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Revision as of 05:00, 3 April 2024 by LansingWolverine (talk | contribs) (Updated Combo, Jago, and Orchid movelists)
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Combo[edit | edit source]

Universal Mechanics
Parry Move +
Throw +
Top Attack +
Pressure Move +
Backhand +
Air Double +
Spinfist +
Double Spinfist or +
Roller Coaster or +
Triple Roller Coaster +
Powerline or +
└►Double Spinfist +
└►Roller Coaster +
└►Stop Powerline +
└►Behind the Back +
Behind the Back +
TJ Tremor +
Air Tremor +
Skull Crusher +
Fake Dizzy +
Super Moves
Super Spinfist +
Super Roller Coaster +
Dash Frenzy +
Super Tremor +
Spinfist +
Double Spinfist or +
Roller Coaster or +
Powerline +
TJ Tremor +
Skull Crusher +
Super Roller Coaster +
Double Spinfist +
Roller Coaster or +
Triple Roller Coaster +
Super Spinfist +
Super Roller Coaster +
Spinfist Ender +
Powerline Ender +
Behind the Back Ender +
TJ Tremor Ender +
Final Ender +
Mini-Ultra +
Ultra +
└►Ultra Ender +
O-Combo Ultimate +

Fulgore[edit | edit source]

Special Moves
Cyber Dash + or
Eye Laser + or
Laser Storm +
Plasma Slice +
Electro-Flect + (hold)
Fake Laser Storm +
Super Moves
Lock On +
└►Triple Laser Storm +
Plasma Port + or
Inviso +
Super Plasma Slice +
Air Eye Laser +
Multi Claw Spin +
Chest Spark +
Ultra Combo +
Ultimate Combo +
No Mercy +
Super Linkers
Super Cyber Dash +
Super Electro-Flect +
Combo Breaker
Combo Breaker + or
Combo Finishers
Plasma Slice +
Laser Storm +
Cyber Dash +
Eye Laser +
5th Finisher +

Glacius[edit | edit source]

Special Moves
Arctic Blast +
Cold Shoulder +
Ice Lance +
Icy Grip +
Liquidize +
Liquidize and Uppercut + or
Super Moves
Super Arctic Blast +
Arctic Slam +
Super Liquidize and Uppercut +
Beat Down +
Reverse Uppercut +
Ultra Combo +
Ultimate Combo +
No Mercy +
Super Linkers
Super Cold Shoulder +
Super Uppercut +
Combo Breaker
Combo Breaker + or
Combo Finishers
Liquidize and Uppercut +
Icy Grip +
Arctic Blast +
Ice Lance +
5th Finisher +

Jago[edit | edit source]

Universal Mechanics
Parry Move +
Throw +
Top Attack +
Pressure Move +
Front Kick +
Air Double +
Endokuken +
Red Endokuken () +
Fake Endokuken +
Tiger Fury +
Laser Blade + or
Wind Kick +
Ninja Slide +
Super Moves
Super Endokuken +
Super Tiger Fury +
Super Wind Kick +
Super Ninja Slide +
Laser Blade + or
Wind Kick +
Ninja Slide +
Super Wind Kick +
Laser Blade +
Wind Kick + or
Ninja Slide +
Super Wind Kick +
Super Ninja Slide +
Endokuken Ender +
Tiger Fury Ender +
Laser Blade Ender +
Wind Kick Ender +
Final Ender +
Mini-Ultra +
Ultra +
└►Ultra Ender +
Ultimate +
O-Combo Ultimate +

Kim Wu[edit | edit source]

Special Moves
Firecracker + or
Tornado Kick +
Split Kick +
Fire Flower +
Air Fire + or
Air Torpedo +
Fake Split Kick +
Roll or
Super Moves
Snap Dragon +
Super Tornado +
Super Air Torpedo +
Spinning Slasshes +
Air Fireball +
Ultra Combo +
Ultimate Combo +
No Mercy +
Super Linkers
Super Firecracker +
Super Tornado +
Combo Breaker
Combo Breaker + or
Combo Finishers
Tornado Kick +
Fire Flower +
Split Kick +
Firecracker +
5th Finisher +

Maya[edit | edit source]

Special Moves
Mantis +
Savage Blades +
Flip Kick +
Cobra Bite +
Jungle Leap +
Savage Leap +
Air Mantis +
Super Moves
Super Jungle Leap +
Super Mantis +
Ultra Combo +
Ultimate Combo +
No Mercy +
Super Linkers
Super Flip Kick +
Super Savage Blade +
Combo Breaker
Combo Breaker + or
Combo Finishers
Mantis +
Cobra Bite +
Jungle Leap +
Savage Leap +
5th Finisher +

Orchid[edit | edit source]

Universal Mechanics
Parry Move +
Throw +
Top Attack +
Pressure Move +
Air Double +
Tonfa Fire +
Fake Tonfa Fire +
Air Buster +
Ichi +
└►Ni +
└►└►San +
San +
Flik Flak +
Tiger Slide +
Super Moves
Super Ichi +
Fire Cat +
Super Flak +
Ichi +
Flik Flak +
Tiger Slide +
Fire Cat +
Ichi +
Super Ichi +
Flik Flak + or
Medium Tiger Slide +
Fire Cat +
San Ender +
Tiger Slide Ender +
Air Buster Ender +
Flik Flak Ender +
Final Ender +
Mini-Ultra +
Ultra + or
└►Ultra Ender +
Ultimate (Gold only) +
O-Combo Ultimate +

Sabrewulf[edit | edit source]

Special Moves
Sabre Flip or +
Sabre Wheel or +
Sabre Pounce or +
Sabre Spin or +
Sabre Howl or +
Fake Sabre Howl or +
Super Moves
Super Sabre Flip +
Sabre Fireball +
Sabre Stomp +
Ultra Combo +
Ultimate Combo Hold and release
No Mercy Hold and release
Super Linkers
Super Sabre Wheel +
Super Sabre Spin +
Combo Breaker
Combo Breaker + or
Combo Finishers
Sabre Howl +
Sabre Flip +
Sabre Pounce +
Sabre Spin +
5th Finisher +

Spinal[edit | edit source]

Special Moves
SkeleSkewer +
Flame Blade +
Soul Drain +
Skull Scrape +
Power Devour +
1 Skull Summon +
All Skulls Summon +
Skeleport (with skull) +
Searing Skull (with skull) +
Dive Kick +
Super Moves
Grim Reaper +
Super Searing Skull +
Stunning Skull +
Multi-Sword Stab +
Ultra Combo +
Ultimate Combo +
No Mercy +
Super Linkers
Super Skull Scrape +
Super Flame Blade +
Combo Breaker
Combo Breaker + or
Combo Finishers
SkeleSkewer +
Quick Skeleport +
Medium Skeleport +
Fierce Skeleport +
5th Finisher +

Tusk[edit | edit source]

Special Moves
Web of Death +
Boot Kick +
Skull Splitter +
Conqueror +
Back Stab +
Fake Skull Splitter +
Super Moves
Pillar of Flames +
Super Conqueror +
Jungle Tumble +
Shadow Sword Dive +
Ultra Combo +
Ultimate Combo +
No Mercy +
Super Linkers
Super Boot Kick +
Super Web of Death +
Combo Breaker
Combo Breaker + or
Combo Finishers
Conqueror +
Boot Kick +
Skull Splitter +
Back Stab +
5th Finisher +

Boss[edit | edit source]

Gargos[edit | edit source]

Special Moves
Flame +
Fly +
Air Fireball +
Shoulder Dash + or
Jumping Overhead Slam +
Laugh +
Uppercut +
Combo Breaker
Combo Breaker + or
Combo Finishers
Finisher +