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Base stats and attributes
Strength 16 + 1.7
Agility 15 + 1.5
Intelligence 22 + 3
Base damage 20-26
Move speed 290
Armor 1.1
Level 1 16 25
Hit Points 454 906 1609
Mana 286 832 1482
Damage 42-48 84-90 134-140
Armor 1 4 9
Sight Range 1800/800
Attack Range 600
Missile Speed 900

Lion is a ranged intelligence hero that is usually played as a support. He is known as one of the best heroes at crowd control with his Earth Spike and Hex, both of which are potent disables. He can also do massive burst damage with his Finger of Death ultimate. If he ever runs low on mana, he can easily steal it from his enemies. A very scary hero to go up against.

Abilities[edit | edit source]

Earth Spike[edit | edit source]

  • Ability: Target Unit, Target Point
  • Affects: Enemy Heroes
  • Damage Type: Magical
  • Damage: 60 / 130 / 200 / 260
  • Duration: 1.02 / 1.52 / 2.02 / 2.52
  • Length: 825
  • Mana Cost: 100 / 120 / 145 / 170
  • Cooldown: 12

Earth Spike makes a line of spikes shoot along the ground stunning and dealing damage to any enemy it hits. A very easy to land stun that can easily nail multiple enemies at a time. You can use it to initiate a potential gank or to stop an enemy's escape. It can also be used during teamfights to leave multiple enemy heroes vulnerable for a short while.

Hex[edit | edit source]

  • Ability: Target Unit
  • Affects: Enemy Heroes
  • Duration: 2.5 / 3 / 3.5 / 4
  • Mana Cost: 125 / 150 / 175 / 200
  • Cooldown: 30 / 25 / 20 / 15

Hex turns an enemy target into a harmless frog, rendering them unable to use spells as well as slowing them down to minimum movement speed. A very powerful disable, a hero that gets hexed will most likely die if there are teammates in the area. Use it one important and tanky enemy heroes during a teamfight, such as the enemy carry.

Mana Drain[edit | edit source]

  • Ability: Channeled, Target Unit
  • Affects: Enemy Heroes
  • Channel Time: 5
  • Mana Per Second: 20 / 40 / 60 / 120
  • Break Distance: 1200
  • Mana Cost: 10
  • Cooldown: 20 / 15 / 10 / 5

Mana Drain will let you steal mana from an enemy. It is a channeling spell, meaning that you are vulnerable when mana draining, and a target can simply move out of range to stop the draining. It is still very cheap mana-wise, and can steal up to 480 mana at level 4. Use it to annoy enemies endlessly when in lane or to replenish your mana while nullifying the threat of powerful enemy spellcasters.

Finger of Death[edit | edit source]

  • Ability: Target Unit
  • Affects: Enemy Heroes
  • Damage Type: Magical
  • Damage: 600 / 725 / 850
  • Scepter Damage: 725 / 875 / 1025
  • Mana Cost: 200 / 420 / 650
  • Cooldown: 160 / 100 / 40
  • Scepter Mana Cost: 200 / 400 / 625
  • Scepter Cooldown: 100 / 60 / 20

Finger of Death makes you shoot a bolt at the targeted unit, doing very high damage. At max level it is just slightly less powerful than Lina's Laguna Bolt, and makes you a very scary nuker. Use it to soften up durable enemy heroes or to kill off frail supports early.

Aghanim's Scepter can be bought by Lion and will increase the damage dealt by Finger of Death as well as reducing its cooldown and mana cost at level 3. It will also hit other enemy units within a 200 radius.

Skill and Item Builds[edit | edit source]

Suggested Skill Build[edit | edit source]

Suggested Item Build[edit | edit source]

Starting items[edit | edit source]

Early-game items[edit | edit source]

Core items[edit | edit source]

Luxury/Situational items[edit | edit source]

Strategy[edit | edit source]

Gameplay[edit | edit source]

Laning/Early-game[edit | edit source]

Mid-game/Teamfights[edit | edit source]

Late-game[edit | edit source]

Synergies[edit | edit source]

Skill synergies[edit | edit source]

Hero synergies[edit | edit source]

Countering Lion[edit | edit source]