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Hired by Ultratech as a secretary, she is actually a spy working for an unknown party and, along with Jago, appears to be the heroine of the game franchise. Her full name is Black Orchid. She has two No Mercy moves, the first in which she gives her opponent a heart attack by unzipping her uniform and flashing her breasts at them (most opponents get startled by the sight; however, if the opponent is another Orchid, she will just stomp the ground in spite), and the other in which she turns the opponent into a frog, then (at the player's option) stomps on them.

Moves[edit | edit source]

Killer Instinct[edit | edit source]

Command Normals
Turnaround Tonfa +
Backflip +
Lasaken +
Fire Cat +
Ichi + or
└► Ni +
└►└► San +
Spinning Sword +
Flick Flak ◎ +
Air Double (while enemy aerial) +
Release Specials
Turbo Fire Cat () +
Shadow Moves
Shadow Fire Cat ☆ () +
Normal Openers and Auto Double
Top Attack or
Special Openers
Quick Fire Cat +
└► Auto-Double
└► Manual or or
Medium Fire Cat +
└► Auto-Double or or
└► Manual or
Fierce Fire Cat +
└► Auto-Double or
Ichi + or
└► Auto-Double or
└► Manual + or or + or
Quick Flick Flak +
└► Manual or or or
Medium Flick Flak +
└► Auto-Double
└► Manual or or
Fierce Flick Flak +
└► Auto-Double or +
└► Manual or or or
Ichi + or
└► Auto-Double or
└► Manual + or or + or
Back Flip +
└► Auto-Double or or
└► Manual or
Fierce Flick Flak +
└► Auto-Double or +
└► Manual or or
Lasaken Ender ★ +
Spinning Sword Ender ★ +
└► Red Lasaken ★ +
Quick Flick Flak Ender ★ +
└► Red Lasaken ★ +
Medium Flick Flak Ender ★ +
└► Red Lasaken ★ +
Ultra Combo +
Ultimate Combo (Ultimate Heart Attack) +
No Mercy 1 (Frog Stomp) (close) +
└►Stomp (while Orchid stands still)
No Mercy 2 (Heart Attack) (mid-screen) +
Humiliation +

Killer Instinct 2[edit | edit source]

Universal Mechanics
Parry Move +
Throw +
Top Attack +
Pressure Move +
Air Double +
Tonfa Fire +
Fake Tonfa Fire +
Air Buster +
Ichi +
└►Ni +
└►└►San +
San +
Flik Flak +
Tiger Slide +
Super Moves
Super Ichi +
Fire Cat +
Super Flak +
Ichi +
Flik Flak +
Tiger Slide +
Fire Cat +
Ichi +
Super Ichi +
Flik Flak + or
Medium Tiger Slide +
Fire Cat +
San Ender +
Tiger Slide Ender +
Air Buster Ender +
Flik Flak Ender +
Final Ender +
Mini-Ultra +
Ultra + or
└►Ultra Ender +
Ultimate (Gold only) +
O-Combo Ultimate +

Killer Instinct (2013)[edit | edit source]