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Although it can be a little hard to tell, Dolimicca is a very watery planet. It is possible to breeze your way through this level, using a very particular strategy. As soon as the shop appears, head inside, purchase a Laser Beam, and three Smart Bombs. All of the bases in this level happen to be rooted to the ground, so as soon as you leave the shop, race down to the bottom and start applying your Laser the nearest base. Blast you way through all of them as quickly as you can, advancing from one to the next as soon as each one gets destroyed. While you do this, keep a lookout for any enemies that fire bullets your way. Be sure to climb up and out of the way. It's never worth risking Opa-Opa's life by trying to squeeze a few extra seconds of Laser Beam time in the face of danger. Save the Smart Bombs for the boss.

It is also possible to complete the stage rather handily without using the Laser Beam, as most of the enemies appear far away from the ground and give you ample time to dodge their bullets. Simply descend to the ground with your Twin Bombs and run up to each of the bases, killing them quickly, moving on to the next before any bullets catch you. Be careful not to collide with any of the bases by accident. Unfortunately, this means you'll have to face the boss without any Smart Bombs, but this can save you some money.

Occupants[edit | edit source]

Base[edit | edit source]

The bases in Dolimicca are called Doringas. Unlike other stages where the bases tend to be scattered about at different altitudes, all of the bases in Dolimicca are planted in the ground. This makes them rather easy to defeat since you always know where the next one will be. When the upper component of the base withdraws, an F-Zab is produced.

Enemies[edit | edit source]

F-Zab Bont

F-Zabs are produced from the Doringa bases. They rise up out of the base and climb until they are at the same altitude as Opa-Opa. Then they fly straight towards him.

Bonts appear in a groups of 8. They swarm in from the top of the screen and attempt to surround Opa-Opa in a semi-circle. Assuming they miss, they continue to hug the ground while they remain on the screen.

Onyamma Billian

Strings of Onyammas appear during the stage. The move about the center of the screen in a snake-like formation. The more bases you have destroyed, the longer the formations get.

Billian will appear later in the stage. They arrive near the middle of the screen, and repeat a pattern of moving a short distance in a straight line before stopping and shooting at Opa-Opa.

Squel Recal

Squels appear on the bottom of one side of the screen. The enter the screen one at a time, fire at Opa-Opa, and climb upwards before shooting again. They are unaffected by the scrolling of the screen.

A sole Recal will appear from the side of the screen. It will then begin to divide until there are eight of them flying in a column formation, and they will all fire. If left alive, they will eventually reunite back into one.


This common enemy from Plaleaf will return. As before, they fly straight across the screen before making a U-turn and flying back the way they came.

Boss[edit | edit source]

Equipped with a pair of demon arms, the boss of Dolimicca is Crabumger. Two tentacles are attached to his body, one at the top and one at the bottom. After arriving, he spread the tentacles out and swings them about the entire screen. The claws found at the ends fire bullets at Opa-Opa continuously. The claws and each of the orbs that make up the tentacles must be hit until they turn orange. Crabumger will only be defeated when both tentacles have entirely turned orange. Remain near the left side of the screen and out of reach while you fire back at the tentacles. Since the balls closest to the body can be the most difficult to shoot, it's a good idea to aim at them before Crabumger has a change to spread the tentacles out very far. However, if you followed the advise up above, and purchased three Smart Bombs, you can use them now to defeat the boss easily. Fire them one after the other, but do not use them until the boss shoots a bullet at you first. Using this strategy, you can defeat the boss in a matter of seconds.

SMS & MSX boss[edit | edit source]

Due to the hardware limitations of the Sega Master System and the MSX home computer, Crabumger could not be properly presented as the boss of Dolimicca, so he was replaced with a simpler boss. This boss is know as "Ultra Super Big Maximum Great Strong Tot" and appears to be a large mechanical piranha. He fires an infinite row of teeth out at Opa-Opa, which spread out as they fly along. His only weak point is the tongue at the center of his mouth. Continue to aim at the tongue and fire rapidly while making small adjustments to dodge the teeth that come flying your way.