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  • Legend:
    • Healing: spell that can be cast at any time.
    • Field: spell that can be cast only outside combat.
    • Support: combat spell that targets allies.
    • Disable: combat spell that targets enemies and has effects different than just damage.
    • Attack: combat spell that targets enemies and simply deals damage.

Priest Spells[edit | edit source]

Priest spells can be used by the Priest (NES: "Cleric"), as well as the Bishop (NES: "Wizard") and the Lord.

L Name Translation Type Target Description
1 BADIOS Harm Attack One Monster Causes 1d8 (1-8) points of damage to a monster
1 DIOS Heal Healing One Character Restores 1d8 (1-8) hit points to a party member
1 KALKI Blessings Support Party Reduces the armor class of all party members by 1 for the duration of the combat
1 MILWA Light Field/support Party Summons a softly glowing light that increases vision and reveals secret doors
1 PORFIC Shield Support Caster Reduces the armor class of the caster by 4 for the duration of the combat
¤ Level 2 ¤
2 CALFO X-ray Vision Field Caster Determines the type of trap on a chest with 95% accuracy
2 MANIFO Statue Disable Monster Group Attempts to paralyze a monster group
2 MATU Blessing Support Party Reduces the armor class of all party members by 2 for the duration of the combat
2 MONTINO Still Air Disable Monster Group Attempts to silence a monster group, making it impossible for them to cast spells
¤ Level 3 ¤
3 BAMATU Prayer Support Party Reduces the armor class of all party members by 4 for the duration of the combat
3 DIALKO Softness Healing One Character Cures paralysis and sleep for a party member
3 LATUMAPIC Identification Disable Monster Group Identifies a monster group
3 LOMILWA More Light Field/support Party More powerful MILWA spell that lasts for the entire expedition, but is terminated in darkness areas
¤ Level 4 ¤
4 BADIAL More Hurt Attack One Monster Causes 2d8 (2-16) points of damage to a monster
4 DIAL More Heal Healing One Character Restores 2d8 (2-16) hit points to a party member
4 LATUMOFIS Cure Poison Healing One Character Cures poison for a party member
4 MAPORFIC Big Shield Support Party Reduces the armor class of all party members by 2 for the entire expedition
¤ Level 5 ¤
5 BADI Death Attack One Monster Attempts to kill a monster
5 BADIALMA Great Hurt Attack One Monster Causes 3d8 (3-24) points of damage to a monster
5 DI Life Healing/field One Character Attempts to resurrect a dead party member; if it works, the dead character is revived with only 1 hit point and decreased Vitality; if it fails, the dead character is turned to ashes
5 DIALMA Great Heal Healing One Character Restores 3d8 (3-24) hit points to a party member
5 KANDI Locate Soul Field Caster Identifies the location of missing/dead party members in the dungeon
5 LITOKAN Flame Tower Attack Monster Group Causes 3d8 (3-24) points of fire damage to a monster group
¤ Level 6 ¤
6 LOKTOFEIT Recall Field Party Causes all party members to be transported back to town, minus all of their equipment and most of their gold
6 LORTO Blades Attack Monster Group Causes 6d6 (6-36) points of damage to a monster group
6 MABADI Harming Attack One Monster Causes all but 1d8 (1-8) hit points to be removed from a monster
6 MADI Healing Healing One Character Restores all hit points and cures all conditions except death for a party member
¤ Level 7 ¤
7 KADORTO Resurrection Healing/field One Character Attempts to resurrect a dead party member, even if the dead character has been turned to ashes; if it works, the dead character is revived with all hit points; if it fails, the dead character is permanently lost
7 MALIKTO Word of Death Attack All Monsters Causes 12d6 (12-72) points of damage to all monsters

Mage Spells[edit | edit source]

Mage spells can be used by the Mage, as well as the Bishop (NES: "Wizard") and the Samurai.

L Name Translation Type Target Description
1 DUMAPIC Clarity Field Caster Identifies the location of the party in the dungeon
1 HALITO Little Fire Attack One Monster Causes 1d8 (1-8) points of fire damage to a monster
1 KATINO Bad Air Disable Monster Group Attempts to put to sleep a monster group
1 MOGREF Body Iron Support Caster Reduces the armor class of the caster by 2 for the duration of the combat
¤ Level 2 ¤
2 DILTO Darkness Disable Monster Group Increases the armor class of a monster group by 2 for the duration of the combat
2 SOPIC Glass Support Caster Reduces the armor class of the caster by 4 for the duration of the combat
¤ Level 3 ¤
3 MAHALITO Big Fire Attack Monster Group Causes 4d6 (4-24) points of fire damage to a monster group
3 MOLITO Spark Storm Attack Monster Group Causes 3d6 (3-18) points of damage to half of a monster group
¤ Level 4 ¤
4 DALTO Blizzard Attack Monster Group Causes 6d6 (6-36) points of cold damage to a monster group
4 LAHALITO Torch Attack Monster Group Causes 6d6 (6-36) points of fire damage to a monster group
4 MORLIS Fear Disable Monster Group Attempts to frighten and disperse a monster group
¤ Level 5 ¤
5 MADALTO Frost Attack Monster Group Causes 8d8 (8-64) points of cold damage to a monster group
5 MAKANITO Deadly Air Attack All Monsters Kills all monsters with 7 or fewer hit point dice
5 MAMORLIS Terror Disable All Monsters Attempts to frighten and disperse all monsters
¤ Level 6 ¤
6 HAMAN Change Support/disable Variable Has random effects; drains the caster one experience level (see "HAMAN and MAHAMAN" section below)
6 LAKANITO Suffocation Attack Monster Group Kills a monster group; may be resisted at rate of 6% per monster hit point die
6 MASOPIC Big Glass Support Party Reduces the armor class of all party members by 4 for the duration of the combat
6 ZILWAN Dispel Attack One Monster Kills an undead monster
¤ Level 7 ¤
7 MAHAMAN Great Change Support/disable Variable Has random effects with more options than HAMAN; drains the caster one experience level and is forgotten when cast (see "HAMAN and MAHAMAN" section below)
7 MALOR Apport Field/support Party Teleports the party to a random location in the current dungeon level when used in combat; teleports the party to a selected dungeon level and location when used in camp; if a party teleports into stone it is lost forever, so the spell is best used in conjunction with DUMAPIC
7 TILTOWAIT Explosion Attack All Monsters Causes 10d15 (10-150) points of damage to all monsters

HAMAN and MAHAMAN[edit | edit source]

These spells can only be cast by a character whose level is 13 or higher. The caster appeals to the gods for help, consuming 1 experience level. If the gods respond, one of many things can happen:

  • Target the party:
    • Augmented magic: spells cast by the party will cause (or heal) more damage.
    • Cure party: cures all party members of all conditions.
    • Heal party: MADI is cast on all party members.
    • Protect party (MAHAMAN only): reduces the armor class of all party members by 20 for the duration of the combat.
    • Raise the dead (MAHAMAN only): all dead characters are resurrected with the DI spell.
  • Target the enemies:
    • Silence enemies: all monsters will be silenced.
    • Teleport enemies: all monsters will be teleported away from battle.