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Tabas is a burning red planet of fire. The enemies here won't hesitate to fire at you, but their bullets will travel relatively slowly, so stay alert. It's not entirely necessary to visit the Shop that appears in this stage, since you can still complete the level with just the Twin Shot and Twin Bombs. Beginners may want to pick up the Wide Beam or better yet, the Laser Beam for extra fire power, but this will cut in to your shopping expenses later on. A good strategy is to use your Twin Shot to destroy enemies, while letting your bombs take out the bases.

Occupants[edit | edit source]

Base[edit | edit source]

The bases in Tabas are the ByeBubbles. They sit stationary on level platforms, and their top hatch will open periodically to release a Chamber enemy. If you attack from the side, you will have no problems. However, it's wise to keep your shots a little high so that you can also attack any Chambers as they escape.

Enemies[edit | edit source]

Chamba Botelynn

Chambas are produced and released from the ByeBubble bases. Once released, they travel straight up into the air. As a result, they are not a danger to you as long as you don't fly directly over the bases.

Botelynns appear in tight knit columns, traveling straight through the air at various speeds. Though they travel at different speeds from one another, they still travel together as one pack.

Haname Asworm

Hanames fly forward together in a snake-like formation. They generally travel forward, but they wander up and down as they go. As more bases are destroyed, the chain of Hanames will grow longer.

Asworms always appear in groups of four, and are capable of flying in 16 distinct directions. They will pursue Opa-Opa slowly but relentlessly. Each destroyed Asworm will drop a coin.

C-Soul Quili-Quili

C-Souls fly together in circular groups. While each C-Soul flies around in the circle, the entire group advances slowly. Sometimes, their formations will appear in pairs.

Reappearing from Plaleaf, they move the same was as before. They will appear solo in Tabas.

Boss[edit | edit source]

Sometimes referred to as the Sunflower boss, the boss of Tabas is Volanda. While his outer shell is composed of two layers of bells, only the inner layer is vulnerable to your attack. They rotate about Volanda at a high rate of speed. As you attack them, they change color to indicate their level of damage. Volanda will fire a spray of seeds into the air, which will rain straight down at random locations throughout the screen. It is important to position Opa-Opa is a same place when the seeds begin to fall, and you can see that path that they will take. Be sure to attack as much as possible, with bombs as well as beams, in between periods of raining seeds to wear away at his defense. Once the last bell in the inner layer is destroyed, he will shatter into a shower of coins for you to collect. Although it is extremely difficult, it is also possible to beat Volanda with two well placed heavy bombs. They must be dropped on his left side.