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"Thanks" to Shelly de Killer taking Knight hostage, you are now allowed to continue your investigation, inside the president's plane. Rook's body is lying on the floor in a pool of blood and the president himself is nowhere to be seen. For now, you have no choice but to press ahead with the investigation. For this chapter, and for most of the rest of the game, Kay will work with you as your partner. Like with Gumshoe, you can ask her if she has noticed anything unusual and present evidence to her to hear her thoughts on it.

Investigation: President's Plane - Office / 捜査 ~西鳳民国大統領専用機~[edit | edit source]

Begin by examining Rook's body. Examine the bullet wound to receive the Bullet that pierced through (連発した弾丸 Renpatsu shita dangan) logic, and the Crime Scene Notes evidence (死体の所見メモ shitai no shoken memo). Next, examine the opened briefcase to the right of the body. It's the same bulletproof case Rook can be seen holding in Kay's photo. The Bulletproof Attaché Case (防弾アタッシュケース bōdan atasshu kēsu) is added to the Organizer. Finally, examine the gun in Rook's right hand. It's fully loaded, meaning Rook never got a chance to shoot back at the assassin. Rook's gun (外城の拳銃 Tojiro no kenjū) is added to your Logic. Now, use your Logic to connect Rook's gun to Six-shot revolver (6連発の拳銃). The two guns appear to be the same model.

Next, examine the desk to the right. Examine the bulletproof vest on it to receive the Bulletproof vest logic (防弾チョッキ Bōdan chokki). Now examine the blue folder above it. Inside is a copy of the security plan - but something seems off about it. Highlight either the red or blue chess piece icons (the knight and castle, respectively) and deduce from your copy of the Security Plans (警備プランの資料) that the plans were changed the day before the incident - Knight and Rook changed positions. The plans were changed by order of the president because de Killer tried to attack him two days ago while disguised as a bodyguard. The change of plans was done to prevent a similar plot by de Killer. This event also resulted in Knight's neck injury - he cannot turn his head right. You receive the Knight's position (内藤の立ち位置 Naitō no tachi ichi) logic.

Lastly, examine the security monitors to the upper right. Examine the stuffed toy to the left - one of the monitors appears to be missing. The Security Monitors (監視カメラのモニター kanshi kamera no monitā) are added to the Organizer. You can now use Logic to connect the Bulletproof vest (防弾チョッキ) to the Bullet that pierced through (連発した弾丸). You know of the bullet that deflated the Steel Samurai, the bullet that killed Rook, and the bullet that struck the president, so it's reasonable to assume that two of those are the same bullet. Edgeworth suggests sending the bullet for ballistic marking analysis, but Knight disagrees, saying the bullet was flattened when it struck the vest. The Bulletproof Vest (大統領の防弾チョッキ daitōryō no bōdan chokki) is added to the Organizer.

After this, de Killer claims to have "grown weary" of the investigation and asks if there is anyone you want to speak to regarding the incident. He's referring to the president himself, of course. However, the president refuses to show himself. Suddenly, the lights go out, and de Killer flees, deciding to leave the rest to you. Everything fades to black...

Edgeworth comes to a few minutes later. Apparently, the police failed to capture de Killer again. De Killer also left you with a parting gift: his infamous Calling Card (カード kādo), this time without any drawings of defence attorneys on it. Why is he leaving this here if nobody died by his hand, though?

Meanwhile, the president has finally decided to grace you with his presence. He has been watching the investigation via his security cameras, but now, with de Killer gone, he wants you to relinquish investigative authority to the Zheng Fa police again. He refuses to give you an explanation and forces you to hand over all of the evidence you have to Knight. Clearly, he's trying to hide something, but without your evidence, there's nothing more you can do... or is there?

Mind Chess: Di-Jun Wang / ロジックチェス ~王 帝君~[edit | edit source]

Logic Chess
Logic Chess
Di-Jun Huang
Di-Jun Huang
Logic Chess: Di-Jun Huang / ロジックチェス ~王 帝君
2 Piece(s) / 2目の駒

The president's not listening to you at all. When he's acting forcefully, it's best to hold off and watch what happens. First, find out why he wants to have you removed from the investigation. You are offered two options:

  • Who’s taking over the investigation? (捜査は誰が引きつぐのか? Sōsa wa dare ga hikitsugu no ka?)
  • Explain your reasons! (理由を説明したまえ! Riyū o setsumei shita mae!)

Begin by asking Who’s taking over the investigation? He cuts you off straight away.

Wait and see. (まだ様子を見る Mada yōsu o miru) He confirms that the Zheng Fa police are to take over the investigation, then tries to shut you up again.

Wait and see. (まだ様子を見る Mada yōsu o miru) He claims that being on his plane is equivalent to being in Zheng Fa itself. Is there something important about this plane? Remember this clue for later.

Choose Explain your reasons! (理由を説明したまえ!) The president simply cuts you off, but Edgeworth suggests using your clue.

Choose Is it connected to this place? (この場所が関係しているのでは? Kono basho ga kankei shite iru no dewa?) Apparently, he's trying to claim extraterritorial rights while within the plane to force you out. It looks like that's struck a nerve.

Choose You seem unsettled. (ずいぶんアセッているようだが? Zuibun asette iru yō da ga?) The mere mention of extraterritorial rights unsettled him. He decides to confirm your suspicions but claims that it changes nothing.

Knight defeated

Next, you must question the validity of his claim. You now have two lines of attack to choose from.

  • Is your claim valid? (本当に適用されるのか? Hontō ni tekiyō sareru no ka?)
  • Aren’t you being too forceful? (強引に進めすぎでは? Gōin ni susume sugi dewa?)

Begin with Aren’t you being too forceful? He cuts you off again.

Wait and see. (まだ様子を見る Mada yōsu o miru) He says he is not being forceful, but simply exercising his authority and that there is no room for arguments.

Wait and see. (まだ様子を見る Mada yōsu o miru) He states that the shooting occurred outside the plane. Remember this clue for later.

Choose Is your claim valid? (本当に適用されるのか?) "You dare doubt my words... You have no shame!"

Wait and see. (まだ様子を見る Mada yōsu o miru) He states that his claim of extraterritorial rights is undeniable. Time to use that clue.

Choose The gun came from outside. (銃撃は機外からでは? Jūgeki wa kigai kara dewa?) Since the shooting actually happened outside the plane, extraterritorial rights cannot be applied. The president finally yields and allows you to continue investigating. Knightley returns the evidence to you and the president agrees to give you his testimony.

Queen defeated

Checkmate / チェックメイト

Wang's Testimony: President's Testimony / 王の証言 ~王の証言~[edit | edit source]

Wang's Testimony
- President's Testimony -
  1. Where was I when the incident occurred? Ah, yes. The stage.
  2. Then! Rook and Knight suddenly appeared and stood in front of me!
  3. After that, I heard a gunshot and a red balloon bursting!
  4. And so! Those two attempted to escort me into the plane!
  5. But then... the second gunshot!
  6. The bullet pierced through Rook's body and struck my bulletproof vest!
  1. き、ワタシはどこにいたか?そう。ステージだ。
  2. すると!突然ワタシの前に、外城と内藤が立ちはだかったッ!
  3. その直後に、銃声が聞こえ、丸いまっ赤なバルーンが割れたのだよ!
  4. そうッ!2人は、ワタシを飛行機に誘導しようとしたのだッ!
  5. ・・・・そこで、2発目の銃声!
  6. 弾丸が外城の体を貫通し、ワタシの防弾チョッキに当たったッ!

Rebuttal: President's Testimony / 追究 ~王の証言~[edit | edit source]

Present the Steel Samurai Balloon (トノサマンバルーン) on the third statement. It wasn't just any red balloon that burst - it was the Steel Samurai, Warrior of Neo Olde Tokyo, and Edgeworth is keen to ensure that the president remembers that fact. It turns out that the Steel Samurai was drafted in as a last-minute replacement after the original red balloon burst and the president was never informed. But surely he would have noticed just by looking at it? He claims that his view of the balloon was obscured by a flag. Is there a problem with this statement? Choose There is a problem (モンダイがある Mondai ga aru). It contradicts a certain piece of evidence in your files. Present the Bullet's Trajectory (弾丸の軌跡). If the flags were flying in such a way as to block the president's view of the balloons, then your original deduction regarding the bullet's flight path was incorrect. This means you can now tell who fired the gun. Present Horace Knight's profile (内藤 馬乃介). The president isn't convinced, though, and wants more evidence. Present Kay's Camera Data (美雲の写真). Where, exactly, is the flag? Present the flag, which can be seen to the right of Knight. Does this make Knight the assassin, though? Choose Not the assassin (暗殺者ではない Asashin dewa nai). He was on the stage at the time, so it would have been impossible for him to have shot Rook and the president.

It's now time to tie up the rest of the Logic. You first receive the Knight shot the balloon logic (内藤がバルーンを撃った Naitō ga barūn o utta). Connect this to Knight's position (内藤の立ち位置). It appears that the security plans were actually altered to make it possible for Knight to shoot the balloon. You receive the Change in the security plans logic (警備計画の変更 Keibi keikaku no henkō). Connect this to the logic you obtained right back at the beginning: Assassination attempt (大統領暗殺事件). What if the president actually knew about the assassination attempt from the beginning? The only way for everything you know about the case to add up is if the entire assassination attempt was a set-up! Knight shot the balloon to drive the crowd into a panic and then fired another shot to create the illusion of a shot hitting the president, which would have been made to look real by a bulletproof vest that had actually been shot days ago. Nicole, meanwhile, was set up to take the blame, by pointing the laser beam at the president. The whole thing was really a publicity stunt from the beginning.

At this point, President Wang begins to feel quite deflated - literally. However, Knight steps in and asks you a question. How did he conceal his actions from the audience? Present the Bulletproof Attaché Case (防弾アタッシュケース). As Kay's photo shows, all he had to do was hold it up to conceal his right hand. However, you lack the decisive evidence that proves this is what transpired. Luckily, Nicole decides to speak up about her role in the affair. She says she was offered an exclusive interview with Wang if she agreed to take part in the scheme. Knight still refuses to speak but Wang finally admits that the assassination attempt was planned. He knew nothing about de Killer, though. One question now remains: how did Rook die if the assassination attempt was fake? Knight suggests the possibility of a third assassin, other than de Killer and the fake, and tries to point the finger at Nicole once again. You need to hear him out.

Knight's Testimony: Knight's Testimony / 内藤の証言 ~内藤の証言~[edit | edit source]

Knight's Testimony
- Knight's Testimony -
  1. I shot the balloon and entered the plane with Rook and the president.
  2. Rook waited in the cabin while I led the president into the security room.
  3. When I came out, Rook was already on the ground...
  4. The bullet that lady fired must have hit him while we escorted the president to the plane.
  5. The shot was fired from the gun you found in the trash!
  1. 撃ったオレは、外城と共に、大統領を飛行機に誘導した。
  2. 外城をこの部屋に残して、オレは大統領をセキュリティルームに。
  3. オレがセキュリティルームから出てきたら、外城が倒れていた・・・・。
  4. おジョウさんが撃った弾が、誘導中に命中していたんだろう。
  5. その1発は、ゴミ箱で発見された拳銃から撃たれたのさ!

Rebuttal: Knight's Testimony / 追究 ~内藤の証言~[edit | edit source]

Present the Assassin's Revolver (凶器の拳銃) on the fifth statement. The gun you found was fired twice, so the total number of shots fired doesn't add up. Edgeworth suggests that the gun found in the bin may actually be a red herring, planted to make it appear as though the assassin was in the audience. So who really shot Rook? Present Horace Knight's profile (内藤 馬乃介). Knight planned to kill Rook and pin the blame on the "assassin" who targeted Wang.

Knight now argues that the gun found in the bin was one bullet short to begin with. He wants more decisive evidence. If you can find the bullet that killed Rook and compare it to the ballistic markings of Knight's gun, it would be enough. Do you actually have this evidence? Choose I don't have it (手元にはない Temoto ni wa nai). However, you know where to look for it! Present the Security Monitors (監視カメラのモニター). Remember how one of them was missing? It must have been hit by the bullet that killed Rook. Gumshoe is sent to search for the missing monitor. A few minutes later, he returns and produces the Bloody Bullet (血痕のついた弾丸 kekkon no tsuita dangan) that likely killed Rook. Shortly after, the forensic tests on the bullet are complete - the blood matches Rook's, and Knight's fingerprints were found on the spare gun, but the ballistic markings match it too! Knight, now with the upper hand, argues his point of view.

Knight's Argument: Knight's Logic / 内藤の推理 ~内藤の推理~[edit | edit source]

Knight's Argument
- Knight's Logic -
  1. If the ballistic markings match the gun, there can be no doubt!
  2. The bullet that killed Rook was fired from the gun you found in the audience area.
  3. Who could've used the gun?
  4. Not me, 'cuz I was onstage. But what about that lady reporter in the audience?
  5. All the evidence points to that young lady as the assassin who killed Rook!
  1. 線条痕が一致した以上、まちがいねえな!
  2. 外城を殺害した弾丸は、客席で発見された拳銃から発射さらた。
  3. その拳銃を使えたのはダレだ?
  4. ステージにいたオレじゃなくて、客席にいたおジョウさんだろ?
  5. おジョウさんが外城を殺した暗殺者だって証明されたんだよ!

Rebuttal: Knight's Logic / 追究 ~内藤の推理~[edit | edit source]

Press the first statement. Kay suggests that if the evidence seems to contradict the facts, then maybe you need to doubt the evidence instead. Which evidence do you doubt? Choose The gun (拳銃 Kenjū). You only just found the bullet, so it can't be that. Instead, what if Knight, when he took your evidence away, switched this gun with his own? If that's true, then who is the real owner of the gun you have now? Present Horace Knight's profile (内藤 馬乃介). Knight's Revolver (内藤の拳銃 Naitō no kenjū) is updated in your Organizer.

Present Knight's Revolver (内藤の拳銃) on the second statement. From what you now know, Knight must have swapped his gun with the one found in the bin and attached the laser pointer to his own gun. But can you prove it?

Knight's Testimony: Knight's Logic, Pt. 2 / 内藤の証言 ~内藤の証言②~[edit | edit source]

Knight's Testimony
- Knight's Logic, Pt. 2 -
  1. So the gun happens to be the same model as mine. Pure coincidence...
  2. But, take a closer look. Only one of them has a laser pointer attached to it.
  3. Check the number of bullets left in the chamber. Only two shots fired, see?
  4. There's no evidence that I switched the guns, right?
  1. の拳銃はオレのものと同じ種類だ。偶然にも・・・・な。
  2. でもさ。よく見ろよ。レーザーポインタがついてるだろ。
  3. 残った弾の数も確認してみな。ちゃんと2発撃たれてるだろうさ。
  4. オレが拳銃をすり替えたという証拠なんかねえだろ?

Rebuttal: Knight's Logic, Pt. 2 / 追究 ~内藤の証言②~[edit | edit source]

Present Knight's Revolver (内藤の拳銃) on the fourth statement. This is your proof! Although not necessary to proceed, if you press his third statement, you learn that he reloads his gun every time he fires it. Knowing this, what traces did he leave on the gun that prove it's his? Choose The fingerprints (指紋 Shimon). If you examine the gun thoroughly for prints, his should be on the gun somewhere where they shouldn't be - where? Examine the gun's chamber, and then examine the bullets. His prints could be on the bullets! Edgeworth has the forensics officer report again regarding the fingerprint test. Knight's prints weren't just on the outside of the gun - they were indeed on the bullets as well.

With this, Knight finally cracks and admits his guilt, after being assaulted by various objects you might recognise from earlier cases in the series.

What really happened / 何が本当に起こった[edit | edit source]

The assassination attempt was, in reality, all an act. President Wang’s approval ratings among the people of Zheng Fa had been falling recently, so he decided to ask his bodyguard, Ethan Rook, to help him set up a fake assassination attempt. Wang believed that, if he became known as a survivor of an assassination attempt, it would reignite his popularity among his people. However, Rook refused to participate in the scheme, so Wang instead turned to Rook’s subordinate, Horace Knight, who agreed to take part. Wang was nervous about asking Knight, having noticed his hatred for his superior, but decided to proceed with the plan anyway. In the days before Wang's speech was due to take place, everything was set up: the president's bulletproof vest was shot at to give the impression that Wang had actually been hit; the security plans were redrawn to account for Knight's neck injury, which would have prevented him from shooting the balloon if it was to his right; a staff member at the Zheng Fa embassy approached Nicole Swift and asked her to point the laser beam at Wang, promising her an exclusive interview with the president after the event; and Wang planned to claim extraterritorial rights to prevent anyone outside Zheng Fa from investigating the incident.

At the speech, the fake assassination went ahead as planned: Nicole, wearing the red side of her reversible parka, pointed the laser pointer at Wang and Knight shot the balloon beside him to create the illusion that a gun had actually been fired at Wang. During the commotion that ensued, Wang's bodyguards ushered him into the presidential aeroplane while Nicole changed her parka to make the red-hooded "assassin" disappear. Wang immediately hid in an extra-secure room in the plane, leaving Knight and Rook alone in the main room of the plane. At this point, Knight shot Rook. He planned to claim that Rook had been killed by the "assassin" while attempting to stop the bullet from hitting Wang.

In actuality, Knight hated Rook and was jealous of Rook's position as leader of Wang's bodyguards and the level of trust Wang placed in Rook, so he intended to use the fake assassination attempt as a means to eliminate Rook while avoiding blame. However, Knight failed to predict the presence of another red-hooded would-be assassin at the event, namely Shelly de Killer. A few days earlier, de Killer was contracted to assassinate Wang. He had already attempted to kill Wang once but was foiled by Rook, resulting in the former's arm injury and his respect for Rook. When Knight came to take Nicole in for "questioning", de Killer took Knight hostage to force him to allow Edgeworth to investigate inside the plane so that de Killer could learn the truth behind the death of Rook, a man de Killer greatly respected.

Epilogue / 結語[edit | edit source]

Outside the plane, back on the stage in Gourd Lake Park, Wang has regained his composure. He thanks Edgeworth for solving Rook's murder, apologises for having proposed the fake assassination in the first place and says that if Edgeworth ever wishes to visit Zheng Fa, he will be most welcome. Nicole also thanks Edgeworth for getting her off the hook and also apologises for agreeing to take part in the plan. Edgeworth then says that the case is not actually over yet... Present Shelly de Killer's Calling Card (カード). De Killer was hired to kill Wang but again has failed to do so. He will likely return to complete his mission... It seems the "game" is only just beginning.