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This is the first area in the game, also kind of a tutorial of the game. This is where the game starts.

Waking Up[edit]

The game starts with the player waking up on a bed of golden flowers, after falling into the Underground. There is a hallway at one end of the room that leads to Flowey's room. When you go in there, Flowey will be waiting in the middle of the room. He proceeds to teach the player how to play the game (not really). You must either dodge all of his attacks or get hit before he says "In this world, it's KILL or BE KILLED" and he surrounds your soul with bullets and makes the bullets close in on you. The attack instantly heals you (if you took damage from Flowey's attack). Flowey looks... disgusted, before a fireball appears beside him and sends him flying off screen. Toriel will then appear and tell you that she will guide you through the Ruins.

Puzzles, Puzzles, yet More Puzzles[edit]

Toriel will lead you to a room with staircases on either side of the room. There is a save star in the middle. I recommend you save before continuing, if you aren't planning to do this in one go.

The first area she leads you to. You should probably save here.
She proceeds to take you to the next room and tell you what puzzles appear in the Ruins before taking you through to the next room. The next room is a hallway with small rivers running through it. You must flip the switches that appear at the end of each bridge (only the ones Toriel marked) and the spikes disappear.

She then goes to the next room and says there is a puzzle in this room as well. While you're in the hallway, a Froggit will attack you. You can do anything but FIGHT the Froggit and the route will continue, as killing the Froggit causes the player to instantly gain one level, aborting the Pacifist Route. She leads you to the puzzle, but then decides to lead you through it because she thinks puzzles are "too dangerous" for now. To be fair, the puzzle was a bunch of spikes that retracted when you stepped on the right ones. How are we supposed to know how to get through this??

Toriel after she tells you to walk to the end of the hallway yourself. It's pretty long.

Anyways, Toriel takes you to a long hallway and tells you to walk to the end of it by yourself. After 5346 million years of walking, you reach the end where there's a pillar. Toriel pops out from behind the pillar and says that she "was merely behind this pillar the whole time." She then says that this is to test your independence. She then gives you a cell phone and you're free to explore the rest of the Ruins.


From here, Toriel will call you a few times, but you can ignore her. I can tell you what to do. The next room has a save point and a Froggit in it. Ignore the Froggit, since you can't battle him, and save. There is a room at the north end of the room. First, go into the room and there is a box of monster candies. You can take 4 before the candy spills onto the floor. This will be useful for later in the game when you can't afford better healing items. Monster candies are a good back-up since they're free. At least, these candies are.

Now that you have some healing items, go back to the room you were just in and go to the area leading to another room at the south end. The next room is a hallway with a line of cracked flooring in the middle. Kinda suspicious. Go to it, fall down, and go to the door on the right. You should be on the other side. If not, then that's the wrong door. Head to the next room. The next one is a rock puzzle. All you need to do is push the rock onto the switch. Like I said, ignore the goat woman, I'M guiding you. The next one is a memory puzzle. It's a room that has an entire section of the floor that's cracked. Stepping on the wrong crack leads you to the room below, which has the floor covered in leaves except for a small path through the leaves. The path going through the leaves is where you need to step in the room above to get past it. Should be a little hard but easy once you figure out the path. The next room awaits. This room is *surprisingly enough* another rock puzzle. You need to push the right rock to make the spikes go down. Push the rock near the bottom of the room and the rock says you can't just push it around before realizing you're ASKING him. Then you need to keep interacting with him before he seemingly gets it right. Of course, before you get past the spikes (or anywhere near them) he steps off the switch. Interact with him again and go to the next room.

Here Comes Napstablook[edit]

Luckily for you, there's a save point in this room. With a block of cheese on a table beside the save point. You really think that's odd? There's more spots like this throughout the rest of the game. Save your game, and head on into the next room. This next room is a three-way intersection, with a ghost blocking the way. Here comes Napstablook.

Napstablook before their encounter

To spare them, you must cheer 3 times or cheer 2 times and then flirt. Either way, they say that they "normally come to the Ruins because there's no one around." They then say that they're sorry they're in your way and disappear. How nice! Although I really don't get why Napstablook is always depressed, they actually do seem to get better as the game goes on. Anyways, moving on.

Spider Bake Sale (Ruins)[edit]

The room on the opposite end that you came from there are some webs and a sign. The sign says "Spider Bake Sale! All proceeds go to real spiders" Of course, you're probably thinking that the Spider stuff is too expensive. Just buy 3 donuts (or 2 if you're short on money) and continue on. Make sure to at least keep one Spider Donut in your inventory. You need it to skip a really hard boss battle later in the game. However, that skippable boss battle is extremely fun so try to give it a chance.

The Tutorial Froggits[edit]

In the room that you just came from, go to the area to the north. This map is the area where you find the tutorial Froggits. Ignore them. All they tell you is that you can press X (or B on console) to skip what someone is saying, that you can choose borders, and the last one can change what color a monster's name changes to when you can spare them. Not really that useful but cool. Continue on. The next room is a little hard. There are 6 cracks each leading to a different room. The one the northern one in the middle is the one where the switch is, and the one in the bottom left gives you your first piece of armor, the Faded Ribbon. From here, other than a few Vegitoids, there's nothing else here. Go to the next room.

Rotation Puzzle[edit]

The next puzzle is easy. It's the same room rotated 4 times, with 3 switches in each. You must click the correct switch in each one to make the spikes disappear. The first room already has the spikes removed. The order after that is Blue, Red, Yellow. Then, the next room awaits. Luckily for you, this next room has no monsters you can encounter (unless you hack, which is always harder on console) and it's a crossroads. Go to the east and you'll find a room that has a Froggit on the north side of it and an entrance to a room beside the Froggit. Ignore Froggit, go into the room, and there will be a Toy Knife on the west side of the room. I know you don't need the weapons (this is a pacifist route, people, I get it) but they sell for good money later in the game. Also, if you're a completionist, yes, this info is still useful. Important attention: Do NOT toss away the "stick" for more inventory space, the "stick" is particularly useful when it comes to canine enemies. They can be spared immediately after using the "stick" via the [ITEM] option.

The area where the Toy Knife is obtained.

Anyways, backtrack to the middle of the crossroads and go north. Then you will witness another cutscene. Also, get this, Toriel has a surprise for us. Follow her into her house and a cutscene plays where she shows you your new room. Immediately go in and go to sleep. Trust me, you get the Butterscotch-Cinnamon Pie. This is actually one of the best healing items in the game as well as an easy shortcut to completing the final boss battle of this game. Anyways. Toriel is in the living room, reading. Go to her and ask how to leave the Ruins and she goes downstairs. That's... odd. Follow her.

Proving Yourself[edit]

When you follow her, she tells you repeatedly to go upstairs and to let her destroy the one-way exit. Ha! As if. After following her to the door, she then says you must prove yourself worthy. This is the easiest battle in the game, as most of her attacks stop the moment they hit you. Also, all you have to do is keep sparing her. Eventually she realizes that the player will survive the Underground just fine, and says to never come back. Well. Easy enough. Anyways. Continue through the door and you'll meet Flowey, who judges you for your actions so far. If you did a genocide or other route that killed Toriel, he knows. Wow, spying on people? This flower has no morals. Step through the door on the other end of Flowey's room, and here we are, Snowdin!