a stairway to your left. This stairway leads to an empty room, but if you turn right and then go upwards, you'll come to the staircase that will take you to the next level. Once you're there, walk down, to the left, and up a bit, and you'll see that you have a choice between going left or right. Go to the left and you'll come to a choice between two paths, side by side, both leading upwards. If you want an Earth Mail, take the left and path and turn left and then up when you get the chance. If you don't want the mail and are ready to face off with Floyd, take the right path and follow it as it spirals around and brings you to the last staircase.

This is it. The last battle. I would say that this is your last chance to do stuff before the game ends, but the truth is that you can walk around and do whatever you like after you finish the final boss. So, just keep that in mind. When you're ready to finally face Floyd, take the staircase.

Boss: Froid and Chief of the Division[edit | edit source]

Froid? FROID?!? You'd think that for the final battle of the game, the translators would be able to get the guy's name right. Jeez, it sounds like they wanted Roy and company to duke it out with the evil forces of psychoanalysis. Next up, Carl Jung and his gang of psychiatric theorists! ANYway, this is another battle where you can pin the outside enemies to the columns while you work on the other three. If your characters are somehow taking damage, have them all defend while Bellenue shoots them from long range. Despite this being the last boss, there really isn't anything spectacular about this fight. It'll be over soon enough.

After the battle, Floyd (Froid?) will realize he's been beaten and will suddenly gather up energy in a suicidal attempt to do both him and Roy in at once. As he charges toward Roy, Banegie steps in his way and absorbs the blow. Roy and Banegie share a tender little bit of dialog, Banegie asks Roy to marry Traysia, and then dies.

Event 24[edit | edit source]

After the previous scene, your party will be taken to the overworld, at the beginning of the mountain path that leads to the temple. Go a little south, then west across the tree line until you get past them, then go south for a little bit and you'll come back to Johanna. This is your absolute last chance to do anything. You can talk to some of the people around town for congratulatory messages, etc. When you're ready to finish the game, go to Traysia's house and talk to her. The game will be over, and you'll be treated to a nice ending.