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While he seems to fight for sheer enjoyment, it is more likely he is battling simply because he lost his memory after death, since his brain couldn't regenerate. He carries a sword and shield, and has the ability to teleport and physically morph himself into a grayscale version of his opponents during combos. He has an odd quirk in that, in order to perform certain moves, he must gather energy (represented by tokens shaped like skulls under his life bar in the SNES version, and by skulls floating around his person in the arcade and gold versions) by either absorbing opponents projectile energy attacks (with his shield in absorbing position), or performing combo breakers.

Despite requiring these tokens, his special moves are not particularly stronger than normal special attacks. He can "store" up to 5 skull tokens, to the point of "overloading" if he absorbs any more energy. He uses two No Mercy moves, one where he repeatedly stabs the enemy with a spike on his shield, and the other where he summons a skeleton to drag the opponent underground, presumably to Hell. In the SNES version, the second No Mercy is replaced with Spinal summoning a bolt of lightning.

Moves[edit | edit source]

Killer Instinct[edit | edit source]

Command Normals
Power Devour + ()
Scimitar Swing +
Back Kick +
Soul Sword +
Reverse Soul Sword +
Bone Shaker +
└►Soul Sword ★ +
Skeleport (Front) ◎ +
Skeleport (Behind) ◎ +
Weak Sliding Kick +
Air Double (while enemy aerial) +
Release Specials
Air Skeleport (Front) () +
Air Skeleport (Behind) () +
Shadow Moves
Searing Skull ☆ (costs 1 skull) +
Super Searing Skull ☆ (costs 2 skulls) +
Double Soul Sword ☆ +
Normal Openers and Auto Double
Top Attack or
Special Openers
Soul Sword +
└► Auto-Double or
Reverse Soul Sword +
└► Auto-Double or
Quick Bone Shaker +
└► Auto-Double
└► Manual
Medium Bone Shaker +
└► Auto-Double
└► Manual
Heavy Bone Shaker +
└► Auto-Double or
Weak Sliding Kick +
└► Auto-Double or
Reverse Soul Sword +
└► Auto-Double or
└► Manual or or
Quick Bone Shaker Ender +
Medium Bone Shaker Ender +
Heavy Bone Shaker Ender +
Skeleport Ender +/
└► Searing Skull (after launching enders) +
Ultra Combo ★ +
Ultimate Combo (Ultimate Skeleton Grab) +
No Mercy 1 (Skeleton Grab) (any) +
No Mercy 2 (Shield Stab) (close) +
Humiliation +

Killer Instinct 2[edit | edit source]

Special Moves
SkeleSkewer +
Flame Blade +
Soul Drain +
Skull Scrape +
Power Devour +
1 Skull Summon +
All Skulls Summon +
Skeleport (with skull) +
Searing Skull (with skull) +
Dive Kick +
Super Moves
Grim Reaper +
Super Searing Skull +
Stunning Skull +
Multi-Sword Stab +
Ultra Combo +
Ultimate Combo +
No Mercy +
Super Linkers
Super Skull Scrape +
Super Flame Blade +
Combo Breaker
Combo Breaker + or
Combo Finishers
SkeleSkewer +
Quick Skeleport +
Medium Skeleport +
Fierce Skeleport +
5th Finisher +

Killer Instinct (2013)[edit | edit source]