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Inside a damp, dark prison, a single bell rings. A shadow walks past the cells, and at the end of the hallway, a light flashes briefly. A pool of blood forms on the floor... The victim is Horace Knight, the culprit from the previous case. The shadow from earlier looms over the body, before walking away again. The bell rings again, and light is finally brought to the dark corridor, revealing a large black dog, with blood dripping from its mouth... Is this hound the killer?

Case Information / 事件情報[edit | edit source]

  • Time of crime: 27 March, 10:16 a.m.
  • Location: Prison - Workroom A
  • Victim: Horace Knight
  • Cause of death: Stab wound to the neck
  • Witness: Frank Sahwit
  • Suspect: Simon Keyes
  • Prosecutor: Eustace Winner
  • Defence attorney: Eddie Fender
  • Defence attorney's assistant: Miles Edgeworth

Characters / 登場人物[edit | edit source]

Defence attorney's assistant / 弁護士の助手[edit | edit source]

Miles Edgeworth / 御剣 怜侍 (みつるぎ れいじ Mitsurugi Reiji)

The character you control in this game. Initially in charge of investigating this case, he is removed due to his actions during the investigation of the previous case. He becomes Ed Fender's assistant in order to find the truth.

Defence attorney / 弁護士[edit | edit source]

Eddie Fender / 信楽 盾之 (しがらき たてゆき Shigaraki Tateyuki)

A defence attorney, and former assistant to Edgeworth's father, Gregory Edgeworth. Typically light-hearted and jocular, but distrusts Edgeworth because of the latter's "tainting" by the "von Karma way".

Prosecutor / 検事[edit | edit source]

Eustace Winner / 一柳 弓彦 (いちやなぎ ゆみひこ Ichiyanagi Yumihiko)

A clueless rookie prosecutor who insists that he is "The Best", but in reality is a complete cloud-cuckoo-lander. Judge Verity Gavèlle has him take over from Edgeworth after Edgeworth is removed from the case.

Victim / 被害者[edit | edit source]

Horace Knight / 内藤 馬乃介 (ないとう まのすけ Naitō Manosuke)

The gun-toting, chess-obsessed criminal from the previous case, now the victim in this case.

Suspect / 被疑者[edit | edit source]

Simon Keyes / 猿代 草太 (さるしろ そうた Sarushiro Sōta)

The prime suspect in this case, as determined by Eustace Winner’s brilliant reasoning. A childhood friend of the victim, who visited Knight in the detention centre shortly before the incident to deliver the victim his beloved chessboard.

Witness / 目撃者[edit | edit source]

Frank Sahwit / 山野 星雄 (やまの ほしお Yamano Hoshio)

A so-called "model prisoner" who witnessed something terrifying in the room where the victim was found. You may remember him from a certain spiky-haired defence attorney's first-ever case.

Other characters / 他の登場人物[edit | edit source]

Kay Faraday / 一条 美雲 (いちじょう みくも Ichijō Mikumo)

Edgeworth's self-appointed assistant, and the self-proclaimed successor to the Great Thief Yatagarasu. Finally gets a half-official role as Ed Fender's assistant, and proceeds to appoint herself Fender's assistant's assistant.

Dick Gumshoe / 糸鋸 圭介 (いとのこぎり けいすけ Itonokogiri Keisuke)

A homicide detective with the local police force. He is forced to work under Eustace Winner after Edgeworth is relieved of his investigative rights, but as usual, that doesn't stop him from helping you anyway.

Jay Elbird / 折中 秀治 (おりなか しゅうじ Orinaka Shūji)

A prisoner and former boxer who is obsessed with the idea of trying to escape from prison. He is accompanied everywhere by his pet polar bear cub.

Verity Gavèlle / 水鏡 秤 (みかがみ はかり Mikagami Hakari)

A judge, and a member of the "Prosecutorial Investigation Committee". Constantly threatens to strip Edgeworth of his prosecutor's badge and have him replaced with the incompetent Eustace Winner.

Patricia Roland / 美和 マリー (みわ マリー Miwa Marī)

The warden of the prison (or her “home”, as she likes to call it). She adores animals, and gives every inmate in her prison a pet to look after during their incarceration.

Sirhan Dogen / 鳳院坊 了賢 (ほういんぼう りょうけん Hōinbō Ryōken)

A blind assassin who strikes fear into all who meet him. The ringing of his custom-made bells is said to be the last thing his victims ever hear. He was eventually caught and convicted of his crimes, with the prosecutor being none other than Miles Edgeworth.

Shi-Long Lang / 狼 士龍 (ろう しりゅう Rō Shiryū)

An agent with Interpol from the Republic of Zheng Fa, who worked with Edgeworth on a number of recent cases. You briefly encounter him during this case, though he is apparently bereft of his usual army of 100 subordinates.

Regina Berry / 立見 里香 (たちみ りか Tachimi Rika / ミリカ Mirika)

An animal tamer with the Berry Big Circus, who may stir fond memories of a certain case involving the blue-suited defence attorney. She is at the prison to perform a special animal show for the inmates.

Locations / 場所[edit | edit source]