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The investigators eventually find John at the film lot, by the spot where Wang's body was found. John blames himself for his father's death, but Gavèlle tries her best to comfort him. Edgeworth asks Lang what he thinks of what the re-creation has revealed.

Lang's Argument: Truth of the SS-5 Incident / 狼の推理 ~SS-5号事件の真相~[edit | edit source]

Lang's Argument
- Truth of the SS-5 Incident -
  1. There's no mistake that the president went to the orphanage.
  2. The stuffed toy is proof of that. He was planning to meet with Amy Marsh.
  3. However, the president was kidnapped. And Cameron just happened to witness it.
  4. If Cameron hadn't been there, it probably would've just been a kidnapping with no murder.
  5. Afterwards, the body was moved to the flowerbeds and a fake photo was taken.
  1. 大統領が施設に行ったのはまちがいない。
  2. ぬいぐるみがその証拠だ。相沢 アミと会うつもりだったのさ。
  3. だが、大統領は誘拐されてしまった。それを偶然見ていたのが、亀井だ。
  4. 亀井がいなければ、殺人は起こらず誘拐だけで終わっていただろう。
  5. そのあと死体は花壇に移動され、ニセの目撃写真が撮影された。

Rebuttal: Truth of the SS-5 Incident / 追求 ~SS-5号事件の真相~[edit | edit source]

Present the Mysterious Bloodstain (ナゾの血痕) on the fourth statement. The blood by the flowerbed didn't belong to Cameron, so whose was it? The evidence suggests that a second person was murdered 12 years ago, but which specific piece remains to show what exactly happened? Present the Child's Drawing (子供の絵). The boy who drew the picture, and who set the fire, disappeared because he saw something he wasn't supposed to see... The person to the right in the drawing is clearly President Wang, but who is the other person? Present Sirhan Dogen's profile (鳳院坊 了賢). Dogen, the blind assassin, was sent to kill the president. If the president was killed 12 years ago, and killed again last night, then there were actually two presidents. How would this be possible? Choose One of them was a body double (ホンモノと影武者 Honmono to kagemusha). Lang wants you to provide evidence that there were two presidents. Present the SS-5 Incident Files (SS-5号事件の資料). The files state that Wang was at the embassy until midnight, but the recording on the Moozilla doll states that he also visited the orphanage at midnight. This should be impossible... unless there were two presidents.

Lang asks who hired Dogen to kill Wang. Edgeworth says that you must first look at the piece of evidence that was proven fake earlier. Present Cameron's Photo (亀井の写真). Cameron was murdered because he witnessed the murder of Wang, so the photo must have been taken after the real Wang's death. Therefore, it's probable that the body double hired Dogen. Lang now asks where the real Wang's body disappeared to. Present the Monster's Footprints (怪獣の足跡). Blaise didn't dig up the ransom money - he dug up Huang's body, and he had to do it now, before construction began on the film lot. Forensics are called in. The officer reports that Wang's remains were found in Blaise Winner's house.

Edgeworth reviews what is known so far. The real President Wang went to the orphanage to meet his son, but instead was greeted by Sirhan Dogen, who killed him. Afterwards, the kidnappers moved the body to the rear courtyard, where it was buried. Jack Cameron witnessed the body being moved, and was murdered as a result by the body double. His body was then moved to the place where it was found, by the flowerbed. Kay asks how the body double managed to not leave behind footprints. Present the Victim's Shoes (被害者のクツ). The body double probably stepped in the footprints left by the real Wang as he entered the orphanage. The "kidnapping" was staged because Cameron had left behind a message on Jill Crane's answering machine, in which he claimed that Wang was being kidnapped. Lang suspects that his father knew the real Wang was dead, but decided not to reveal the truth, since it would have caused chaos in Zheng Fa.

Just then, someone else arrives on the scene. "Is that really the case, I wonder?" A bell rings, heralding the arrival of Sirhan Dogen. Dogen says he is searching for an "acolyte" of his, the person in the red raincoat that you've been searching for all along. Twelve years ago, this person saved Dogen's life...

Dogen's Testimony: Dogen's Savior / 了賢の証言 ~了賢を助けた者~[edit | edit source]

Dogen's Testimony
- Dogen's Savior -
  1. Certainly, it was I who killed President Wang.
  2. However, my life was also targeted on that day.
  3. The body double, Blaise, and Patricia all sought to seal my lips.
  4. Had I not been reunited with the young acolyte back then, I would have been in danger.
  5. But alas, even to this day, I do not know what has become of the young acolyte...
  1. たしかに、王大統領を殺したのはセッソウよ。
  2. しかし、あのとき命をねらわれておったのはセッソウも同じ。
  3. 影武者の男、バンサイ、マリーは、セッソウの口も封じるつもりだった。
  4. あのとき、コゾウと再会しなければ、危ないところだったわい。
  5. コゾウが今どうしているのかは、セッソウも知らんがのう・・・・。

Dogen recalls what the body double said to him as he requested Wang's murder. The body double faced endless murder attempts directed at the real president, while never actually holding any of the power of the office of president. The double planned to kill the president, by using Amy Marsh, the mother of his son, to draw him out. He used Blaise to find Amy, and then waited for Amy to make contact with Wang. Roland was bribed into cooperating, in order to obtain the use of the orphanage to stage the crime.

As for Dogen's "acolyte", Dogen says that he set the fire to help Dogen escape, not as a prank. Blaise and Roland were planning to kill Dogen, to prevent him from ever revealing the truth. The "acolyte" overheard this, and set the fire to distract them and cover up Dogen's footprints, while Dogen made his escape.

Rebuttal: Dogen's Savior / 追求 ~了賢を助けた者~[edit | edit source]

Press on the fourth statement. Dogen says that he first met the "acolyte" 18 years ago, on the 24th of December. On that day, Dogen saved the boy's life. Dogen brought his dog out for a walk, when the dog found two young boys trapped in a car. Dogen freed the boys, and brought them to a nearby orphanage. Is there anything unusual in that story? Choose There is something (ある Aru), then choose The date (日付 Hidzuke). The 24th of December is a date that has come up in another case... Present the IS-7 Incident Documents (IS-7号事件の資料). In the IS-7 incident, two children went missing - the sons of the murderer and his victim. Dogen says that one of the boys he found was tied up. The two boys had lost their memories by the time Dogen found them, but finally the truth has come to light. Dogen testifies about his relationship with his "acolyte".

Dogen’s Testimony: Dogen and the "Acolyte" / 了賢の証言 ~了賢と”コゾウ”その後~[edit | edit source]

Dogen's Testimony
- Dogen and the "Acolyte" -
  1. I continued my correspondence with the young acolyte even after entering prison.
  2. Recently, that has all come to an abrupt halt, however. It left me quite concerned.
  3. Furthermore, those involved in the crime 12 years ago were all drawn into incidents one by one.
  4. I grew more and more curious. And so I absconded briefly from the prison.
  1. セッソウが獄中に入ってからもコゾウとの交流は続いておった。
  2. それが、ここに来てぱったりと止まったのが気がかりでな。
  3. しかも、12年前の事件の関係者がたてつづけに事件に巻き込まれた。
  4. 気になってのう。ちょっと脱獄してきたというわけよ。

Dogen explains that he knew about John all along. When he went to the orphanage to kill Wang, Wang played the recording on the Moozilla doll, and pleaded, not to be spared, but to be allowed to live long enough to see his son. Wang told Dogen that he planned to acknowledge John as his son, and that he had already made preparations regarding this - the will he left in the care of the Lang clan. Years later, when Dogen ended up in Roland's prison, he used this information to blackmail Roland.

Rebuttal: Dogen and the "Acolyte" / 追求 ~了賢と”コゾウ”その後~[edit | edit source]

Press on the first statement. Dogen says he used a post-office box to contact the "acolyte". Their main form of communication was via correspondence chess moves. The Correspondence Chess Memo (通信チェスの紙 tsūshin chesu no kami) is added to the Organizer. If you recall, Dogen's opponent was Horace Knight. Is there evidence connecting him to the IS-7 incident? Present Knight's Mementos (内藤の遺品). When asked which one you want to look at, choose the ring (指輪 Yubiwa). Ed recognises the pattern on the ring - it's Pierre Hoquet's seal. This means that Knight was Dover's son. But Knight is dead, so he can't be the mastermind, surely? Dogen returns to his testimony, with another statement added on at the end:

  • Writing letters in braille can be a rather enjoyable pastime.
  • 点字で手紙を書くていうのも、なかなか楽しいものだったのじゃが。

On this statement, present the Correspondence Chess Memo (通信チェスの紙). Dogen is surprised to learn that the memo you found in Knight's cell was typed out with a word processor. This means someone else must have been acting as a middleman between Dogen and Knight - they received Dogen's letters in braille, and typed them up with a word processor before sending them to Knight, and vice versa. Dogen confirms that all letters he received were written in braille. Therefore, this middleman is the true mastermind - Dane Gustavia's son. You recall a certain person's words:

"Well, we're the only friends either of us has had since childhood... He was... the same as me. We never had real families."

Have you figured it out? When asked who the mastermind, the person in the red raincoat who has been pulling all the strings since 12 years ago, is, present...

Simon Keyes' profile (猿代 草太).

The mastermind / 黒幕[edit | edit source]

Simon sent the letter to "Jill Crane", tricking Blaise Winner into believing she had some connection to Kay. Simon kidnapped John, and hid him in the warehouse near the Sunshine Coliseum. Simon planted the bug on you, in Kay's Yatagarasu's badge. And Simon was the one who kidnapped Kay, and brought her to the top of the Grand Tower. But how did he do that without being seen?

Edgeworth has a sudden realisation: the giant monster. The key to solving the case is in discovering the truth behind the "monster" Nicole claims to have heard, and Lotta claims to have seen. Edgeworth asks Nicole to play her tape again. He then asks to see Lotta's photo again, and asks Gumshoe to examine it with Mr. Analysis. Zoom in (拡大) on the upper left section, and present what appears to be the monster's eye, visible behind the blinds. Edgeworth's suspicions are confirmed. He shows a flyer for the Berry Big Circus. In it is a large hot-air balloon in the shape of a lion's head. This balloon is the true identity of Lotta's "Giant Monster", and the sound Nicole recorded is simply the burner of the balloon. Simon used the hot-air balloon to carry Kay to the roof of the Grand Tower!

Dogen has heard all he needs to hear, and tries to leave, but John notices him. Before he can do anything, though, Edgeworth is attacked by Dogen's dog, and in the commotion that ensues, Dogen escapes. Luckily, Edgeworth is unharmed. Simon is probably rehearsing at the circus tent right now. Edgeworth asks Lang to locate the hot-air balloon, and also asks Gumshoe to investigate further into the kidnapping incident. He also tells Kay to be prepared to call for backup, since the assistance of "a certain someone" may be necessary... Finally, it's time to bring down the mastermind once and for all.