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Miles Edgeworth[edit | edit source]

Japanese: 御剣 怜侍 (みつるぎ れいじ) Mitsurugi Reiji

The character you control in this game. Miles Edgeworth is a respected prosecutor who strives to find the truth behind every case he's involved in. He is very intelligent, and is able to piece together the facts of a case and find answers where many would falter.

Kay Faraday[edit | edit source]

Japanese: 一条 美雲 (いちじょう みくも) Ichijō Mikumo

Edgeworth's self-appointed assistant, and the self-proclaimed successor to the Great Thief Yatagarasu. While some might find the idea of a thief willingly working with a prosecutor strange, Kay is only interested in "stealing the truth", as she puts it.

Dick Gumshoe[edit | edit source]

Japanese: 糸鋸 圭介 (いとのこぎり けいすけ) Itonokogiri Keisuke

A homicide detective with the local police force. Detective Gumshoe has been working with Edgeworth for the last six years, and has become fiercely loyal to him, despite the seemingly endless cuts to his salary.

Eddie Fender[edit | edit source]

Japanese: 信楽 盾之 (しがらき たてゆき) Shigaraki Tateyuki

A defence attorney, and former assistant to Edgeworth's father, Gregory Edgeworth. He is always cheerful and jokey, and greets almost everybody with an offer of a hug. However, he is slow to warm to Edgeworth, who he feels has been tainted by taking the path of the prosecutor.

Eustace Winner[edit | edit source]

Japanese: 一柳 弓彦 (いちやなぎ ゆみひこ) Ichiyanagi Yumihiko

A clueless rookie prosecutor who insists that he is "The Best", but in reality is a complete cloud-cuckoo-lander. He seems incapable of following even the most basic of Edgeworth's trails of logic, and his often-baseless arguments are regularly destroyed by the far more capable Edgeworth.

Verity Gavèlle[edit | edit source]

Japanese: 水鏡 秤 (みかがみ はかり) Mikagami Hakari

A judge, and a member of the "Prosecutorial Investigation Committee". She is not very fond of Edgeworth, and constantly threatens to have him stripped of his badge and replaced by the less-than-stellar Eustace Winner.

Shi-Long Lang[edit | edit source]

Japanese: 狼 士龍 (ろう しりゅう) Rō Shiryū

An agent with Interpol from the Republic of Zheng Fa, who worked with Edgeworth on a number of recent cases. In the aftermath of the recent incident in the Cohdopian embassy, Lang has been stripped of his army of 100 subordinates, and now operates as a "lone wolf".

Franziska von Karma[edit | edit source]

Japanese: 狩魔 冥 (かるま めい) Karuma Mei

A renowned prosecutor, and the daughter of Edgeworth’s former mentor Manfred von Karma. She has recently been working alongside Interpol on the trail of an international smuggling ring - so why is she getting involved in domestic cases again?

Gregory Edgeworth[edit | edit source]

Japanese: 御剣 信 (みつるぎ しん) Mitsurugi Shin

The character you control for the "past" sections of Episode 3. Miles' father, a defence attorney who died some 17 years prior to the game's events. His methods of investigation and interrogation are strikingly similar to those employed by his son.

Manfred von Karma[edit | edit source]

Japanese: 狩魔 豪 (かるま ごう) Karuma Gō

Miles' former mentor, a feared prosecutor who never lost a single case in his career, until he finally met his match in a certain blue-suited defence attorney. He is obsessed with maintaining his perfect record, and is frequently rumoured to have forged evidence.

Tyrell Badd[edit | edit source]

Japanese: 馬堂 一徹 (ばどう いってつ) Badō Ittetsu

A homicide detective with the local police force. His distrust of defence attorneys means he will only allow them to investigate crime scenes under his supervision. He has a great fondness for candy, and is constantly sucking on his ever-present lollipop.