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You finally get to see the mysterious 51st floor... which is full of evidence from several of your past cases. You tell Ema about the case so far and she offers to help out using her forensics skills. She points out the lift on the other side of the room. Before you see where it goes, though, you need to investigate here first.

Investigation: Bigg Building - 51st Floor Storeroom / 捜査 ~51階・倉庫~[edit | edit source]

Examine the rack of masks in the back-left corner. Highlight the empty hook and deduce from the Jammin' Ninja Mask (忍者ナンジャのお面) that this is probably where Kay got it from. She must have been in this storeroom at some point. Examine the table by the front left corner. More evidence is lined up here. They all have what appear to be price tags attached. You receive the Prices logic (値札 Nefuda). Examine the stuffed animal priced at $8,400 (¥840,000). This is the same one from the assassination case at Gourd Lake. The Stuffed Animal (ぬいぐるみ nuigurumi) is added to the Organizer. Judging from the price tags, it appears that someone has been selling the evidence from here on the black market.

Examine the empty star-shaped spot. The star shape is the only area not covered in dust, so something was probably here until not long ago. Deduce from the Candelabra (凶器のしょく台) that this must be where the murder weapon came from. You say that you should keep this fact in mind for later. Head across to the far side of the room and examine the pile of money on the desk. You receive the Big bucks logic (大金 Taikin). Connect this to Prices (値札). It seems you'll need to further investigate the evidence trafficking that is taking place here. A witness would be useful here... Examine the huge statue in the centre of the room. A familiar-looking red-haired woman with a camera appears from behind it. It's Lotta Hart (大沢木 ナツミ (おおさわぎ なつみ) Ōsawagi Natsumi), a witness from several of your past cases. She's on the hunt for yet another "scoop". Talk to her. She says her "sources" told her about a black market auction taking place here and she came to check it out. The pieces of evidence being stored here are all lots for the auction, which took place late last night. Is the murder connected to this?

  • The auction (闇オークション Yami ōkushon): The auction followed a strict procedure: first, the participants entered the storeroom one-by-one, took a mask as they entered, put it on, and took the lift to the auction hall. Upon leaving, they followed the same procedure in reverse. The masks are fitted with electronic voice changers. The Masks (仮面 kamen) are added to the Organizer. Lotta says she counted eleven Auction participants (オークションの客の出入り Ōkushon no kyaku no deiri).
  • What happened? (取材 Shuzai): Lotta was hiding behind the statue the whole time. After the participants had all entered the auction venue, she watched them from the lift. She says she saw the person conducting the auction.
  • The Conductor (マスター Masutā): She couldn't tell if the Conductor was male or female. She did notice the person's clothes - a white suit with a purple flower and white gloves. Like the participants, the Conductor was wearing a mask - of Zurvan, who is apparently the enemy of Global Hero Onyankopon. The Conductor's Clothes (マスターの特徴 Masutā no tokuchō) are noted down in the Organizer.

Those clothes seem familiar... Present the Autopsy Report (検死結果) to Lotta. She recognises the victim as the Conductor. She seems to have something on her mind now - but she won't tell you what. Time for your special technique of interrogation...

Mind Chess: Lotta Hart / ロジックチェス ~大沢木 ナツミ~[edit | edit source]

Mind Chess
Mind Chess
Lotta Hart
Lotta Hart
Mind Chess: Lotta Hart / ロジックチェス ~大沢木 ナツミ
3 Piece(s) / 3目の駒

Lotta's being as difficult as ever. She seems to be hiding something from you, but she's also being impatient, so you won't have long to answer her. An incorrect response will result in an even larger penalty to your time limit than usual. At the start, you have two choices:

  • Give me the information. (情報を渡したまえ Jōhō o wata shita mae)
  • Let’s calm down and talk this over... (落ち着いて話し合いを・・・・ Ochitsuite hanashiai o....)

Begin by choosing Let’s calm down and talk this over... She tells you to leave her alone.

Bide your time. (まだ様子を見る Mada yōsu o miru) You tell Lotta about your encounter with another journalist during the fake assassination attempt. Who was she, exactly...?

Choose Yes. It was your student. (そう。あなたの弟子だろう Sō. Anata no deshi darō) It seems that Lotta opens up if you try talking about Tabby. Remember this clue...

Choose Give me the information. (情報を渡したまえ) She says she won't speak to someone she "has no connection with". But you know someone close to her...

Choose I'm an acquaintance of your apprentice. (私はアナタの弟子と知り合いだが? Watashi wa anata no deshi to shiriai da ga?) She nearly lets slip about a "scoo"...

Choose Do you have a scoop? (スクープを持っているのだな? Sukūpu o motte iru no da na?) She admits she has a scoop but refuses to let you in on it. You're going to make her talk anyway.

Rook defeated

You have two options:

  • Is it related to the black market auction...? (闇オークションと関係が・・・・? Yami ōkushon to kankei ga....?)
  • Is it related to some sort of incident? (それは何かの事件だろうか? Sore wa nani ka no jiken darō ka?)

Select Is it related to the black market auction...? She says she "didn't hear" anything. Really? Why would she mention it?

Choose Did you hear something at the auction? (潜入中に何か聞いたのか? Sen'nyū-chū ni nani ka kiita no ka?) She heard a strange sound during the auction but tries to sweep it under the carpet. Remember this for later.

Choose Is it related to some sort of incident? (それは何かの事件だろうか?) She says she didn't do anything wrong. What's she doing here, then?

Choose You were trespassing! (不法侵入は問題だ! Fuhō shin'nyū wa mondai da!) She says that whatever she's done is nothing compared to murder.

Choose Is your scoop about a murder incident? (スクープとは殺人事件のことか? Sukūpu to wa satsujin jiken no koto ka?) She says she didn't see or hear anything. But didn't she just say the exact opposite a few moments ago?

Choose Didn't you hear a strange sound? (取材中に物音が聞こえたのだろう? Shuzai-chū ni mono’oto ga kikoeta no darō?) If she remembered the sound, it must have been something unusual - a murder, perhaps? Probably even the same one you're investigating right now. You have to make her tell you what she knows.

Rook defeated

You now have three options:

  • Tell me more about the incident... (事件の内容を詳しく・・・・ Jiken no naiyō o kuwashiku....)
  • Are you still hiding something from me? (まだ隠していることはないか? Mada kakushite iru koto wa nai ka?)
  • Did you really stumble upon a murder? (遭遇したというのは本当? Sōgū shita to iu no wa hontō?)

First, choose Did you really stumble upon a murder? She doesn't like the implication that she's lying.

Bide your time. (まだ様子を見る Mada yōsu o miru) She says her motto is "faster and more accurate than anyone". You should remember this for later...

Choose Tell me more about the incident... (事件の内容を詳しく・・・・) She says her memory isn't up to scratch. Is that the case, though?

Choose Isn't accuracy part of your motto? (正確な記事が目標なのにか? Seikaku na kiji ga mokuhyō na no ni ka?) She says she has proof of what she heard. This sounds interesting...

Choose You have proof? (証明ができるのか? Shōmei ga dekiru no ka?) She's still trying to hide something... This could be useful later on.

Choose Are you still hiding something from me? (まだ隠していることはないか?) She says she's told you everything, but you can tell there's still more to her story.

Choose You still haven't told me everything! (まだ語っていないことがあるはず! Mada katatte inai koto ga aru hazu!) She finally agrees to show you the photo she took.

Queen defeated

Checkmate / チェックメイト

Lotta tells you about what she saw. Early on during the auction, someone won a bid. The winner and the Conductor came up to the storeroom to seal the deal. After a while, though, someone started screaming. A bit later, Lotta heard a "thud" and took some photos. She shows you one, of a person in a red raincoat leaving the storeroom. Did this person murder in the storeroom and then assault Kay on the viewing platform? Lotta's Photo (ナツミの写真 Natsumi no shashin) is added to the Organizer. After Lotta took the photo, she only saw this one person. She assumed this person was the murderer because of the blood on their hand. Where did the victim go? You receive the Victim disappeared logic (被害者が消えた Higaisha ga kieta). After this incident, the auction simply continued as if nothing had happened. Lotta's Testimony (ナツミの証言書 Natsumi no shōgen-sho) is jotted down in the Organizer.

Investigation continues / 捜査の継続[edit | edit source]

Use your Logic to connect the Auction participants (オークションの客の出入り) to Victim disappeared (被害者が消えた). If the body had been left out in the open, the auction participants would have spotted it as they left, so it must have been hidden somewhere - but where? Where was the body hidden? (死体を隠した? Shitai o kakushita?)

It's Ema's time to shine. You ask her to use her Luminol reagent to search the room for bloodstains. She suggests that you begin with the ladder since if the person in the red raincoat used it, their handprint should be on it somewhere. To spray the Luminol, use Stylus button to touch the areas you want to test. Bloodstains show up in a bright blue colour. She sprays a spot on the ladder a few times as an example and then passes the buck to you. Spray the area on the left of the ladder, just above the top rung. It reacts to the Luminol, showing another handprint. Ema tells you to examine objects you want to test with the Luminol.

Examine the wooden trunk left of the centre of the room. Spray the Luminol on the inside of the trunk. There should be a clear reaction. Was something bloody hidden in here? You receive the Bloodstain in costume trunk logic (衣装箱の血痕 Ishō-bako no kekkon). Next, examine the lift. Spray the Luminol on an area in the lower left. Could this be where the murder took place? The Blood on Hidden Lift (隠しリフトの血痕 Kakushi rifuto no kekkon) is added to the Organizer.

That looks like all of the bloodstains here. Now for the last of the Logic. Connect the Bloodstain in costume trunk (衣装箱の血痕) to Where was the body hidden? (死体を隠した?). The trunk must be where the body was hidden after the murder. Lotta says this is impossible, though - she couldn't open it during her "investigation", because a chain was wrapped around it. It's wide open now, though. The Costume Trunk (衣装箱 ishō-bako) is added to the Organizer. With that, your investigation of the storeroom is complete. Finally, you can find out where the lift leads to...

Uh-oh. It's the C.P.E. meeting room. You are immediately spotted by Prosecutor Winner and Detective Gumshoe. Winner orders Kay's arrest on the spot but is assaulted by Franziska and her whip before Kay can be taken away. She says she was aiming at you but Winner just happened to get in her way... Franziska says she will move on with the investigation without you, having abandoned your badge, but you challenge her, insisting that Kay is not responsible for the murder.

Franziska's Argument: Franziska's Logic / 冥の推理 ~メイの推理~[edit | edit source]

Franziska's Argument
- Franziska's Logic -
  1. The victim used her keycard and entered this room with the culprit.
  2. Then, the culprit stabbed the victim in the chest with the candelabra, killing her.
  3. Shouldn't the letter make it obvious who the culprit is?
  4. Of course, the crime scene was right here in this room: the C.P.E. meeting room.
  5. The proof is the bloodstain we found here in the meeting room! That settles it, Miles Edgeworth.
  1. 被害者はカードキーを使って、犯人とともにこの部屋へ入った。
  2. そして、犯人によって、胸をしょく台で刺されて死亡。
  3. 犯人が誰なのかは手紙のやりとりからあきらかよね?
  4. 犯行現場はもちろんこの部屋、検事審査会・審議室よ。
  5. 証拠は審議室で見つかった血痕!これで決まりね、御剣 怜侍。

Rebuttal: Franziska's Logic / 追求 ~メイの推理~[edit | edit source]

Present the Blood on Hidden Lift (隠しリフトの血痕) on the fifth statement. The blood found on the lift dripped down onto the floor below, and directly below the lift was the statue before which the bloodstain in the meeting room was found. This proves that the murder did not occur in the meeting room. Franziska points out that there is far more blood in the meeting room than in the storeroom, but you have an explanation for this. When asked to explain, choose The weapon was pulled out here (審議室で凶器が抜かれた Shingishitsu de kyōki ga nukareta). When a person is stabbed, the most blood is lost when the weapon is removed. Before that point, the weapon effectively acts as a "stopper" in the wound, making blood loss minimal. This, as well as the use of the victim's keycard, was probably done to make it appear as if the actual murder scene was the meeting room and continue to cover up the existence of the storeroom and auction. The Meeting Room Blood (審議室の血痕 shingishitsu no kekkon) is added to the Organizer.

Franziska knew about the auction all along, which would explain why someone working with Interpol would be investigating a domestic case. Lotta butts in at this point and manages to tell Franziska, through a barrage of whip lashes, that the victim's clothes match what the Conductor was wearing. Franziska is annoyed that the person she came to arrest is dead and challenges you to another argument.

Franziska's Argument: Franziska's Logic, Pt. 2 / 冥の推理 ~メイの推理2~[edit | edit source]

Franziska's Argument
- Franziska's Logic, Pt. 2 -
  1. I will concede your argument. The murder occurred in the storeroom, correct?
  2. That would mean the culprit is someone who participated in the auction.
  3. If that photographer is correct, the victim was the Conductor, and the culprit was a customer.
  4. The culprit waited for the victim in the storeroom, where the goods were delivered.
  5. Then, they stabbed the victim in the chest with the candelabra in the storeroom.
  1. あなたの証明、認めてあげるわ。殺害場所は倉庫、そうでしょう?
  2. 犯人はつまり、オークション関係者ということね。
  3. そこのカメラマンが正しいなら、被害者はマスター、犯人は客よ。
  4. 犯人は商品の受け渡し場所である倉庫で被害者を待ちぶせた。
  5. そして、商品のしょく台で、被害者の胸を突き刺したのよ。

Rebuttal: Franziska's Logic, Pt. 2 / 追求 ~メイの推理2~[edit | edit source]

Press the fourth statement. Franziska says she thinks the crime occurred after the auction had ended. She adds another statement to her argument:

  • I believe the crime occurred after the auction ended.
  • 犯行が起きたのは、オークション終了後だと思われるわ。

Present Lotta's Testimony (ナツミの証言書) on this statement. The auction continued after the murder happened, so the victim could not have been the Conductor. Before you can drive your point home, though, Gavèlle arrives with Excelsius Winner. Excelsius again calls for a "swift resolution" to the case and orders Kay's arrest. You try to explain that the person in the red raincoat is another potential suspect, but Gavèlle says that the raincoat in question was just found - with the victim's blood and cherry blossom petals on it. This means the person in Lotta's photo is the victim! The Red Raincoat (赤いレインコート akai reinkōto) is added to the Organizer. This makes Kay the prime suspect once again.

Kay now claims to remember the person in the red raincoat lying on the ground in front of her, and admits to her "crime". Gavèlle accepts no more counter-arguments and orders Kay's arrest again. She also mentions another potential suspect - you!?